Man, this game would be so much more enjoyable if it was on PS4.
Man, this game would be so much more enjoyable if it was on PS4
does this game defend boyhood?
because it seems like it's about zelda
I dont think putting it on ps4 would magically give it more dungeons and enemy types.
Friendly reminder
Nah, I like my actually working Off-TV play with good latency.
God I wish Remote Play wasn't shit for anything not turn based.
>cant play with separeted joycons
>cant play on the go
It's ok, user. It's on PC
PS4 already has a million generic open world grind engines.
It doesn't need another one.
>can't play with separate joy cons that have the GOAT desync feature
>can't play for 2 hours before stopping
what did you mean by this ?
i mean ps4 is by no means a power house PC but it is much more powerful than the switch so yeah it actually would play a lot better on ps4 because they could at least lock it at 30fps (probably more)
Wasn't Horizons Sony's answer to Zelda?
What is it About enemy types? This is probably the dumbest argument about this game and it won't stop.
even xbone is better than piipuu and switch, so saying it would be better at stable 30fps 1080p with some AA isnt bait.
all 4 dungeons and all shrines have the same rehashed robots
Itd be better if I could play on something besides Wii U. Literally the worst console ever made.
The emulated Wii U version will always be inferior to the Switch version, the recent patch is already making the Switch version way better. You can change some things like draw distance but as long as you are emulating the Wii U game the hard limitations will exist.
>the recent patch is already making the Switch version way better.
No the Wii U library is good, BOTW is just too demanding for the hardware.
>No the Wii U library is good,
No it isn't. Sorry Im not impressed by Star Fox Zero (copies sold) and Paper Mario Color Trash.
He thinks emulating the wii u version will always be 30fps with drops.
Its unfortunate you never got to expand your dong
They reduced the framerate issues and made a bunch of other improvements. They rushed the game out by Nintendo standards so it could come out with the Switch and are going to keep optimizing it.
You do realize that optimizations on the level of fps and draw distances are literally as simple as ini. file editing right?
Tropical Freeze is fun, but it's one of 3 good games on the system. Pretty pathetic.
That isn't remotely true even there were no hardware differences. Why do you think the framerate mods for Dark Souls on PC tended to fuck up the physics and cause a bunch of other issues?
stop posting scriptkiddy
>dont have that problem
>it lasts 3 hours which is more than enough for a daily commute to/from work
It would be even more enjoyable if it were on an open platform where modding was possible and you could use any controller you wanted.
But at this point I would be alright with Nintendo games on PS4 if that's what it takes to get them to be a third party dev.
It releases on PC pretty soon, don't worry.
The reason why the physics were fucked up in Dark Souls is because From Soft did the extremely lazy choice of game design and tied everything, including physics, to frame rates which lead to the glitches.
Hell the frame rate physic glitches didn't just happen on PC, they also happened on the consoles whenever they started slogging through particular areas.
If Nintendo put forth more than 10 hours of programming in the physics engine to run on it's own instead of being tied to the frame rate then yes, it is that simple to just increase the fps.
Also Draw Distance is incredibly easy to fix. Along with foilage scaling, turning on anti-aliasing(assuming that the engine they used/built BotW has it) particle effects and even lighting.
Why can't Sony be the third-party dev instead?
Tying physics and other things to framerate isn't lazy, the problem was that they didn't both to change anything for the port. You don't actually understand programming based on your earlier comment
draw distance is easier yes
Not natively.
>Tying everything in a game into a singular determining factor that is relatively easy to count and track and even control isn't lazy design.
>the problem was that they didn't both to change anything for the port
Say what?
who cares if the combat's good(and it is)
imagine it on PS4 PRO
>native 4k
>no loading
>wildlife wouldnt despawn after 5 seconds
etc etc.
why do people who can't afford the Switch need to be so salty about it?
>why do people who own the Switch need to be so salty about it?
Because Nintendo makes shit hardware and that's why Nintendo games need to be liberated from Nintendo platforms. Ideally both of them would be making games for PC but Nintendo is the only one I care about.
>upscaled from 1440p, goes down to 720p in "action mode"
>"60fps" constantly dipping to 30s when any action is on screen
Man, my dick would be so much more enjoyable if it was in OP's mouth.
how would better hardware make nintendo games better?
>all these idiots not realizing most good games come from working past limitations
Its why most PC titles are clusterfucks in terms of both performance and even gameplay. Fuck what unreal and what the other popular engines did to gaming. Proprietary engines result in a better game unless the devs are literal shit. I dont mind if you use a tool for creating levels or even physics but when the entire game is churned out with zero edits to default unreal settings its atrocious.
most of the ones in dungeons is mash attack until dead.
the shrine ones you just repeat the same fight patterns over and over again. They become especially trivial once you use elemental weapons or arrows.
It would have been interesting if they could make enemy placement somehow interesting, but usually they're just placed out in the open.
just because you suck at the combat doesn't mean it's bad. Get good you fucking casual
>muh no wii u aloud threads
>muh emulating is for fags threads
>muh console has more than one game i swear threads
Not you but the majority of switch posters are retards that think paying $300 for muh portability is somehow a good thing. There was a reason I got the super gameboy and gameboy player later. To play shit on TV.
The fact that all games are gong to be 720P 30fps for en entire gen again makes it a joke as well
could be a 9/10 game on pc with decent performance and graphics after some patching and adding free content
>Xbone and PS4
>Stable 30fps and1080p
>The fact that all games are gong to be 720P 30fps
>Splatoon 2 is capped at 720p when docked and dynamic when played portably. That is, the resolution actually drops when the system is in handheld mode in order to accommodate for more demanding segments of play.
