Is anyone else actually hype for this? I never owned a Wii U and it looks great

Is anyone else actually hype for this? I never owned a Wii U and it looks great.

I legit am.
Me and the GF both really wanted the WII U but I had a feeling it would have a short life cycle and so we held off.

I wanna get rid of everything else and just be a Switch + PC bro

The Switch in general is pretty godly for those who skipped the Wii U.

No anti gravity added nothing new, nerfed bikes, and 2 weapon slots makes it even more casual and less about actual racing. Also worst rainbow road

I would if I didn't own it for the Wii U. In my eyes that's the best Mario Kart game there is.

A portable Mario Kart 8 with a revamped battle mode and extra characters?

Yeah I'm hyped.

I had it for wiiU but I'm still getting it for the switch so I can bring it to friends and play with friends at restaurants and shit like while waiting for food. Al's that new battle mode looks fun as hell

Gamecube mario kart is best mario kart.

>i never owned a wiiu 'cause i dont care about nintendo games

Hyped as fuck famalam. Played the fuck out of the n64 version as a kid, played the 3ds version and had fun but am really looking forward to some big screen mario kart again

i want to play it with a cute girl

I own MK8 on Wii U with all DLC and will still probably get it. The battle modes looks cool and I'm glad you can have 2 items now. Also Sup Forumseekend will come back.

If you never played it on Wii U then it's an absolute must-buy on Switch. It's one of the best racing games of this gen.

it barely added anything new and I'm not gonna get a whole new console plus paid online to play a game I already own on a different console

*party game

No. I've put in over 1,500 hours into MK8 and I've had my fill.

Can't wait for Sup Forumseekend to come back

It's called the road, it's the rainbow road. It is a road that you go.

>i want to play it with a cute girl

you can want all you want. doesn't mean it will ever happen user.

a fair amount of the people that played on Sup Forumseekend probably wont get it

I am and I already played some 200 hours of MK8 on the WiiU.

>all DLC included
>purple boosting
>dual items
>1080p60fps locked
>full battle arena with multiple new game modes and new arena tracks
>new items, characters, karts and parts

It's going to be great. Sup Forumseekends will be very alive again.

Fuck off Wiifag. Bikes were overpowered

And many new people that didn't will join it, what's your point?

And a lot of people who didn't play on Sup Forumseekend probably will.

>hyped by a literal port with maybe 2 new tracks and 3 new cars

Meanwhile you faggots shitted on the vita for doing something similar while this one is a praise

I just wit h it had new cups. Even 1 new cup would be a great.

Eh, had it on the WiiU so meh on rebuying it. Good game though.

Ironically I am half hype
don't know why

>best Mario Kart
>even better
>plus portable

>is anyone else hype

none really, just saying since i know a few guys who played who won't be getting it, at least not on release

Can't wait to play this shit in tabletop mode together with a friend.

New mode though

You sure are missing out on some other changes

I'm very excited, I played with friends a lot on wii u, but I don't get as much free time anymore so portable is perfect for me

and if my friends ever feel like a game, it'll just be in my backpack :)

For some reason, having two item spots alone makes me want it.

I played over 500 hours of it on the Wii u. It was my first Mario kart since n64. I'll buy this and probably get a couple hundred hours.

It makes me sad that I have no friends to enjoy it with locally.

what went wrong with you?

Nintendo port over an old game to a new console and charge full price
>Nintendo are gods
Anybody else does it
>Wow fucking Jews what the hell

I want to have a "Mario Kart ultimate". It should have all race tracks there have ever been in Mario Kart games.

idk, some of them just aren't that exciting
>all dlc included
almost everyone was expecting at LEAST a new cup or two, for a full price enhanced port
>purple drift and dual items
both are neato, but small changes
>1080p60fps locked
is this true? if so, that's dope
>full battle arena with multiple new game modes and new arena track
i've never really cared that much for the battle area, definitely cool for those that like it though
>new items, characters, karts and parts
for the items, they are battle mode only which really sucks. for the rest, there seems to be only a very few new characters/karts/parts added, but theres still not enough info to say that there isn't more perhaps

I don't get it. How can you be hyped for this and yet you never picked up a Wii U? Especially since the only other big Switch game at the moment is also a Wii U port?

Did you just not know MK8 even existed back in 2014 or something? There was always the "I'm not buying Wii U for one game" argument back then, but that's literally all Switch has at the moment.

Did you have a Wii U?
Thats how I am, I want it, because Mario Kart on the Go sounds fantastic, considering work has Wifi so I can do some races on break.

but you know, its the same game I paid for awhile ago with barely anything new.

Revamped Battle mode is cool and all, but I'd rather have new tracks above all else.

yes it is true, wiiu was 720p upscaled 60fps and 30fps in all splitscreens

switch is native 1080p60fps even in two-player splitscreen, 3 or 4 it goes 1080p30fps

I owned mk8 and played it for over 1000 hours and I'm still hyped

I might have autism

Last mario kart game I owned was for the N64, so I'm damn hyped for this. Hoping the online pay is going to be tolerable.


>for the items, they are battle mode only which really sucks.

I don't think this is correct, only the feather is battle mode exclusive. The Boo item is in normal courses too.

It's my 2nd favorite Mario Kart behind 64. My roommates and I played the shit out of it for several months.

It's okay when nintendo does it :^)

Wow, butthurt vitard is butthurt. Go be a butthurt s0nygger somewhere, vitard. People who likes real video games post here, not you cinematic experience faggots. Now fuck off.

you're right, i checked the wiki and boo is for races as well. sucks that the feather is battle mode exclusive, would have been cool for shortcuts and dodging reds

You need to go back to neogaf.

