Go through the prologue with ease

>go through the prologue with ease
>do the tutorial just to make sure I learned everything
>reach the village
>everything does a lot of damage but I manage to go through the first areas
>die once to the three dude mob at the house but kill them by kiting with a spear
>first oni encounter
>one sword swing deals 70% of my HP and kills me

Ok, this is going a bit beyond the usual "tough but fair" scheme

Did I miss something or the whole idea is not get hit, ever?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Did I miss something or the whole idea is not get hit, ever?

Basically. Wait until you get to the bosses. I suppose in the end it adds a challenge where most games will cater to casuals, but man is it frustrating to be 1-2 hits away from game over at all times.

I mean, I do appreciate challenge, I got Nioh mostly because of the Souls comparisons and such, but the way I died legit baffled me. It wasn't even a high powered, charged attack, just one regular swing and my HP was reduced to 0

You can always block. Unlike souls you only take some ki damage from it but no hp damage at all. Also, when you are being comboed, block instead of dodge

ki pulse

You are fast and can dodge really good for a reason you know, it's so you can prevent getting hit.

NIoh is a very confusing game to play after so much Souls time. I'm still figuring out what is normal, and what's expected, what you can do etc...

Too many dumb fucking names like Omyia and Ki tho

I'll remember that. The weirdest thing is that it wasn't even a combo, one single swing. I was already combo'd by a random villager and realized that anyone could kill me with ease, but I didn't think it would be THAT easy

Those big bads you're talking about are really predictable. Your criticisms are true elsewhere, but in this case you're just fucking up. Don't get hit by the dude with like two different attack patterns.

Also, what I should level up? Not even sure if leveling Body will even do anything in the long run

I'm mainly using Swords and Spears

>by a random villager and realized that anyone could kill me with ease

That sounds nice and realistic when you think about it.

A fucking peasant with a pitchfork could stick an Iaijutsu master just fine

Pretty much my reaction to it. "What the fuck, so much damage. That's a pretty big sword he's carrying, though"

I need to dance around his moveset a bit more, then. That swing got me completely by surprise

Yea, it would be nice and realistic if it worked both ways.

Nioh is dogshit. BB and DaS3 are better.

Gotta learn to dodge, son. And don't underestimate the importance of ki pulse, do one literally every chance you get in battle

it's gonna get worse before it gets better, just wait until you get to vampire woman or darkbeast paarl

Vampire woman was a real cunt until I realized I could blast her in the air before she swooped down

I wish the game told you that you have to pulse when the bar is charging up instead of using the blue spark explanation. I had to google how to do it

That is also true. I feel like the combat, at least this early, is a bit skewed

It took me some time to get used to it but sometimes it's better to block than dodge.

also even though I put 150hours combined in (NG, NG+ and some coop) I agree with the user who wrote
>but man is it frustrating to be 1-2 hits away from game over at all times

can't wait for the DLC stuff

my problem was i ran out of bullets and i didn't know how to go and buy more at the time

if you arent on the lowest tier of equipment weight then you arent playing the game right.

you can dodge fucking everything in this game.
always prioritize gear first by weight and then traits.
always use whatever gear has the best ki reduction traits. for both dodge and attack.

I just picked it back up after having BotW and Nier steal my attention and I just beat the Snow-woman

it's been pretty fun so far, early game was probably the hardest so far because I was unfamiliar with the control scheme
Body is my highest stat at 34 right now, pretty nice since it gives a bunch of HP and strengthens my primary weapons, spears.
my armor is pretty far behind though, most of it is lv30 while new stuff is dropped at lv50, I need to save up weapons and armor to sell them at the blacksmith for gold, so I can soulforge my armor set

also the skill that lets you ki pulse upon performing a successful dodge is a MUST HAVE

Just wait until you get to Umibozu. And don't even try those extra missions where you fight two bosses at once.

Am I the only one who thinks that this game wears out it's welcome way too fast when you get to the fourth and fifth regions? The levels get longer and more repetitive. I really want it to just fucking end but I'm so invested in it already and don't want to to quit, but Christ, I'm tired of playing the same levels but they're just recycling enemies and stages "whoa look out, this village is on FIRE!" or "let's do the same thing you've already done two times but BACKWARDS! HOW ORIGINAL!"

I just want it to end, I've already spent 40+ hours into it and I'm just not having fun anymore, it's such a fucking chore.

