

Steam when?

marvelous doesn't publish SK in the US, xseed does.

If it's not coming here though I'm going to steal your LE preorder and have it shipped here to Americastan :^)

XSeed IS Marvelous US.

One full year later, like always.

For SV it was almost 2 years, so who knows. PBS being localized for PS4 in so little time is already an achievement, so the steam version might take less than expected.

Early 2018 most likely.

It's almost like you have no idea how this usually works.

>Europe likes tits
>America is scared of tits
>Europe gets game with tits
Yeah, same as awlays


Fuck piss4.

next year


Faggots should hurry up then.

He's right though

>package with PBS just arrived to my country
>western localization announced the same day

The US "limited" edition will probably be shit as always anyway.

good to know, I expected this to not even come stateside until 2018 at the earliest but if Marvelous EU is doing it in the summer then I have to assume it's just the same translation that XSEED is using so it'll be out around the same timeframe.

I just fapped to some Senran Kagura


americucks btfo again

This guy hates happy boobs.

captcha: 1400 douche

what a coincidence, I'm about to fap to some Senran Kagura.

those yaomai sets of the who wave girls are too good

Why can't we have a Senran game with textures? Why do the swimwear and clothes look like colored construction paper?

This doesnt mean it wont be released in US?

I'm confused here.

I want to lick Shiki's beauty mark.

It just means you have to wait for XSEED to make the announcement for the US like always. I imagine it'll be later today or tomorrow.

>Why do the swimwear and clothes look like colored construction paper?
Why do you think the shit shreds so easily?

It most likely be, XSEED were the ones that have made the SK localizations all this time while Marvelous EU only publishes them in Europe though this time the situation might be different.


It's just a joke, but really, it's hard to know anything until xseed announce it themselves.

I'm going to marry Yumi!

>anything but the pocomo premium 3d animations

>ecchi shovelware

It's fucking nothing

>the last image on the post is haruka and hikage
BASED EU know us well

someday takaki will notice

for a second there I was getting pretty triggered

>someday takaki will notice
He will notice when Japan stops buying anything with Yumi's face on it, which means not anytime soon.

don't worry man I'll get one with an original in a bit just for you

Hikage is already really popular, to the point of getting 2nd place in the PBS poll (wouldn't be surpirsed if it was thanks to western votes), and then there was that daki (with kat and renka, but still), so I'm sure they know at least she's pretty popular on this side.

But when's the steam release?

fall 2018 if you're lucky

the light was epic

Will have anti-tamper system?

I dunno, did Estival Versus?

then we will have infinite cards with shields.

>Switch when
But there's already a SK game on mobiles

Is it ever explained why Hikage has slit pupils?

Sup Forums was created to talk about anime fuck off normie

Probably done one of those surgeries to look more freaky/punkish. She likes to have tattoos and green hair (which I assume is dyed) too after all.

>double bikini

I hate this meme fashion. What is even the point?

to make my dick hard, it's working

Didn't the SK dev say he had an idea with HD Rumble?

Yes, and that he was working on a project for Switch, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's going to be senran related, even less a PBS port.

One looks like swimwear one looks like standard undergarment though.

WHY though?

Oh no, Yumi is sick! Please take care of her, Sup Forums.

>localizing another senran game
>they dont know

no point, we might as well end her misery now

You know how when you go to the beach sometimes you put your swimming trunks/pants under regular shorts so you don't have to change in a lockroom?


that makes no sense!

Extra armor obviously. Gotta raise that DEF up somehow.

>check xseed's twitter
>posted something like five minutes ago with a picture of tiddy ninjas

it's happenin

I'll continue to not buy it now that its being localized

Is this one any better than estival or shinovi

This news pleases my dick.

A titty fuck will help, right?

There's going to be an announcement soon that Marvelous EU is going to rebrand as Marvelous Int. This is mainly due to the complaints about how XSEED handles special editions and the overall release of localizations in North America. Marvelous EU is more equipped to handle proper marketing and merchandise.

It's completely different. It's a TPS with water guns with a water park theme to it.

I'll tape her to my PC so she can keep it cool!

Because she's a snek user



they should announce PBS for PC, i'm not going to wait one year this time (and SK are selling as good as on console so there is no reason for delaying them)

>muslim countries get an erotic game protagonized by lolis before america does
Why Im not surprised

I got just the thing.


>SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash comes to North America this summer for PS4!


Why does no one on Sup Forums what loli is?

??? Americaland got every game in the series, most earlier than Europestan.

>for PS4