Buy pic related as a wee young lad

>buy pic related as a wee young lad
>bretty gud, but MP looks better
>friends and I are all too poor to buy 4 GBAs and cords to connect them to GC
>forget about it until early 20s, find GBA-GC link cables online for cheap
>buy 4, go to thrift store with 3 friends
>find GBAs for less than $10 each, buy them
>start new game, first time ever experiencing MP
>it's GOAT
>feelings I've never felt from playing a game before, such a unique adventure with time spent with good friends
>few years later now, friends all live in different cities, have jobs or school to attend
>tfw will never experience this game in its full glory ever again

Why does it hurt so much, bros?

Other urls found in this thread:

I wonder if the Wii's controller ports work with the link cable?

Because they're too fucking stupid to make a proper sequel despite having the technology for it

>F-FF Explorers..!
They tried to copy MH halfassedly, the combat would have worked great in a chronicles setting, but they just had to suck that open world cock

They do, that's what we played on. Used component cables for progressive scan.

>watch cousin playing
>goes to cool island to do trampoline mini game to get some material for ultima
>need to get some stupid high score but each jump only gets one point
>keeps failing
>I try
>pressing buttons in the middle of jump nets more points per jump
He was pretty stoked to find that out

Best game in the CC series.

oh, what's this?


Crystal chronicles quite possibly has one of the best OSTs ever made for a game. Also how is it possible that over 15 years later it still looks fantastic? The GCN had some serious under utilized power

It recycles a lot of assets from IX, but fuck if I mind cause I love both of them. The visual design is great and in terms of gameplay they just will never release anything quite like it ever again.

guess Ill dump my wallpapers I fixed up


This game is the best multiplayer experience I had with vidya in my whole life.
I only played it with a friend and it still was absolute great.
But somehow we stoped seeing each other and I didn' saw him since 7 years or so. Recently saw him and he studies at the same place as mine. He is an absolute wreck. Has depression meltdowns, takes anti-depressants and doesn't look a bit happy. I don't know what to feel. He was a complete bro and didn't have any friends beside me. I kinda feel like shit.

>tfw this song
>tfw never play this game multiplayer again because my friends now are coplete faggots not opening for anything different



probably my Brother and My Top coop game
Played the shit out of that 2 players and we had a time of our lives. We remember our play through to this day. The last boss was mind blowing


>DS connects wirelessly to Wii
>3Ds the same and with Wii U
>SE never makes another CC game like this
Fucking assholes

At least you got to try the multiplayer, I never had the chance, still I loved every second of it since it's the only FF game that really made me feel like I was going in an adventure.

FFCC was super atmospheric since you weren't travelling to defeat an ancient evil and save the world, even though you actually end up doing it kinda by accident it was all about keeping the tradition so your town would survive.


>tfw the intro to this dungeon



this was one of the most garbage games ive ever played

Is this playable on Dolphin? Does netplay work? I'd love to get some friends together and play this but I no longer have a Wii, and I definitely don't have 4 GBAs + link cables.


loser with no friends


I think this game was fucked over by the gbas. The gamplay and inventory was simple enough to all be displayed on one screen so I don't get why they forced the issue so hard. Something like four sword I understand but this wasn't as justifiable. When it was coming out I was absolutely obsessed with the tone and world. The real issue was when you started replaying levels though. The gameplay didn't feel deep enough hold up beyond initial reveals. I wanted to play the other ones but they got rid of the chalice and that was my favorite part.


Switch remake when.


You should play more games then. Despite its flaws, it doesn't come anywhere close to a garbage game. At worst, it's meh

Literally me with the headband and black socks

No it wasn't you would have to constantly pause the game if you played via 4 player

this piece of music, is probably my favorite song from the entire final fantasy series. THAT DRUM DOU!!!!!!!!!