Another thing that's bugging me out is how the movesets work

I just died against the villager trio because I did a quick spear swing while the axe dude was charging up, thinking it would let me stagger him, but no, his axe fell on my head, 50% of my HP was gone and I was dead

I can chalk this up to unfamiliarity but it's still kinda frustrating

You should stop playing then.

if you are not having fun then do not play the game user

It's more less feeling obligated to finish after putting that much time into it, it's not fun, but I'll be damned if the 40 hours or so I've invested up to this point is wasted. I hate the story, but love the game play. What a cruel bitch.

It's no more a waste of time than anything else you do. Just quit if you don't like it.

Take a break, use different weapons, skip sub missions etc etc

I'll begrudgingly finish it, just came back from a BoTW binge and it just makes me wish I were playing that or Bloodborne again. Maybe I'll have fun once I get to level 130+ and get to start doing different OP builds.

best armor in the game aesthetically

No, I put 140 hours into in the two weeks after it came out. I did every mission on both difficulties. I agree that the recycling of enemies and levels isn't great, but I loved the fuck out of it regardless.

Best waifu in the game with the best theme.


you're not alone, I don't like it very much either and probably won't finish it.

Other anons are right. You either drop it or take a break from it. I was the same way with Bloodborne. I felt overwhelmed and unmotivated to continue, to the point that I wanted to trade it in. Took me months to get back into it and platinum it.

Nioh is shit, I regret buying it.

You did have fun before that part though, so it's not wasted

Just drop it or take a break, it's not a big deal

I don't regret buying it because I had to know whether the hype was legit or bullshit, but from what I have played so far I don't think it's that good.

>Did I miss something or the whole idea is not get hit, ever?
Considering that there are multiple titles for killing bosses without getting hit, yes. It starts out seeming hard as fuck, but halfway through it's easy to clear entire stages without getting hit at all.

that's a strange mindset you have.

Video games are cheap and I like to experience new things. I'd rather know whether a game is good or bad than shitpost about it on Sup Forums for years without experiencing it myself.

If you can afford it then, yeah why not.

People don't quite realize when they play Nioh, ESPECIALLY if they've played Souls games before, are these few simple things:

>Gear is important due to passive bonuses rather than simple damage reduction
>Leveling is important due to the Skills you can unlock, rather than just stats
>Blocking is faster than dodging (you can recover and start a block the very second your previous animation ends, while a dodge has startup frames)
>Enemy weak points will make them trivial and not damage sponges
>Combos (along with weak points) will make most enemies and bosses trivial and not damage sponges
>Your guardian spirit will give you passive bonuses (at the very least the 20% flat damage reduction)
>Living Weapon needs to be used carefully as it's not an "I win button"
>Status effects are very powerful and work are cumulative
>Armor set bonuses are extremely powerful

It's a fun game, though after 210 hours of play I think I've done everything there is to it
Waiting for the DLC

Gear is the thing that ruins the game, you get 5-10 pieces every minute and you have to stop and compare. It takes you out of the experience. In a game like Bloodborne getting a new gear set was few and far between and they were all unique and felt exciting when you stumbled upon a set.

Diablo style loot drops are Nioh's weakest point.

I can afford it, I buy a lot of games (have 40 physical titles on PS4 and Xbone)

There are things I do really like about Nioh but the world design and enemies really should be better if they want it to be considered with Bloodborne and Dark Souls. Also the graphics are shockingly bad on a regular PS4. Sure it runs at 60fps in the "action mode" but wow, what a sacrifice.

I don't quite understand why she chose William.

Maybe, but you aren't forced to stop and compare anything
It also, as similar with Diablo loot, tells you with an icon if what you picked up is generally better or not

If Fromdrones would've just played the Nioh demos they'd have known they wouldn't like the game. Instead they go in uninformed then shitpost about it when it's not what they stupidly expected it to be.

Truly the worst "gaming community" to ever exist.

So stop stopping to look at trash? Have you never played a Diablo style ARPG? You don't give a shit about all the junk, when you're leveling you look for the biggest numbers and that's it. Builds don't start until endgame

>considered with Bloodborne and Dark Souls
Good thing that was probably the least of their concern. Souls games are slow and clunky as all fuck in comparison, and no one with good priorities gives a shit about muh lore or atmosphere as much as gameplay

Nioh is trash. Bloodborne is king.

>Builds don't start until endgame
Then why do you get dozens of pieces every few minutes?

>>Gear is important due to passive bonuses rather than simple damage reduction

From someone who has played it, gear does matter, and it's bullshit I have to stop every few minutes just to find incremental upgrades.

Whatever you say pal, I just know I enjoyed Bloodborne a lot more than I'm enjoying Nioh.

