Open world games

Anyone else getting bored of open world games?
>Grinding icons off of the map feels like tedious work
>9/10 open world games have a shitty story (pic related (Witcher 3) being the only exception to that rule, ever)
>repetitive side contents / "activities"
>Boring Fetch-quests
>makes being a completionist a pain in the ass

Linear, non open world games ALWAYS a better story, better presentation, better graphics, less padding, better gameplay, better everything.
I just hope the open-world-meme would just die already.

Other urls found in this thread:

Bernd please, more work, less video games.


You're not bores of open wprld games. You're bores of modern open world games. Play Gothic. Gothic 2. +NK. Morrowind. Stalker SoC (not really open world, but still). Stalker CoP.

>Linear, non open world games ALWAYS a better story, better presentation, better graphics, less padding, better gameplay, better everything.

No, you just haven't played a good open world game

Completely agree, 5-10 years ago "open world" was a selling point but now it's the opposite for me. "Open world" means the difficulty hasn't been tailored by hand so the game is going to get boring after a few hours.

hub-based games are the best map type and nobody can stop me

the map being one big city is also good (except when Assassins creed do it (I can't think of any other games than assassins creed that do that))

are you bored of guitars already?

so many bad musicians with badly tuned instruments sure make the guitar inherently bad

I would even go as far an call it the guitar meme. now THAT'S when we can really start hating the guitar meme

Should I skip Gothic one and just go for 2 with mods?


gothic 2 is a lot more polished, more balanced and more challenging, but without having experienced gothic 1 you will miss out on a lot of enjoyment.

i recommend playing gothic 1 before starting gothic 2. if you can't deal with the wonky combat, just use cheats to blast through the game.

But I already played all of these games.
And yes you are right - it's "modern" open world games that are the problem.
I have fond memories of the games you mentioned.

Every open world game seems like a Farcry copy.

>playing gothshit

Gothic1>Gothic2 imho
Gothic1's open world is more enjoyable to me.
Also you don't get 126 Quests dumped on you in 5 Minutes so you don't even know what the hell you're supposed to do anymore.

G2 night of raven

no mods

>no mods

DX11 mod is a must because not only it makes the game look much better but it fixes resolution issues

>he hasn't played BOTW

but BOTW is basically what OP described


It is but at the same time it isn't. Most other open world games incentivise not exploring and simply going from icon to icon and fast traveling from one point to the other to deliver quests. But the main content are still the quests. In BOTW the main content is the actual world and the quests exist as a vehicle for further exploring.

I gave Horizon: Zero Dawn a try and I immediately felt that ironically I felt more restricted than free.
>Follow the arrow to talk to your mentor or you can't progress.
>Follow the arrow to this town that exiled you except they haven't really and talk to someone there or you can't progress.
>Gather some materials from over there. No you can't get them from someplace else.
>Bring back the materials and craft this item or we won't let you continue the quest.
>Now go and kill this monster that killed a hundred other people but you can kill it alone because you are the main character. We finally opened this gate for you to do it.

What happened to give you free reign to solve a quest with your own skills and strategy?

i can't wait for open world meme to die

>posts weebshit
>claims gothic is bad
nothing to see here

Daily reminder that TW3 is now what all new RPGs will be like

TW3 was a steaming pile of shit and was a huge success, now other devs will follow TW3's design

Fuck off.

Gothic 2 is open world and yet has more content, details and secrets to discover than most linear RPGs

Open world is not the problem, shit open world is

>should i skip best RPG ever made
>with mods
Just kill yourself.

>it's another Gothic shill thread

keep being mad because no one gives a shit about you shitty weeb games and people discuss good games instead

The problem is most of these 'open world' games aren't really open world.

As you can clearly see on those maps, its a hub based game, you run in between different scripted events or predefined encounters, the only difference is that the game world adjusts to you and has become more narritive then explorative.

A true open world game wouldn't have all those icons, at most it would have is a map to tell you where things are, but not a billion HUD markers telling you where things are.

One of the reasons why people enjoy Morrowind to this day is because you have to navigate the world through directions, you immerse yourself in the world, and eventually the game tells you 'well if you head this way you -might- find it' leading to many adventures.

And the dungeons aren't skyrim tier linear paths with scripted story events, but rather, lived in areas full of monsters, bandits, demons, ect, that fit the world that you're immersed in, like finding bandit camps full of pillows and plates, rather then buckets of potions, rare gems, and magic items save for the rare locked and trapped chest.

have you try, disiable the icons, and just explore the wprld in a more natural way and not in a checklist way

How dare you disgrace Chinese mokou with your shit opinion

the stuff isn't worth exploring anyway, it's always useless garbage since all loot is leveled

basically Assassin's Creed tier chests

MGS4 had better gameplay than MGSV. Yes it was mostly cutscenes but the gameplay was sooo good and it had an amazing multiplayer. I miss MGO2.

>List of things to do point by point

What the fuck is this shit?

There's a reason why waypoints exist, otherwise an aimless player would get frustrated on where to go in this huge ass world they're on. Older games had smaller or more manageable worlds, so that wasn't much of an issue.
It's an easy way out though, lazier devs would use waypoints in their game to solve that problem.
Better games hint at some direction, which gives player leeway to explore this large 3d world.

Yes - as it turns out the game is unplayable /unwinnable with these icons turned off.
Quest-NPC says "go talk to that woman over there, she can help you".
As it turns out by "over there" he meant the literal other side of the world-map. You have no way of ever knowing where to go at any time because all ingame dialouge and quest-descriptions are designed/written around the (quest-)markers.

>refugee is sick of open world

just give it back where you stole it from and rape some woman

If open world games were like megaman, in that you clear one area and it makes another area easier, they'd be fun. As it is, just fetchquest, the game.

My biggest gripe is that alot if the quests/missions in these games just feel like you are running bullshit errands for people, for really no reason.
Witcher 3 was super bad at this.
>Hey I need you too run over here and talk to this guy, because for some reason I can't do it myself, then he needs you too run over there and follow those red footpribts, than you have to go talk to this other guy ect.

It´s a questlog, so some guy told him the first thing, then he found out the second paragraph, and so on.

>literally five missions in Franklin's hood that involve driving a tow truck to a location, towing the car to a location, then driving back
>your reward is that you unlock the ability to buy the towing company and do MORE TOWING JOBS for chump change you'll never spend

What the hell, don't people take notes anymore?

Gotta reach those 100 hours of content mate

gee gramps it´s fucking 2002 I ain´t got the time to write a fucking novel while trying to vidya

Dont disiable quest markers then. Just the ? Symbols

Yes open world games are becoming a chore for me. Not only open world games, but any game that takes over 10 hours to finish.

I'd actually go further and say that I simply can't enjoy the majority of video games nowadays.

Play both, 2 is better but 1 is still great and you'll feel more nastalgia in 2 after playing 1.

RDR tho

>turn off points of interest in Witcher 3
>they just become extra little things you wander across if you go hiking instead of being things you autistically go pursuing

Witcher 3 and Skyrim both sucked ass yet the normies give them 10/10s.

we're doomed

Daily reminder that Gothic 2 from 2002 was the last good open world.

Nothing has even come close to this day

he said he hates fetch quests and you suggest fucking morrowind?