Planet Coaster

>Try to discuss game
>Some poorfag assblasted piratefuck immidiately starts derailing the thread hurr durr its got denuvo so its stupid


So anyway..

Anyone hyped for the upcoming update?

Have they fixed their fucking game yet?

Had to play below 20 fucking fps. Above 2000 visitors and it starts to fucking lag. What a shittily optimized game. Until they optimize it so it's playable I'll not play this shit.

It's because of Denuvo.

post your specs

such a shame the actual management aspect is mediocre

I am sad the fox never took off really in the porn community

true though this game is more for the builders

the management sucks

>try to play the game offline
>cant start it because of denuvo
And the performance is horrible, the management portion of the game is shallow, there is far too little content and there are no mods either

Every other game runs on high - ultra, this shit won't even run good on low - off.

>run out of ideas before I fill up my park

Denuvo wins again!

>>try to play the game offline
>>cant start it because of denuvo
it only requires one time activation

unless you want to use workshop

your cpu is on the weak side and its hot as fuck

I know its more for builders but I honestly love the combination of both the building and management

it just feels more real if the nice things you created were possible through clever budget juggling and have a notable effect on your income

same thing happened with Cities: Skylines. It all looks nice, sure, but when it comes to the actual city management SC4 still has it beat

One time activation every 48 hours or so

yeah true man i wish planet coaster had the same management as cities skylines

i dont like the UI either, definately needs some improvements

I am hoping we will get it with the new update but you never hear anything about management aspect

as far as I know this is a myth and it only requires one time activation unless you reinstall or something

>and its hot as fuck
It's because I'm currently playing a game and I have several chome tabs up.

If you try to launch it offline and you havent played it for more than a few days you just get an error, telling you to go online

I'd say at this point they realized they're not going to be drawing in a lot of customers by focusing on management, that ship has sailed.
They're going to, very likely, fully commit to the creative aspects and honestly that's fine. I just wish there was an alternative.

Even people with a top tier i7 run into performance problems with the game. No matter what, your game will start to run like shit when your park hits a certain population. It's all about guest AI, it's not Denuvo or anything. Load up a big ass park right now and hit the pause button, 60 FPS. Press play again, 20 FPS. Doesn't matter where your camera is in the park or anything, it's all the simulation in the background going on and raping the CPU, nothing to do with graphics though there are a few intense graphic settings worth lowering too, so you can at least get 20 FPS instead of 10 FPS.

The guest simulation is the reason, that's all there is to it. Anyone who says "works for me :)" has only played it for thirty minutes and has 200 people in their park.

I have a 3570k, 980ti, W10 and 24g of ram. I have never run into this issue.

The one thing I hate is that yell you get when you try to place a building somewhere where it doesn't fit. Happens all the time and you can't disable it. They could also work on the preplacement hitboxes. It's pretty boring to have to remove or relocate all the scenery when you're replacing a ride, just to move it back because now it somehow fits again.

How many guests in your park, unless you're just yanking my chain here?

Git a gud rig peasant.

idk. Guess I haven't take too many screen shots and I uninstalled the game a while ago due to there being no challenge.

ok well luckely i have had internet for the past 15 years and bought the game so i dont really care

What the fuck are you doing to have such high temps?

I have a decent one, I just need to upgrade my cpu and clean it more often. If I wouldn't have fallen for the 970 meme card I'd buy a 1070 but as of now it's not worth it for me.

Yeah, small park. The issue starts to arise at around 2000 guests and totally shits the bed by 3000, from what I remember. The performance is directly related to the guest count. Someone with an i7 might be able to handle more guests, but naturally you're going to be working to get more and more guests in your park and it will start to run like shit eventually. They need to simplify the AI somehow. It seems like they do in some way by making them walk in groups, but it's still not enough. I'd rather have retarded AI than AI that kills performance.

Yay, a couple of crap rides and probably a couple of half assed "scenery pieces". The game should be called "workshop coaster" because you can either rely on the workshop to make great stuff or slog through the horrible placement tools to make your own works.

Can you make paths part of designs yet?

whats wrong with the placement tools?

They work for me :)
Seriously though, once you figure it out correctly it goes quickly, the way you can snap shit to a grid and everything. Way nicer on my autism than RCT2 was.

Spore did it better. X/Y/Z and no reshape just leads to having to fight the engine to design instead of allowing emergent design. The majority of workshop designs are creative workarounds rather than outright brillance.