>Builds don't start until endgame
I'd say they don't start until NG+ as that's when it starts to actually matter

As mentioned, you are in no way required to check every little piece of gear every single time it drops

When comparing gear too (preferably on mission select or when you're leveling or something) you only get the gear with stats you find useful for your playstyle

I finished the game with a level 20 charm because it had all the stats I needed on it and while other charms had better armor or slightly higher single stats, the overall charm was always better for me

Because it's selling/dismantling fodder. If you're looking through your inventory every 5 minutes to find a 0.001% increase then you're fucking retarded. You don't even need to think about replacing shit that quickly, like if you're level 90 and have a level 50 weapon then sure go find a new weapon. But if you're level 50 with a level 48 weapon then you're not fucking missing out on much

That's cool, you don't like video games. That's fine, but don't act like you're special for being a drone. Nioh has plenty of problems due to lack of budget, sure. But people complaining about the fucking loot system and other such inane shit? What the fuck did you idiots think you were buying?

>Nioh has plenty of problems due to lack of budget, sure. But people complaining about the fucking loot system and other such inane shit?
I literally never said anything about the loot system, I hate the enemy variety and world design. Fighting the same demons over and over again is not fun.

Stop getting so angry that we don't all love your favorite game, shill. I think Nioh is okay and I don't regret supporting it but I also don't think it's worthy of all the positive reception it has had.

Heart and Body should be your main concentrations.

Maybe throw in some Ninjustu or Onmyo magic.

The timing for dodges is very specific. Attacks phase through you only at the very beginning of the animation.

Niho is garbage nihooo niwhore.

>this is a game released exclusively for the most powerful console on the market in the year 2017

Nah because Ace Combat,

That's because you're going into it with a Dark Souls mindset. Nioh is more like Onimusha than Dark Souls. People calling it "Souls-like" are dead wrong. The only similarities are a stamina bar, weapon stats, and gestures.

You're comparing apples to oranges.

>if they want it to be considered with Bloodborne and Dark Souls
I don't think that was ever the point. Those 2 excel at level design and enemy variety, but the combat is mediocre. It's serviceable for the games, but that's it. BB has the best combat out of the Souls games, and even then Nioh's combat system has more depth.

They aren't going for the same things.

I do agree that Nioh doesn't know how to handle content, it feels padded. Many of the combat complaints I've read in this thread are signs of someone that just started out, so they are irrelevant.

>game gets so fast with ki pulse, fluxing, dash pulsing and combos that enemies can't deal with that kind of speed
>people still complain about the difficulty
I can't remember a single time I died in this game. It's beyond easy. Which was one of the major problems with it. At least I died in Souls games, but this was just too easy.
It's like they thought putting Ryu Hayabusa in a souls type game was a good idea.
And it only gets worse later;
>the diablo style loot system and build mechanics can let you get 40k dmg builds where you can literally one shot bosses

The only thing I can say is, DO NOT PLAY IT LIKE A SOULS GAME. Do not block. Do not spam r1. Use r2, use different stances. Use your skills. Spam the shit out of ki pulse and dash pulse. Get used to Fluxing into Combos.

Every time I try and help someone, they're playing the game like it's a Souls games. Standing skill, mashing r1, doing nothing else. It's embarrassing.

>level design and enemy variety
no, just level design and "lore"

Ginchiyo is cute! CUTE!

>do not block
wrong, blocking can be just as useful as dodging for keeping the momentum of combat in your favor. just don't get reliant on it

If you don't know how to keep up a Flux Combo or keep your combos going, sure. Or if you're not confident. After I learned how to Flux Combo into a another Flux Combo, I haven't touched block at all.

Parrying is nigh fucking useless too. Why bother parrying for a five second one shot, when you can literally do two combos in two seconds and already be running to the next enemy.

Used goods who get pregnant with another man's child while her husband is at war can't be cute.

Sounds like the new ringed city bosses

The single most glaring and serious issues of Nioh are:

>Enemy variety
You see all of the enemies (not including bosses) about half way
>Level/map variety
Reusing levels, but from a different point, is a good idea, but not more than once
>Real boss difficulty happening on NG+
Some bosses do stay easy, while others become unexpectedly difficult and suddenly fun to fight

Everything else is just a matter of taste and opinion

She's the cutest!

Bird tengu and big tongue Yokai are fun the first couple of encounters, after the 1000th they get old quick.

Tengu are so boring to fight too
>let them do 1-3 hits
>MAYBE hit again if you're fast enough
>let them do 1-3 hits
>continue until HP reaches 0
Draining their Ki gives you like 4-5 hits AT BEST so it's completely pointless too