Light Gun / Rail Shooter

Check out what I just bought, \V\!

Didn't even know these ports existed until recently.

Can we have a Light Gun / Rail Shooter thread with an emphasis on home console / PC? Games that use a traditional controller are OK too. It's a great genre!

What are some must owns?

Other games I have:

Sin & Punishment: SS
Link's Crossbow Training
House of the Dead 2 & 3
House of the Dead Overkill

House of the Dead 4

Games I want:
>Resident Evil Chronicles games


Other urls found in this thread:

you forgot time crisis

Which should I get? 4 and Razing Storm?

ghost squad for wii

House of the Dead 1 is the best game in the series. It even has a-OK PC port, but it's unfortunately based on the Saturn version, which had quite a major visual downgrade.

I tried to pick that up recently, and the guy sent me one that looked like it had been thrown off a cliff.

Why is 1 the best?

Is 4 good? I bought it but haven't played it yet.

I played the arcade version on a PC using an emulator a few years ago (wasn't MAME, forgot what it was called) and it worked fine

Lel, the thing that made LA Machineguns so great in arcades is the fact that it WASN'T a light gun game. It was controlled by the hinge holding the gun, and was precise as fuck because of that.

>Why is 1 the best?
Because it's an actual HOUSE of the dead. Quite clear RE1 / Reanimator homage in general, with mad doc re-animating and splicing monsters into existence.

>is 4 good?
Only ever played it briefly in an arcade. They seem to only downgrade the gore effects with each new game; I don't think 4 had dismemberment at all!

It's better to have then not have though. That gun was great. I miss it.

>no dismemberment

Why the hell would they do that? I thought in HotD Overkill it was still there.

You stupid cunt

1 looks pretty great.

Yeah, I like to own the games, play them around my house and at friends' houses, etc. Now go back to your corner.

tfw no House of the Dead collection on modern hardware with VR support

I guess some things just aren't meant to be.

I love these games because they have a low enough skill floor to get anyone involved, and high enough to satisfy good players. It's just objectively fun.

Gal*Gun is the best.

RIP. If you don't already have it check out the Wii port of Ghost Squad. It's fuckin rad.

>House of the Dead 1 is the best game in the series.
Typing of the Dead is the best.

I'm actually gonna get these. I like pretending to be a weeb sometimes, and I prefer shootin' to musou.

I just got a message from the guy who sent me a beat up re-sealed game as new that he's refunding me and I get to keep the game. I guess I'll open it up and play it now.

Any idea about the RE Chronicles games?

Does anyone care?

Grab time crisis razing storm

I never heard of this game
downloading ISOs
Setting up Wii

Thanks OP

Are you like a stupid child who refuses to eat his food because the different food items are touching on the plate? Is it a blog to mention on Sup Forums which games one owns or is interested in?

Maybe no one cares about you IRL and that's why you're being a faggot? I dunno.

Lack of dismemberment is the only flaw in HotD4, it excels in every other factor and is my personal favorite

and why would you say 1 is the best when 2 blows it out of the water

Who is \V\
Is this bait?
We're Sup Forums

Looking into that. Is 4 good?

Was Time Crisis ever on the Wii?

Missed opportunity

>Sin & Punishment: SS

best game on the wii, have my impression of it in paint.

also on the wii: dead space extraction, resident evil light gun game(s?). all great.

>food analogy

4's cool
Razing storm is also cool
Deadstorm Pirates steals the show but it's kinda short

I like that painting, bub.

I am curious about the RE games. They've been on my radar. Are they good or just ok?

I've never been interested in the Dead Space series, so I thought maybe I could avoid that. But, I'll consider it if it's particularly good.

Damn, dude. You should apply to be a mod with that ability to perform your meme-fu with such clarity and control!

>muh blog
>muh food analogy

It's like you're trying to prove to someone on the internet that you spend way too much time here or something. Really made me think, bro. Is Millhouse a meme yet, btw?

You're sperging out again. Find me an analogy that adults would use and keep your thoughts focused on the subject matter at hand.

they are good, i like them better than house of the dead ones. dead space game is amazing.

Ok, cunt. I'll get back to you pronto.

Calm your autism tits

Thanks for everybody's suggestions. Particularly GalGun, Dead Space, and the Time Crisis games. Will be adding them to my collection soon.