This is an American sex fairy. She's getting a new game soon. Say something nice about her!
This is an American sex fairy. She's getting a new game soon. Say something nice about her!
Fuck off bitch
DFC a best
Thanks for the sex, homie.
isn't there some artwork for 2 of her
>She's getting a new game soon
I was hoping that they make a new Hunie-something but I didn't think its actually happening. Last I heard was that they didn't wanna go down as "those porn devs", but I'm glad they came around. Huniepop is a top tier casual/porn game.
I just hope its not some bullshit like Huniecam again....
Jesus Christ, if a girl said that to me in real life I'd go celibate
This one yeah.
Best girl. Gives me a bit of hope after the mess that was Hunie Cam Studio.
i fucking can't unlock the car girl. i'm on day 23 and there weren't any fish in the gifts store.
now i remember why i remembered
>long torso and tiny arms
In terms of details it has improved, but style wise I think I prefer the old style. Might just be her weird face in the new image though.
>those proportions
Jeez... Also why did her chest size increase?
Is there more info somewhere about this?
>tiny arms
>misaligned eyes
Anyone know who's the new artist? Because it sucks.
>buy the game for a friend a while back
>he havent played it yet
>why did her chest size increase?
She got older?
I just hope Audrey returns
He's playing it offline.
Kyu is the best girl.
The only one that actually cares about you and truly likes you in the game.
>She got older?
She's already hundreds of years old.
>I just hope Audrey returns
I hope ALL the girls return. Even though Audrey was my least favorite one, next to Tiffany. Generally the cast selection was pretty damn good imo. But that probably won't happen.
I bought the game for a friend's GF since she plays the shitty Huniecam studio all the time. She's still playing that instead. I think thats even worse.
>weeb games
Looks like SHIT!
She is more fat and her tits are way bigger!
Bad luck or you simply missed it at first. There's usually goldfish available right at the first couple of days. I think its even coded that way, due to some achievement needing a quick unlock of her.
That's not how you spell my girl tiffany's name
This. I hope its an early draft. Early as in 'way fucking early and will get overhauled about 200% until launch' draft.
What is her endgame?
Tiffany sucks.
She fucking sucks.
Fuck it they all suck Nicki should be the best one but that bitch doesn't shave.
>megabitch is best bitch
really gets the almonds activated if ya know what i mean
>complains about weeb games
>posts weeb image
>Not eating the Yoga instructor's ass
reddit: the post
9gag: the reply
>Nicki should be the best one but that bitch doesn't shave.
Nigga you can't even spell her name
i hope the new game goes back to its roots
also jessie best girl
>Audrey says she can't stand fake hoes
>is canonically the only character who is a virgin before she fucks the MC
So Audrey hates herself?
huniepop was a bad game and the only reason it was ever talked about is because it triggered all the retard that go "muh anime avatar!"
fite me!
As far as fap games go, huniepop is pretty damn good
Fucking this. Interestingly enough, I find her the most sane among all them nutjobs.
Wasn't that her whole deal? Being a huge hypocritical moron and basically the regular teenage rebel idiot?
>also jessie best girl
my man
no reason to fite, you simply have shit taste
>those off-the-record voice lines the VAs did for /vg/
>have audreyfag's final ripple
Those were some good times in /vg/
Most of the VA's and the Dev all coming over to talk about the game was real nice
>how to NOT fuck up a game on Sup Forums
damn that sound fun
wish i were there
>Best girl saying the best line in the game
And that's how I fapped to a one-second vocaroo clip from two years ago
It was great. Some of the girls were there a
lot for a while, doing recordings and just hanging out talking
We're all working through our own problems, user
what the fuck, what is this shit and why have you all played it
>huniepop is pretty damn god as a fap games
>no penetration picture at all
>it's all creampie
God what a perfection,
Enjoying your first day here user ?
I just googled searched OP's image, you retards actually played hunie pop?
I also have Momo, Audrey and Aiko saying it too
I am celibate*
i am misery
is there a master list of these sorted by girl?
ifunny: the user
Is Ayylmao coming back? Blue pussy is best pussy
thanks user
>ctrl f jessie
>0 results
Anime was a mistake.
Not only that, she also had her heart broken when she found out the MC had cheated on her. Like, she's, unironically, probably the purest girl in the game.
is this from some anime or mango?
Yes, because I would much rather only play cucked western games
This is better fairy, she is a pint sized powerhouse.
you're playing the wrong games, animefag
Pls no bully.
single use onahole
>Autistic enough to avoid games due to a massively popular art style
>"You're playing the wrong games"
Threadly reminder that Aiko is the best girl.
>she can give you an amazing naizuri
>it doubles as footjob and handjob
You wouldn't fuck a sex fairy
Will it actually have a plot this time?
I really thought Jessie could have had a good plot behind her if they had tried, which they didn't. I remember backing it on Kikestarter with the promise of a plot too, feels bad.
>and videos!
what do they mean "videos"?
she makes me unbelievably hard
i wanna giver he the benis
If a girl said that to me in real life I'd wonder what the fuck I did to unvirgin myself.
That's deep.
huniepop had plenty of plot
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whOA WHOA WHOA WHOA. WHAT THE FUCK??? WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN???
Uh, for quite awhile now, user. How long have you been gone?
i always closed the stupid update tabs as they appeared and only played tf2, overwatch, terraria, etc. and never paid attention to the store. ANIME ON STEAM WAS A JOKE ME AND MY FRIENDS WOULD MAKE YEARS AGO WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS THIS TIMELINE
>she's getting a new game soon
I'd say that's an exaggeration.
>introducing steam anime!
what the fuck? WHAT THE FUCK???
>who took the picture?
Two-timing bitch