MK8 was already the best MK of all time and MK8D will be even better while also being 1080p60fps and on a handheld to boot.

I mean shit, if this game doesn't sell 10m lifetime I'll eat my hat. It'll fly off the shelves for years to come.

Well, the Wii game runs fine on emulator but when friends visit and want to play Kart we always pick Double Dash because we all grew up with it and know the courses so it's really just about skill and no one has an advantage. Such is life for people over 20 with friends. The rest might get it and those who are too dumb to emulate.

Why do people missuse the word locked?

Locked means a maximum of X frames not a minimum. A locked 30 fps game means its locked so it cant go over 30, not that it cant fall lower than it.

The word you are looking is constant 60 fps

It's 720/60 in handheld mode

>10m lifetime
Try 40. 40m lifetime is a small feat for this game. Mario Kart games sells like hotcakes.

MK8 was 60FPS in two player. I know that for a fact from playing it.

No, I haven't played MK since NDSL and I got switch recently

the 3rd best selling game of all time on the ps4 is the last of us remastered
the 4th is the uncharted collection

Not owning a PS4 is retarded mate. And yes, I also have a PC and a Switch.

>40m lifetime
now you're just drunk

I also put a lot of hours, but I'm not excited at all. maybe it's because I don't like battle mode. some new courses would've sealed the deal for me, though.

meant for

"locked" is also used in the sense that there are zero fps drops and it remains at x fps all the way, but I see what you mean

>because Mario Kart on the Go sounds fantastic
>What is MK7
>What is MKDS

No, it is possible. I mean look at the Wii MK sales. With Switch on its way to become a bigger success compared to Wii, it is fucking possible.

Not that guy, but why bother getting a PS4? I'll just do what everyone else did with the Wii U and wait for everything to get ported off of it, rather than actually buy one to get devs interested in it like everyone did on blind faith with the PS4's launch.

I'm not getting this because its 60 fucking dollars for minor updates at best and I already bought it on the wiiu. But it is really great. It's a shitton of content, it has got to be around 50 tracks with all the dlc. If you skipped the wiiu then it's absolutely a great buy, otherwise fuck it, 60 is too much.

>Not owning a PS4 is retarded mate

Whether you deem a PS4 worth owning or not pretty much comes down to whether or not you want to play Bloodborne, Nioh, Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, Horizon (and Horizon 2 in the future?) and the Crash Remaster Trilogy. That's about it.

>What is MK7
>What is MKDS
just terrible

like every other reasonable person on earth, i had a hunch nintendo would eventually release a new (or ported) mariokart on the wii u successor. And here we are.

Having seen at least one Switch commercial, I think the girl comes with the system

>shitty souls clones, not exclusives and sjw turds make portstation4 worthwhile
wew lad

>not owning a console without any games but some weeb trash JRPG that just came out is retarded

Keep your buyer's remorse for yourself. No one with a brain wants this piece of shit.

>because Mario Kart on the Go sounds fantastic
Portable gaming is shit. And you are shit for actually using it as a selling point. We're adults here. Not children.

Sounds like you have the buyers remorse here if you dismiss actual video games.

Emulators are shit and so are you and your friends for being nostalgiafags. I'm 23 and my friends are all older, and we play mk8 because it's the best.

Oh, I forgot, children aren't allowed to play games. You're the exception because you were already all grown up and a big boy when you were 5 back in 1988.

>>What is MK7
>>What is MKDS
Not MK8.

With posts like this I never know if people are sarcastic and just trying to make fun of Sony fans.

You literally and unironically listed Horizon. Also two Souls rehashes like there weren't 100 already which are overhyped 6/10 games in the first place.

Stuff like Horizon, Uncharted or turn-based RPGs in fucking 2017 aren't video games to me. They're cancer.

Children aren't aloud here. I'd advise being at least 13+ when browsing Sup Forums.

Be honest with me, how old are you?

Yeah, I skipped the Wii U so I'll grab this.

UNLESS Arms comes out within a week or two of MK8D. In that case I'll hold off and get Arms first.

Would be cool if they had a bonus costume for Link to be in his blue Breath of the Wild attire.

OP here

i am a girl but not cute

>$60 for a remaster that has on-disc content locked away unless you make an additional purchase

Can't wait.

Played the living fuck out of 7 and 8 so I'm burnt out on Mario Kart. Would have prefered a new game, but still, this is cool for those who have never played it. It really is a great game and some awesome courses. Though, I honestly feel the battlemode improvements should come to the Wii U. I would gladly pay 10 bucks to get all the battlemode features, but of course that'll never happen.

>these games don't count

>$60 for a remaster that has on-disc content locked away



that's every nintendo game thanks to faggot buying up amiibos.

Movies aren't games.

boo hoo it looks fine faggot

>they don't count because they're movies

The eShop? Just go look it up. It's $60

Let me rephrase, MK8 sounds nice on the go since its one of my absolute favorite entries.

MK7 was pretty good
MKDS was garbage (and yes , I snaked and knew the short cuts, but it ruined the fucking game)

>what is work commute
>what is lunch break

only 900 bucks worth of amiibo user! Don't forget the build-quality or the fact that they're made artificially scarce. I love my Nintendo! And portable gaming is suddenly important to me!

I'm excited but my autism only lets me play MK games with a tiny D-pad like on the DS and wiimote.

makes power drifting a lot easier and more fun than having to knock a dumb analog back and forth super fast.

guess I'll be destroying all my friend with the pro controller.

You know, you can always hold the joy-con sideways if you want that wiimote experience.