This is a PS4 game.
This is a PS4 game
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PS4 owners are all pedophiles. We know.
Don't even start when you have shower with your dad simulator
What's with Japan's preference for women built like 11 year old boys?
Consoles will NEVER EVER get actual eroge
It's a genetic and cultural thing
This is a shit thread.
And you're a shit head.
Aren't Gust usually a bit more subtle and restrained with their fanservice? They seem to be going all out with this game.
Says the fanbase of a company that has a character that attracts all sorts of lolicons
Fuck sony, I can't wait till the lead sony guy dies. I'll make a youtube video laughing and celebrating. Fuck sony-ggers.
Nintendo can't help that pedophiles obsess over Ashley, a character they never once sexualized
you are both degenerates
Woah is this real life?
1/3 of the world, according to science. Loli is the best, no matter your nationality.
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Game looks great
how much purest form of love is in this game?
whoa since when did pol put a copyright on that word? Is it finally happening?
I dunno.
I'm still early and don't care about Yuri. So far though, 0%
They actually did but you were too young and american to experience it.
Fuck off leaf
Nice desu ne~
>a character they never once sexualized
She's like the main attraction in the badge arcade. They put her in a skimpy mummy costume.
God why is that rabbit so punchable? It's like worse than anything EA ever did
If you can't make them fuck and/or get naked, then what's the purpose of buying it? Enjoy your censored underperforming console.
>This is a PS4 game
Ever since Ar Tonelico 3 subtlety went out the window and then when KT acquired them it's just been.. weird.
It's literally their last resort to survive.
>PS4 owners are all pedophiles. We know.
since we now live in a time of normalized faggotry and trannies with kids undergoing horomone therapy tell me why pedos are still considered bad.
>equating two people who love each other who happen to be of the same sex, and those born in the wrong body, with sick fucks who want to prey on children
You disgust me.
>Liking cartoon girls means you're a pedophile
There's that meme again
>tripfag with shit taste
nothing to see here
>you'll never lie down with your head between their legs and drink all that shower water
why even live bros
>Enjoying visual stimuli in the form of a childlike figure is somehow different than enjoying visual stimuli in the form of a childlike figure
Keep lying to yourself.
>/u/ shit
Nice try shillsan
what game
>killing someone in a video game is the same as killing someone in real life
>No one said anything about acting IRL
Shows where your mind is
Goo Detection
Loli's don't look like real children in any shape or form.
Go outside for once.
>Average Japanese schoolgirl
>all become blonde blue-eyed Aryan master race after transformation
What did Gust mean by this
>Loli's don't look like real children in any shape or form.
Are you saying loli's aren't drawn to look childlike?
Pro Tip: He won't
>Loli's don't look like real children in any shape or form.
>Go outside for once.
Says the virgin that never goes outside.
Fact is: You're fapping to children. You're a pedo and should be killed off for being defective.
Is this coming to PC eventually or should I buy it on Vita?
>You're fapping to children
>thinking fake children are real children
Wew lad so if I jerk off to a dragon does that mean I should kill myself?
2D > 3D
We don't know how dedicated Gust is to PC, it's a toss up.
>These shitty looking graphics are always acceptable if Sony does it
Which confuses me more of why people complain that consoles have to be more "powerful" when japanese devs just make simple looking shit like this all the time.
It's on KT to handle that and that will depend if they want to localize the game or not.
>"I'm fapping to kids, but they're FAKE KIDS!"
Coping so hard.
>Wew lad so if I jerk off to a dragon does that mean I should kill myself?
Lolis are the best.
And 1/3rd of the world is in poverty.
>it's not pedophilia it's HEBEphilia, you're a fucking idiot
Yes user, not Japan, not America, not Europe, but only third world countries consume videogames with young cartoon girls on it.
>dad walks in
>does a 360 and walks away
>thinking lolis look like real children
Oh (You)
Then say that to most of Sup Forums. We all have weird fetishes on this fucking image board.
Yes user, Japan, America and Europe account for a third of the world population and no one who lives there is in poverty.
>>thinking lolis look like real children
user, they look like twelvies, you're beating your meat to children
>no one who lives in Europe is in poverty
>you're beating your meat to children
Who aren't real. Again your argument falls flat.
The most normal of philias. You're on the wrong site if you're trying to convert me.
I was being sarcastic.
this thread is a perfect example why shitty companies like treehouse and atlus censors games or not bring these games out at all
stay classy murrica
You really, really think that poverty has anything to do with young cartoon girls? That people that have the luxury to buy vidya with them on it are poor and miserable or something?
Tell me user, about your theory of how poverty correlates with loli manga and videogames.
Stop being angry at cartoon girls, westcucks.
>a minority like thing
>this means thing is good
This is Hinako
>Who aren't real.
which makes you no less disgusting, you're on the same level as toddlercons
>The most normal of philias.
still degenerate
i'm not trying to convert you, i'm trying to make you realize why you should off yourself
have they finally succeeded at making a pure character?
they had several porn games on the saturn.
>i'm not trying to convert you, i'm trying to make you realize why you should off yourself
Nice try. Was going to get off my loli fetish anyways but no you had to give me the worst most cliche response. KYS.
He only said that's not only Japan that likes this kind of character.
>majority dislikes thing
>it means is bad
Like every single AAA game right?
It's a niche, it's good for the people that enjoy that. The fact that games like this are still being made is proof that it's demographic is influential enough to support it.
>implying he's a nintendo fan
This is a Nintendo game for children.
Or is it OK when Nintendo does it?
There's always that one pedo in these threads who tries his hardest to rationalize his sick attraction as normal.
Those are some pretty spacious showers
>i'm tired of people not understanding my lust for minors, telling me to go kill myself is such a tired cliche ! :(
Any webms of a battle sequence?
>he's into lolis when superior 10/10 women like pic related are a thing
>All rights reserved
What did she mean by this?
>thinking that lolis are real minors
Oh man how delusional. -_-
that's because children are impressionable and adult women always see right through pedos.
>i wanna dick cartoon children, at least they're not REAL children
You people need to calm down and
Why does Sup Forums immediately think of pedophilia when they see a child in a video game?
People buying basically softcore porn when there is tons of it online for free bothers me a hundred times more than people being into lolis. I mean you're basically contributing to the asshole of the weebshit industry for shitty gameplay and anime tiddies that you can find everywhere got free. If something like senran kagura was released without tits bouncy at you every seconds or anything sexual at all I doubt the series would be anything but dead. Though its their money and I honestly don't care if you spent 1k on a ton of shit.
>dude I totally want to control what you jerk off to everyday even if you figure out it's not real.
Gee, I wonder.
probably because you don't usually get the impression that EA is targeting small children with their crazy disgusting microtransaction bullshit.
I like both, oyakodon is the best.
Not to mention Neptunia. If it wasn't chock full of sexed up kids no one would be buying that shit.
>not liking lolis and milfs equally
get on my level fags