Remember Uplink? It was pretty cool

Remember Uplink? It was pretty cool

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What's Uplink?

Not much how bout you HUE HUE HUE.

I remember getting it from an old Humble Indie Bundle. Played one hour and never touched it again.

That's a shame. Why did you drop it so quickly?

Probably because I wasn't having much fun ? I don't know.

Whenever I replay it, I rob a bank, get fucktons of money, and become unstoppable. It made the game not fun.

If you enjoyed uplink i would suggest Hacknet
Its pretty good.

God i loved uplink, what a fantastic game

I was thinking about getting Hacknet but I'm not sure.


I've never finished it. I'd end up breaking into a bank, stealing a ton of cash, buying all the upgrades and then getting bored. Also, the plot missions seem to take forever to actually start, either that or I've always overlooked them.

I'm in the same boat. Isn't Hacknet more story-driven? What I liked about Uplink was it being a hacker sandbox where you can fuck around with systems just to see what you can do and find.

If you don't skip time forward a lot, like the developer was guessing most players would, then yeah it's going to take some time for the plot missions to roll out.

If you liked Uplink, I can almost guarantee you'll like Hacknet. You may not like it for the same reasons, and you may not like it more than Uplink, but you WILL like it.

Hacknet was fun but really limiting and short.

Didn't like it. Too many secrets to find.

Is Uplink even playable at this point? The last time I tried to play it at my display's native 1080p resolution the font was so tiny it was impossible to read unless I had my face pressed up against the screen. Even reverting back to something like 800x600 didn't really help much and there's no way to increase the size of the font otherwise. Did anyone ever make a mod to fix that? I remember reading something about Uplink OS, does that help?

Yeah UplinkOS helps a lot

Better when you had to pop open the jewel case to find codes. It made the "haxor" feel ram itself home. You weren't just playing the game, you were diving into alternate stories only open to the "hacker"


I felt euphoric every time I downloaded a bunch of gigaquads of data and then proceeded to take down the server.

good times

There's a new DLC, it's pretty good:
UplinkOS does look pretty, but my prefered version is still Onlink

Too bad Onlink progression is so slow. The FM website isn't even up any more, just the forums.

good jorb user, you made me smile.

Haha nice

Not that guy, but thanks for mentioning UplinkOS. I hadn't heard about it before but I'll give it a look.