>not even 720p handheld
Cant wait for 6 more years of this, can you?
>proprietary software being good
>PS4 Pro
>Native 4k
>60 fps
>no loading
>PCfat starved for games
Its better than unreal.
Preferably it would be open source so fans can improve on it but THATS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN.
Especially if were talking about AAA games
>720p portably
Dumb sonybro
t. talking out my ass without any experience in development
unreal is open source nigger.
>has evidence the switch cant even play splatoon right
>b-b-but muh spelling
Yeah have fun man, I'm sure splat kart and more will totally be 1080p.
Theres no way they could have lower resolutions than the Wii U counterparts, unless its docked so they are both 720p, even though they look the fucking same.
>People think sony fans are jealous
We have Horizon: Zero Dawn, an actually good looking game with actual challenge to it's fights, a much denser world, and no fuckin shrines to waste your time/no weapon durrability to artificially pad things out and make you actively avoid combat.
>unless its docked
And there goes your entire argument
Oh right because SFV is totally open source
The engine is not the games you fucking mong.
>the switch is equal to the Wii U in docked mode
>its worse undocked
So whats your argument?
Because 720p is fucking awful for a "console" that came out in 2017 when the game LOOKS THE SAME as a fucking wii u title.
Tell me one thing Zelda does better.
>no loading
what is this meme?
At least the PS4 would finally have a game worth playing.
>Because 720p is fucking awful for a "console" that came out in 2017
lol graphixfags lel
it's not a contest, sperg.
yeah but none of the world is actually interactive see:
On a fucking 50" TV 1080p matters
>dont worry guys it will get better we promise
>Mario odyssey is 720p 30fps
>dont worry guys it doesnt matter its the same fucking shit as 6 years ago only worse because muh dynamic resolutions, its nintendo
Is Splatoon 2 (Basically a demo right now) your only example? Not gonna cherrypick any of the other titles that run higher than that?
I think you've become entitled to resolutions DESU
i could do with ps2 tier 3d graphics if the rendering resolution and framerate were at least 1080p
graphics aren't as important as not looking like a smudge slideshow
no it doesn't. It matters if you use a PC monitor, sure, but even $300 TVs these days can handle upscaling from 720
Because Sony doesn't have any IPs worth putting on other consoles.
There's no grinding in BotW moron. At least play the game before vomiting your worthless opinion of it.
Yes, it was.
looks fine to me my man, perhaps you should have your eyes checked?
>entire game is grinding endless shrines to get hearts to get the mastersword
What else is there, 5 easy as piss short as fuck dungeons that serve no purpose other than to make an already easymode bossfight a fucking joke? Or perhaps the repetitive fetchquests which usually just unlock more shrines?
I put 200 hours on zelda on wii u because I'm aware using a console with less power consumption than a light bulb made using underpowered shit from 2008 isnt going to have the graphics power of a modern device.
To release the switch and claim its better than the wii u when its just not in far too may ways by this point is retarded. And this is coming from someone who got almost every one of their consoles until now.
Every game except kart fast rmx and arms is 720p, and fast RMX uses a dynamic resolution, cant even keep it locked to 1080p60fps in a fucking racing game.
>only fighting and racing games can pull 1080p because they are simple as fuck
Not looking good at all.
>not enjoying all content in native
Sorry but TVs are garbage and more often than not ruin image quality with all the effects and post processing they try to do, unless you go knee deep into settings. Especially modern tvs.
But you don't need to get the master sword. You don't need to do the shrines. You don't need to find korok seeds. You don't need to do the side quests. You don't need to do the dungeons. The game doesn't force anything on you. You can literally do what you want. The whole game is optional. It can last 200 hours or 1 hour.
Nah, it's pretty shit and fundamentally flawed. The graphical and performance problems are only the tip of the iceberg.
that's not what grinding is, casual.
yeah, looks fine on a 6 inch display maybe.
>>not enjoying all content in native
That's what my PC is for you incorrigible pissbaby
Really? That's your way out of this?
Oh wow, look at all those gimmicks. It's like instead of 20 features no one will ever put to good use, they instead made an actual game.
>This entire post
>>only fighting and racing games can pull 1080p because they are simple as fuck
>These are the only games ever on the Switch
woah so you're saying its exactly like every single open world meme game released since far cry 2
>Or perhaps the repetitive fetchquests which usually just unlock more shrines?
>less than 1/3 of quests are shrine quests
What did he mean by this?
Not him but there's not many to go by.
Snake Pass has low resolution too.
Only fast RMX looks good and it's an upgraded version of a Wii U game.
it doesn't play like either of those games, though
yep :)
>you don't have to play the game
>you can do whatever you want!
So standing and looking at the shitty graphics? I have no idea what you're trying to say. Isn't the purpose of a game to have gameplay?
That's exactly what grinding is user, doing the same thing over and over for the sake of a minor stat buff?
Shit is world of warcraft tier grind.
Shrines are the most valuable thing you'll ever get out of a sidequest in that game and you know it.
>These are the only games ever on the Switch
Yeah okay buddy. Not like the entire point of a new console is to have a bunch of different games to compete with other platforms.
Oh wait theyll all be 720p 30fps shitfests because not even nintendo can get performance out of the switch so third party is gong to be 10 times worse.
>Snake Pass has low resolution too.
Snake Pass has awkward as fuck resolutions on the PS4 as well
fuck you, it's nothing like Far Cry 2, and you're a little slow if you unironically think that
Far Cry 2 sucks
>grinding is doing the same thing over and over
>killing the same mob in the same area is now the same as solving different puzzles and challenges in different environments
>most valuable thing you'll ever get out of a sidequest
not him, but what does that even mean?