Is Snake Pass the most comfy and enraging game out there?

Is Snake Pass the most comfy and enraging game out there?

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checkpoint system is so unforgiving

I got tired of the gimmick after 30 minutes and refunded it.

It's time to stop the collectathon meme

Is it worth £15 on steam?

Still havent bought the game or watched videos of it.

So what exactly is the game about?

>le comfy xD

fuck off back to r3ddit with your meaningless buzzword retard.

using that word is a clear sign of either shill or a retard

>calling anyone a retard when you just used "le" and "xD"


Collectathon, collect necessary gems to move forward, other stuff for e-peen. Your body is the puzzle and the solution. Apply snake physics to win

sounds fun, but are the controls responsive or is it frustrating?

Needs a bit of practice to get used to, but then it feels perfect.

Reminds me of the old platformer games for PS1 where the world was just a bunch of floating islands and everything else was a bottomless pit

Watch this

>we will never decent comfy threads anymore because of newfags like this being butt hurt and calling everything reddit

i miss those threads

Some parts get real annoying but it was worth $15

Why does the snake look derp af? Making me not interested in buying it.

>Why does the snake look based af?

>that immense lack of environments
>Each world is just a variation of Jungle Level
>Collectables do nothing but increase your completion percentage
>The "plot" isn't even revealed until the end of the game
>Entire game mechanic and difficulty is based around "how frustrating can we make the snake to control"

It's a cute snake tech demo but I wouldn't exactly call it a great game. I wouldn't be upset if it was 10 dollars cheeper but honestly I wish I just grabbed a couple of those Neo Geo games

they're fed up, probably burned out
you guys threw the word around too much and ruined it

He's a Vegetarian snake. He's pretty chill.

It pretty much is built like that yeah. But it's a Physic based platformer.

Nah. They're the same kinda guys that use "Not an argument." when in a discussion because they're trying to "win" it.
Comfy being a popular term annoys them because it's something that isn't objective.