>4.5 years
>simple player campaign is still nowhere near being finished because mechanics and ships are still not finalized
>"actual" game is nowhere near being finished because they STILL can't make multiplayer work without dropping framerate for everyone on server to single digits even with 16 people around
>Chris still can't figure out how majority of important in-game systems are going to work
>fanbase keeps getting more rabid and defensive with each passing month
People were memeing about SC being TORtanic 2.0, but it's actually fucking happening and it's beautiful.
4.5 years
Other urls found in this thread:
but 4K ! GTX 1080! 144HZ!
It's a scam not a failure.
It's not a scam if they'll release minimum viable product :^)
>"And, we’ll have what we determine is a minimum viable product feature list for what you would call Star Citizen the commercial release which is basically when you say, “Okay, we’ve gotten to this point and we’ve still got plans to add a lot more cool stuff and more content and more functionality and more features…”
>In June 2000, Microsoft started talks to buy Digital Anvil. Roberts admitted that his team required large sums of money, which only a huge company could provide, to continue developing Freelancer with its "wildly ambitious" features and unpredictable schedule; the project had overshot its original development projection of three years by 18 months. Roberts trusted that Microsoft would not compromise his vision for Freelancer, and was convinced the software giant would not attempt the takeover if it did not believe Freelancer could sell at least 500,000 copies when released.[38] Roberts left the company on completion of the deal, but assumed a creative consultant role on Freelancer until its release.
I don't know why people trust this hack.
>people paid tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars for SINGLE PLAYER SHIPS
things that have taken less time than the development of star citizen:
The Empire State Building (Jan 1930 - May 1931)
The building of the Titanic took 3 years, from March 1909 to March 1912.
World War I
the american civil war
It's already better than ME:A though and it was cheaper to buy.
I love how a friend of mine keeps defending the 30 bucks he invested into the game a few years ago. I just have to smile everytime I think about it
That reminds me how long has DayZ been in EA?
In one year they're going to switch to another engine and start from scratch, but they'll give all their customers a discount on ships as a token of apology.
They will eat it up and spend another few thousand dollars on concept renders.
>but they'll give all their customers a discount on ships
No they won't.
They'll never return investments. All they'll do is give them more worthless robert-points or whatever the fuck their in-game currency is
>World War I
I said a discount, not a refund.
30 bucks are nothing. Some people spent a fortune on this scheme.
We're talking 10k Dollar+
>a discount on an already-made-purchase
>not a refund
why do people expect a game that is bigger than any other game before to be released faster than any other game before?
>giving people discount on anything that can be bought with real money
If only. I bet they could give people 5000 monopoly money as an apology, though. Literally giving millions of dollars away!
i would rather the game take 10 years and be good than take 4 years and be like skyrim
Procedural generation is not meaningful content. E:D is a million times bigger than SC, and it's been officially out and in playable state for over a year.
>anything other than returning money to a customer
Nothing good takes 10 years to make. Bloated development time is a sign of problematic development and issues with management. See FF15, DNF, etc.
>dude lets make a game with more mechanics and content than EVE online lmao
>dude who cares that it took EVE nearly 20 years to get all that shit developed lmao
>dude we'll get it done in a few years tops lmao
>dude lets do it all in cryengine lmao
anybody falling for this blatant scam is a retard
America took hundreds of years to make.
>pledge in 2012
>a humble sp+freelancer like mp with private servers
>now this shit from delusional nu pc 'gamers' is why i wont be getting what i actually pledged for
>instead it's some bloated pseudo mmo that will take 12 years to finish
kys faggot
30 dollars is still a lot if you are unemployed
>tfw it's still in beta
And now it's our undoing
And look how that turned out.
>america is a greenlit early access open world survival game
what is the actual state on the game right now?
what can you actually do if you start up the game?
>$144.5 million
There's a simulator module where you can shoot NPCs or people in same small arenas that were in the game since first public release.
Bland as fuck racing.
Counter-Strike with 1000HP module.
PU which is pre-pre-pre-muhalpha of actual MMO game takes place in small part of ONE bland-as-sin system and is virtually unplayable in multiplayer because Cryengine doesn't work this way. You can play it on a dedicated single player server though. It's okay but you might as well just play E:D.