Dude it's been much higher than that. Your system is likely just very weak.

well i see a problem with currently available pieces but the placement works fine, you can move and rotate it in every possible XYZ direction so the placement is literally unlimited (except you cant rotate walls etc to make them as ceilings that kinda sucks)

and we need UGC badly because I need smaller and thinner stock shapes

just keep spamming the forums on how we want UGC, they do acknowledge the community but not enough about certain subjects

The game is so comfy it almost hurts.

Better than shit isn't good. It's just kneed deep. Why can't they allow resizing of common objects, 360 degree rotations, a whole bunch of seemingly easy things that they're not using? I can understand if they said "this is difficult coding" or "it'll take work but we're looking into it" but they're just putting out more pre-fab roller coasters. They're pissing away their own potential.

>Try to get into it
>End up spending hours trying to plan shit out way too hard
>Never make any progress

I just can't get into it for some reason. I can start designing fine in RCT2, but PC I just sit there and stare at my screen like a retard and never actually get anywhere.


I forget the exact number, been a few months. I also remember that entering the coaster builder drops performance a shit load too. So if you have 3000 guests and then enter the coaster builder, it drops another 15 FPS. It has something to do with the outline it puts on the ride because sometimes even just highlighting it lowers FPS. Same thing with UI elements in other unoptimized games like XCOM 2, where the grenade splash damage indicator will drop FPS a lot. Or even in Zelda where the magnesis overlay will lower the FPS even more.

i have the same with every sim game

i just am too OCD to finish something nice and always start something and then halfway cant bother anymore

There's 360 degrees if you don't use the grid. The grid is specifically for buildings you want to be perfect. Though there are occasions where it would be nice to be able to rotate in grid mode, I'll admit.


they are falseflagging leafs


its really comfy as fuck

it doesnt reach rct1 rain levels of comfyness but its getting there

impressive for a current gen game, literally the cities skylines of coaster theme park games


Did they launch their april update? If so I'm behind the times and will recuse myself. If not the *360* if rotational movement was not anywhere close to allowing customisation and the majority of good workshop items seemed to be labouring under the placement system instead of working with it. Spore could do scaling, and if spore can do it, anything else should be able to.

it really is, on a similar note I still wonder how RCT:World ended up as the Simshitty of park games

must be that atari magic

They're too stoned to false flag. They just rely on coaster tycoon goons to fanboy it up.

rctworld is just like simcity or the sims

they think just because they use the name of a once good franchise it will also be good

luckely games like Cities Skylines or Planet Coaster save our beloved genres. I am only wondering what company will save the Sims franchise by making their own?

No update yet. When you hit X while mvoing or placing an object, you can slide it along three dimensions. If you hit X again, you can rotate in three dimensions. The same way as in a 3D modeling program. So when not in grid mode, it is actually impossible to have better rotation than what is in the game. However, there is no scaling, that should be a thing.

sofar the Sims games have all been fairly decent, guess EA knows better than to fuck with their money cows

NoLimits 2 > Planet Coaster

untill sims 4

the series got ruined with sims 4

in terms of coaster realism and design of course

but it isn't a full on theme park game, its more of an editor

Wasn't Sims 4 a complete disaster, though? To me it seems like Battlefield is the only EA series that manages to even be playable now.

Sims 4 wasn't good but it wasn't a disaster either

nothing quite as stupid as their Simcity reboot

I understand the full 3d movement, and full 3d rotation, but there's no resizing. The ability to make a rock bigger or smaller makes your options exponentially bigger in a game like this. I've seen a great many designs use over lapping rocks and other objects because while the game (thankfully) has no collison for scenery it doesn't allow you to resize them. "the pirate skull is always this big, so if you want to make a king king skull island gate you're up shit creek. Your imagination has to work with our lego pieces". It found that to be lazy design and extremly limited, considering the plethora of pieces they give otherwise.

>spend half an hour building a coaster before opening it
>"Dick coaster looks too intense for me"
>coaster is launched empty 10 times in a row
>open the graph and the fear meter is off the charts
>look up guides and bank turns
>the fear gets even worse
>try the smoothing tool which does nothing
>most popular attraction in the park is the clown bathroom
>remake the entire coaster from scratch with wide ass turns and plenty of time to slow down
>fear is still terrible
>last played: one month ago

I tried

user! Your cpu is very hot!

