waited outside of target this morning from 7:35 to 8 when it opens and got one since they ship on Mondays

I've never worked so hard to get a console

Other urls found in this thread:

Good, now play Zelda 3 hrs each day and resell it as fast a you can

Must be great when you scratch it accidentally. 27 fps Zeruda experience @ 900p. Excellent value for money.

>go to party
>everyone's in a good mood
>nice music, people dancing
>from one corner in the room
>bing bing!
>1 up 1 up
>music drops
>heads turn
>ugh user, did you really bring your toy, what's it called, gameboy switch to our party?


The one on the left wants to be taken into a bedroom to play 1-2 Switch though



"It feels better to jerk off anyway, slut."
*wahoo's away*

Is it bad when you view the Wii, an underpowered and gimmick console, far superior to the Switch?

>nigger at the party
Nah i'm good

>Buying a console for Breadth of the Wild

just view all of them the same way, as toys for children because that's what they are

>I've never worked so hard to get a console

what a fucking gimp

That's nothing, i stood in line in front of a toys R us for 4 hours in 15 degree weather so i could play twilight princess. it was worth it tho.

At least it had Wii Sports

Welcome to 1 month ago

has it curved yet

Nope. It had a godtier library

>got the grey one

1 month after release?

>that one time your friends invited a black guy and you didn't want to really be there anymore but he turned out to be a gay chill nigga who rolled the nicest blunts you've ever seen

>guys I stood outside for 25 minutes :((((

It launched with Trauma Center Second Opinion, Twilight Princess, Wii Sports, and Smooth Moves

the wii had maybe 5 games worth playing
the wiiu even less

Not that user, but i didn't even know the Wii launched with those games. That's pretty fucking good actually. Makes you wonder why they waited so long to have a second compelling reason for the system almost two months down the line.

as if any of those sluts would know the existence of the word

So how does this compare to the Switch lineup?

Work on your bait
It's a bit weak.

Wii Sports was a normalfag phenomenon

The Switch doesn't have a title comparable

Both have Zelda games.

Second Opinion and Smooth Moves were titles that showed off the capability of the system. Switch has that with 1, 2, Switch, but it's shit.

Switch has Bomberman, which is cool though.

name 6 wii exclusive games that weren't just worse rehashes of older nintendo games

saying it had 5 games worth playing is being really generous

they don't ship on monday you double cuck

no one knows when they get in. i'm in retail and we get them randomly

Xenoblade Chronicles, The Last Story, Madworld, Sin and Punishment 2, Mario Galaxy

Need any more?

Ill bite

Trauma Center
Endless Ocean
Pandora's tower
No More Heroes

>search Nintendo Switch
>pick marketplace seller with at least thousand reviews and 97% or better
>pay 400 Euro
>get a Switch in 3 days

You can get those things pretty easy if you aren't a total poorfag.

I walked into a store on release day and just bought one.

No more heroes isn't exclusive.

No More Heroes 2 ;^)

only the neon sold out here at launch

don't think its sold well in australia

Bought a switch last week and while zelda was amazing and playing it handheld was comfy im returning it tomorrow, thank you EU consumer laws.

I got mine with zelda for 320

>No more heroes
Not exclusive.
>Traum Center
>Not a rehash
Trauma Center: Under the Knife exists
>Blast Works: Build, Trade, Destroy
>not a rehash of Tumiki Fighters

Please pick three new titles, those 3 clearly don't fit the criteria.

Nobody would know the names of those first four games if they were multiplatform, mario galaxy is the embodiment of cheap rehash

Same problem here other than trauma center/ excite truck / NMH which are just copied games w/ minor changes

out of all of those games trauma center and mario galaxy are the only ones that MIGHT be worth buying a wii to play, and mario galaxy is strictly a baby version of sunshine and trauma center is just an HD ver. of the DS game

you can't buy a console and then say mediocre games are good just because it's all you have, a system needs games worth playing to begin with or people who actually play games won't buy the console, see the wiiu and soon to be the switch

Fragile Dreams
The Sky Crawlers

i dont know about america, but in europe they've never been sold out
>check store online
>they have hundreds in stock

>"name some games x("
>names some games
>"Yeah...well... Those games don't count x("

Most of the stores around me have stock

The hype is already dead and they've barely shipped 2 million units

>not Disaster Day of Crisis
cmon Sup Forums

idk how you're going to say games that have hard 70 metascores across review sites are worth buying a console for, esp. with how much reviewers inflate the scores for games on nintendo consoles

if you had infinite time eventually after you had played tens of thousands of other games you might want to give those a go but buying a console and prioritizing playing them? you're delusional seek help

>not wanting to play the best game of this generation on the best console of this generation

but I already have my PS4 pro and HZD

This is the first thing I thought too. Leave your house once in a while you fucking nerd it's good for you

>I've never worked so hard to get a console
>waited a whole 25min
Woah respect user that was really cruel.

>metascores dictate the quality of a game and what warrants being played
You're the cancer that's killing AA games.

Games like Nier, Pandora's Tower, Muramasa, Killer7, etc... Don't have the budgets these big AAA games have. Their parent companies can't buy positive reviews They don't always rank well critically or have the draw that these big budget titles have, yet almost always achieve things that elude more expensive titles. Precisely like Nier. To not be interested in these more niche titles is just a reflection of your surface level interest in the gaming medium.

Since when do reviewers have taste anyways? Polygon literally couldn't even play Nioh solo for their review.

Wow everyone who worked at target must have thought you were the biggest manchild buying a childs toy at 8 in the morning

As a prior target employee who would fucking care what a target employee thinks?

>whoah, the opinion of a target employee means something

wew lad

stop trying to make people think this garbage is in demand lol

Fuck off and never return you retarded gobshite.

the big difference between a game like pandora's tower and the other games you listed is that the other games you listed have good word of mouth among people who don't just own a wii and the other games aren't locked down on 1 platform

good thing you brought up killer7 though since the gamecube had a library with many, many strong niche titles but never gets credit for it, yet there are wii owners who unironically compare the conduit to goldeneye 64



I made audible laughter in response to your post.

>All these Nintendo PR shills trying to convince us there is a high demand for the Switch