How the fuck does EA not only survive but keeps raking in tons of cash?

How the fuck does EA not only survive but keeps raking in tons of cash?

Sup Forums says they're shit but they keep making money? What the fuck?

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Never underestimate the power and money of stupidity.

Sports games. Madden, Fifa.

How old are you?

What the fuck even is this post?


these posters know.

>How old are you?
Mental or physical?
>What the fuck even is this post?
You replied, so he's got his bite. You lose, he wins.

Stupid people buy sports games for exorbitant prices.

because of the healthy western market

Just because they are a shit company doesnt mean they cant be successful

They swallow companies, milk them to death, then move on. Meanwhile sustaining the periods in-between with a domination of the sport game market.

what the fuck happened in 2012?

They make lots of popular franchises, and own lots of companies that make lots of games. Personally I don't think it matters anymore, I hated them so much for killing westwood, but in all honesty modern EA isn't half as evil as modern nintendo or modern valve.


it's on the verge of collapse

>Sup Forums says


Retarded normies

I remember when TORtanic and ME3 happened and EA's stock fell to like $8 a share. Sup Forums was celebrating that EA was going to go bankrupt. I tried to explain that's not how stocks work but just got called a shill.

Now Sup Forums says MEA is a flop yet EA's stock price has increased since its release. Sometimes I wonder if this place actually tries to be wrong as often as possible.

How are nintendo and valve evil? Valves pay for mods thing was really shitty and they dont really care about anything that isnt doter. I wouldnt really call that evil.Modern nintendos weird censorship shit is bad but I wouldnt say evil.

>Now Sup Forums says MEA is a flop yet EA's stock price has increased since its release.
>checks stock price
>it has increased since MEA's release

Then why the fuck is Sup Forums acting like MEA pulled a TORtanic?

Well, it might have something to do with the FIFA, Madden, and Star Wars licenses. Plus, absorbing acknowledged studios and their IP.

They're forcefully trying to stay relevant, they know how to handle PR, and they put business above anything else.

Voted worst company of the year.

Valve is one of the most jewish corporations in existence
>Popularized online DRM clients
>Fucks with their pricing and exchange rates to trick people into paying more (for example, they charge Australians full price for a game.. but they charge it in USD, so the actual price is 20-50% more than list price)
>Generally overpriced garbage
>Paid mods
>Intrusive and bloated client
>Pioneered ridiculous microtransaction bullshit

>valve on mods
>"what is free? Why don't we just charge for it instead! Nothing beats making free money while contributing nothing to gaming."
>nintendo on mods
>"they used a nintendo character without a license? SUE THEM INTO OBLIVION, FUCK THE FANS"
>EA on modding
>"oh cool, someone made a 1:1 remake of one of our games in a newer engine? That's great, they must really love that game, what do you mean they aren't getting enough donations to keep their servers running, we should make a donation"

How are valve and nintendo not the devil.
And that's just using your mention of mods.

this to be desu senfam

>>"oh cool, someone made a 1:1 remake of one of our games in a newer engine? That's great, they must really love that game, what do you mean they aren't getting enough donations to keep their servers running, we should make a donation"
sounds neat what game was this?

>Then why the fuck is Sup Forums acting like MEA pulled a TORtanic?

Because Sup Forums is retarded. Hell, TORtanic ended up being profitable but it didn't stop Sup Forums from jerking off about it's "failure."

I think he's talking about the Everquest private server. It was going under, but since the actual game is offline, it was "officialized" and made into a legitimate Legacy server.

1. Find game company that sold well on word-of-mouth
2. Buy company
3. Gut company and fill it with mongoloids that will do anything to be able to make vidya
4. Start new project with impossible budget and deadline
5. Market the fuck out of the project
6. Project sells on IP recognition and marketing but hurts the IP's reputation in the process
7. Goto step 4 and repeat until the dosh projection is lower than the impossibly low budget
8. Disband company and goto step 1 again

This is what EA does. Everyone with half a brain knows. The problem is that EA hasn't run out of half-brained idiots yet.


1. Get immaculate sports game contract monopoly
2. Make the same game over and over forever with slight roster changes
3. Forcibly deprecate previous game version servers ensuring new sales

Actually now that I think about it it's a bunch of game.
C&C Red Alert
C&C Tiberium Dawn
Dune 2000

Wow, I never thought I'd see the day EA of all companies does something less scummy and jewish than Nintendo+Valve

Because despite people shitting on EA games on Sup Forums they are the same morons who buys their games on day one in droves.

Also they've tapped into the mentally ill (LGBT) market

Most gamers are like sheep, they aren't hard to control.

normies have 0 taste

Yeah, no
Granted I think OpenRA features better balance than the base game

It's honestly just a better version incorporating a lot of mechanics from future games in the same franchises. More importantly it actually draws concrete mechanical differences between C&C and RA.

There were pretty considerable differences between TibDawn and RA, but mostly because Soviets were imbalanced as fuck, so they influenced the game flow. And RA was all about heavy tank micro/v2s, while TibDawn was about creeping refineries all over the map and blobbing your force faster than your opponent. OpenRA made some significant buffs and nerfs to RA units, dunno about TibDawn though, didn't play it.

Try tibdawn and you'll see what I mean, they included stuff like how building 2 airstrips means you can have 2 vehicles building at the same time like in C&C 3.