ITt: buzzwords that make you instantly disregard an argument on Sup Forums
ITt: buzzwords that make you instantly disregard an argument on Sup Forums
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>argument on Sup Forums
We're discussing toys for Christ's sake.
I disregard anything on Sup Forums.
Enjoy writing those well written arguments that I'm not even gonna bother to read.
>or whatever boogeyman you people can come up with
But Sup Forums is bad right
It just means "I don't like it", but some people like to use their personal preferences as argument for some reason.
>anything to do with politics
>anything to do with platform wars
>Feminazi(Yes it's still around)
Keeping politics out of vidya is a two way street
Sure whatever.
Just any console war or political shit.
Because then it's not an argument, it's just them pushing something unrelated and being faggots. And as we've been shown recently, they're all Canucks and Monkeys anyway so you can just call them out for being the subhuman fucks they are, and move on with your digital toy discussion.
To greener pastures.
>HD textures
>t. Leaf
probably the word i hate the most on here
Since when does this word have a negative meaning? Entitlement means having the right for something.
Is this a rhetorical question?
You nailed it user. Too bad he won't respond
What does even mean? Please tell me out AAA game has more soul that this other AAA.
Oh my fucking god, it's the stupidest fucking answer. It's almost like suspension of disbelief is a thing that exists.
Butthurt libtards lol
Keep crying over Shillary losing while the real men are out here making America great again
I don't care about politics so whatever.
It's just something you can feel my man
The idea is not to reply.
You have to be a hardcore gamer for at least 20+ years in order to tell a game with a soul from a "product"/game wit none.
It means that the heavily repetitive or iterative nature of one game permeates it from start to finish, whereas the other takes as many opportunities as it can to inject novelty or surprise.
Novelty is inherent to entertainment, indicative of a team that sought to entertain and not just generate assets and iterative mechanics to call it a day. Hence souls.
Generally these things can be quantified.
Novelty, I've found, is a better term than, say, "innovation" or the like since you don't actually have to be better or more polished to be novel.
yeha you"""gamers""" are that much obsessed with the word
its more like a mantra on your belief.
>nu [filler]
Monkey, that was complete gibberish. Go back to the CEMU threads.
They targeted gamers.
We're a group of people who will sit for hours, days, even weeks on end performing some of the hardest, most mentally demanding tasks. Over, and over, and over all for nothing more than a little digital token saying we did.
We'll punish our selfs doing things others would consider torture, because we think it's fun.
We'll spend most if not all of our free time min maxing the stats of a fictional character all to draw out a single extra point of damage per second.
Many of us have made careers out of doing just these things: slogging through the grind, all day, the same quests over and over, hundreds of times to the point where we know evety little detail such that some have attained such gamer nirvana that they can literally play these games blindfolded.
Do these people have any idea how many controllers have been smashed, systems over heated, disks and carts destroyed 8n frustration? All to latter be referred to as bragging rights?
These people honestly think this is a battle they can win? They take our media? We're already building a new one without them. They take our devs? Gamers aren't shy about throwing their money else where, or even making the games our selves. They think calling us racist, mysoginistic, rape apologists is going to change us? You're not special, you're not original, you're not the first; this is just another boss fight.
dunno why you get so triggered, gamer
realistic shit is everywhere irl go outside, you can see it play it whenever you want to
you dont really need to build that nerdy latest pc to get something """""""""""""realistic"""""""""
Your english is so bad that you're arguing in favour of the original point, user. You do know that, right? The point was that defending a game with "realistic" is a terrible idea.
Just go back to the CEMU threads and stop embarrassing yourself. Fucking monkeys on this board.
Haven't heard that word in awhile. 2011 I think?
i just meant it. so whats your point
its been almost a buzzword on Sup Forums for a long time, i thought almost everyone knew it.
Wow burger calm down this is international board.
Your kind isn't welcome here.
We hacked your elections, so we can do whatever we like, bitchboy.
kill yourself amerifat
>calling random female characters waifus
>positive adjective
>alt right
>that nice mix of shit and good games
I appreciate this bait image a lot.
> tumblr
> sjw
> reddit
> cuck
> Shillary/Drumpf
> muh ad hominem
> muh food analogy
> muh projection
> any console war bullshit
> redpilled
> underaged
> newfag
> summerfag
> samefag
> any politics
> weeb/ western
>butthurt buyfags making denuvo threads
> anyone who says something is shit without good reason.
> nu anything
> fun is a buzzword
Basically Sup Forums at this point
So what games you consider nice in this pic?
Whenever someone posts one of these, I instantly know that they're falseflagging or having a jolly fun time shitposting, so I instantly disregard their opinion.
I post them as well.
gay ass list replies
Gravity Rush
Nier Automata
Odin Sphere
FE Awakening
I actually enjoy SFV
>FE Awakening
You almost had nice list
It's a litmus test for whether or not you're enough of a stupid asshole to try to get the last word on someone baiting for replies.
PSA, just to anyone reading this: getting the last word doesn't make you look right.
If the person with the last word is acting like a retard, nobody thinks they're right. Know when to walk away.
It's a great image.
I mean you already know which games on the list are worth playing, and you know because you've seen gameplay or played the demo or whatever. But it's perfectly at home for baiting retards and actually broadcasting a decent message.
Dumb cuck. There's literally nothing wrong with using the word "objectively".
You missed a couple.
God tier argument
>good food analogy
Shit tier argument
>bad food analogy
I'm literally objectively shilling right now.
I thought you sjws were proud of being literally called cucks tho?
Here's a proof that show that i'm objectively right.
Sup Forums's current fondness for saying stuff like "I fell for the X meme" and "meme game/show/movie/whatever" is super annoying.
The only one that seems assblasted is you.
There's nothing wrong with being a cuck trumptard. It's just a fetish.
"I fell for the X meme" at least makes sense. I fell for the Overwatch meme after having it shilled to me on this board for a good few weeks after release.
yeap meme went and lost its meaning along with a lot of other words
>virtue signalling
>everyone must believe the same thing so I can just strawman instead of being able to actually debate.
Hi jontron
I think he is taking about buzzword cuck not the actual definition of cuck.
Give an example of a good food analogy using at least 2.5 instances of the phrase "sandwich artist".
Are you racist or cuck?
This sums it up.
You see user when you try to group two unrelated things into a choice it makes you look like a retard.
You can be both a racist and a cuck, one or the other, or neither.
Spot the Leafs
>Sup Forums
>you look like a retard.
Please don't use such problematic words
Nice try mate. I'm Australian.
/vint/ really opend my eyes.