Sims 4 was an absolute disaster

especially for the builders

>No Open World
>No Vehicles
>No pools/basements etc in base game
>Smallest lots ever (50x50 instead of 64x64)
>Alot of other shit missing from the previous games
>No create a style
>No terraforming (SERIOUSLY MAN WTF)
>Loading screen when going to the neighbours
>Fake background
>Fake buildings
>Only like a few houses per neighbourhood
>Etc etc etc

it literally is only fun for little girls, not if you like to enjoy building your dream house or just generally having fun with the game

There should be resizing, yeah. The no collision is what makes me still love it, though. I like how in RCTW you can't even place trees near each other because there is just a boundary box around all of them so even two leaves can't touch. Just from what I've seen in a video at least, didn't buy that trash. It's like, nigger, why even have collision at all? Yeah, it doesn't make sense to have some things collide, but who is purposely trying to make their park look bad on purpose anyway? And if they are, so what? Let the player decide if he's a retard or not. Same should apply to scaling though. Would be such an easy addition. Better yet, I wish the game had real modding like Cities: Skylines.

It helps to have a general idea how roller coasters work

or just have the slightest idea about physics and g-forces

do you maybe got a screenshot of the coaster? im sure we can help you

why gooo to the theme park when you can build it

Sorry senpai no screens and I can't hop in game without downloading it.

>I wish the game had real modding like Cities: Skylines.

desu this is the only downside

the game is too constricted and we cant do anything yet, there isnt even a single mod out. If you like this game and want it to be future proof I suggest asking about this on the forums untill a dev responds, they usually do once enough people ask

My fellow poster of good standing.

Unofficial mods are stopped by Denuvo. I usually hate "le Denuvo sucks" memes, but it is true in regards to modding. They could certainly include mod tools still, though.

the thing is the devs keep saying denuvo doesnt stop the game from modding only the tampering with the .exe file which you dont really do anyway

so why can cities skylines have mods but planet coaster not?

How is this game?

>the devs keep saying
Remember when StarDock told people that their DRM wasn't spying on people or using rootkits?
It was and the parent company eventually sued their DRM provider because it turned out that they were, and worse.

if you want a modern day rct this is the game you need

if you want a sophisticated theme park manager this doesnt score so well since management is very shallow, it's perfect for builders though

Yeah but so far nobody seems to care about modding or UGC. There is like a group of 5 different people on the forums actually asking about this every once in a while. It would really help if more people would ask about modding but you also have this small group of retards going omg dont you like the game this game doesnt need modding blabla. It just sucks. I wish more people would go on the forums and say yeah this game is cool but for the long-livety we need some fucking mods. Just have a look at cities skylines. nobody would play that shit if it didnt have the mods it has today. We just need to bring modding under the attention of more people because we dont seem to be going anywhere with it


It's obvious about the april update notes is that they devs like building coasters and that's it. Any crap they put together out of their own limited lego box of scenery pieces is boring comparered to what people do with less, and their coasters are uninspired. It's quickly becoming apparent they're programmers who can make it happen, but there's nothing more so they can't make it look nice or figure out a good toolkiit for workshop devs beyond "place amd reshape our generic models".

Their first update that just had set pieces put together without much imagination paraded as "scenery sets" proved it.

oh yeah i definately agree the stock coasters suck ass

also i dont give a fuck about stock blueprints

however they are gonna increase the blueprint limit from 2k to 4k pieces so thats kinda cool

i just need UGC badly. This is the one thing holding the game back at the moment

>2k to 4k pieces so thats kinda cool
It is. My issue is why do we consider bug fixing like this to be a good thing rather than asking them why they launched such a borked game?

They exlpoited the fans, and are expecting us to give them much more leeway than they deserve.
I feel like the fans are suffering from battered wife syndrome. We know what they can do, so when they don't deliver we accept it, because we know they mean to do better.

Biggest problem I have with PC is that it has way to big of a focus on scenery. If you are trying to play chalange mode making money is a bitch cause no one wants to stay cause you don't have a que line with $20000 worth of bullshit.

My only other gripe is that height markers on coasters is retarded and that majority of the rides have some sort of theme to them. Luckily they listen to the fans and are making the rides look a lot more generic looking.

Also prevents .dll files and a few other things from being modified

They focus on scenery because they're bankrupt with ideas. That's why it's all coasters,becuase they only require a cart deisgn. It's why when they put out their first patch their stock park scenery sets were generic as crap. The dev team are developers and they can't seen to accept that. Either because they want to justify a higher price for the game, are vainglorious, or this project was a way to get their names into the industry that grew too big and they don't wan't to get tied to a project that is big, but bigger than they can deliver and so will fail. The balloon is big and now they screaming for hopfuls to hold the ropes so they can leave with the money they hoped to earn, wtihout the hatred that often comes with it.