MEGA is dead, pirates BTFO

MEGA is dead, pirates BTFO

I'm glad this was just a ruse

lol try downloading anything off there. Files are still up but downloads won't start.

megaupload sucks now btw

How do we stop him from taking away all our copies?

Well shit

works fine on my machine

Works for me ;)

Wait, I can't download anything off there either.....

Is this a troll or real, is it actually down?

They said the same thing after indicted. He's still in New Zealand last I heard. You can't cripple the business model unless you can indict the entire Internet, or invade filesharing havens like the solomon islands, which I think are 90% server banks by land mass.

works on my machine

>tfw usenet

Wgy am is nazi the anaime

oh bumbaclot

there was still so much shit I put off downloading

The app still works, for what it's worth.

>you need to create an account to download 1gb
>you need to pay to download 2 gb or more

fuck mega

what does the M stand for? It looks familliar.

Currently download a very poor looking serval cosporn set from a place I know that uses mega, and it's going to be complete in a minute. You're full of shit.

Did you fall for that meme recently or when Sup Forums was pushing it ironically five years ago?

>tfw cuck
What did he mean by this?

Works with Jdownloader still, bois.

remember to get pissed off and do something about your anger or your depression won't go away

>not using Jdownloader

I think this is the M you're looking for, burger.

Megadownloader bypasses the limit, I think Jdownloader does too

I fell for that meme when a certain version of a game literally didn't exist anywhere else on the internet.

>pirates BTFO

Usenets gone to shit. Use to be great for finding stuff but it's getting used less and less these days which means it's basically got no content on it anymore (unless you pay for an expensive service with years of retention).

I take it back, set is good, the model isn't.

I literally unironically just downloaded the new Samurai Jack episodes from there.

when is Kim going to release Megaupload 2?

I'll miss those high-quality album uploads that Sup Forums used to have up there.

I'm a virgin.

>MEGA is dead, pirates BTFO
Who the fuck uses MEGA for pirating games?
I use it when i need to upload things for uni like multimedia projects and shit.

Nobody is using MEGA for pirating games so stop with the meh b8.

We all are

I wish.

MEGA is being used for everything these days

I just a bunch of wii games from there.


>not free and open source software such as uGet or free download manager

Call me when FBI manages to shutdown every private tracker in the world

Don't be silly, the F.B.I can't do that. It's the C.I.A that has the E.M.P satellites.

For some reason I've been unable to download anything in a folder. I can still get it with jdownloader though.