Lets be fair, for all his flaws Chris at least knows howto make money on gullible people.
give me my spiritual sequel to freelancer you fat limey fuck
Well currently they have lots of separate modules that don't fit together you can play.
There's a hangar where you can look at your ship and get in it and climb around and sometime it's not upside down.
There's a dogfighting module where you can realise how awful the space combat is and how half the systems in place don't really work.
There's a racing module no one except the mentally retarded even try to play.
There's Star Marine, a first person competitive team based shooter which lets you play Crysis but also sometimes not have gravity.
Lastly their magnum opus is the "Persistant Universe" where most of the game's mechanics are actually situated, and as a result it's the single most buggy and glitchy location in the game. It's where your ship can randomly explode, or you are teleported to the section of space where everyone's player models are deposited whenever they sit down in the pilot ship and you can see their hands rotated around bizarrely, or you can realise that you can run around in space shooting air from your nipples because the only place the game checks to make sure you're wearing a space suit is in the airlock exits to outer-space at Port Olisar but you can just clip through the doors by running into them.
Of course if you start up the game right now you'll probably see everything worse than ever cause they just did a bug fix patch which apparently made all their bugs work.
Fun space games set in vibrant sci-fi worlds are not popular these days.
>get $150.000.000
>hire more and more people you have to pay
>you now have nothing of the money for yourself left anymore
great scam
I love Freelancer. Completed it again a few months ago. Is MP still up and running ?
I wish more asteroid fields were like the Badlands, and less like the endless ice fucking fields everywhere
fuck the Tau systems, too
I heard some people still play Discovery. Never tried it myself, though, always preferred single player.
Where did it go so wrong?
So what you're saying is they made five completely separate games.
I played Discovery, the Hamburg mod and the Star Trek one back around 07 I believe. Great times
God people are so asspained about the idea of this game succeeding
outcast ships were my favourite
i unironically love the dromedary
>the idea of this game succeeding
An idea is all it's going to be.
More like laughing about how it hasn't and, at this rate, never will
I knew a guy who paid like 5k for ships in star citizen, I dont understand why you'd ever pay so much for virtual items
It's basically a dumb version of buying fancy cars. At least people can see your car when you are driving around. With these items you are ubying status symbols in the virtual world. They really expected this to become a great success and wanted to show off their internet fame. 5k is a lot online and since they can't get shit done in real life they choose the easy way out.
>pick CryEngine because PRETTY MOVIE-LIKE GRAPHICS
>go with realistic lighting where everything is rusty metal box floating in vast blackness of space
>as an end result, shadows cover 70% of everything at all times, making the game look worse than Gears of War circa 2006
I never understood the choice of cryengine, for such project and what they wanted to do they needed to develop their own from the start and it's not like they were lacking the money for it either.
So you're saying that every single person that's paid into Star Citizen has purchased every single ship available and every ship planned for the future in advance?
You really are a fucking idiot.
Five completely separate tech demos, with the assumption they could just easily bolt them together whenever they wanted.
They probably can't actually do that.
>The Empire State Building
Did it really? That's pretty neat. I would have thought longer.
I honestly believe it's just Christ looking through the screenshots of different engines and landing his finger on Cry because it looks pretty and models can look pretty realistic. He really wants those big Hollywood cutscenes for SQ42, and decision is still biting their ass to this day.
They have been touting this "new" tech recently called MegaMaps that will allow them to seamlessly load the various game types together. Pretty sure UE4 does something similar already.
America was built by men. Now it's run by sexually confused boys.
Is megamaps the new megatextures?
Is Mandalore /ourguy/?
As always, believe it when you see it.
>Sup Forumslancer is dead
I'm still sad
MegaTextures were a genuine innovation and in theory are kickass. The problem is that games using it were made with the lowest common denominator (consoles) in mind and PC copies didn't ship with higher rez MTs, so games like Rage and Wolf. TNO don't scale well at higher resolutions,
ITT People who have never developed a large game in there life criticize the purchases of people they never met for no apparent reason
>forgetting the inevitable court costs and attorney fees
New London was so fucking comfy, jesus christ
And (You) aren't old enough to remember Freelancer's development cycle and the deja vu many of us are getting with SC.
It's kinda crazy how out of control these stories have gotten due to this cesspool of an echochamber, I don't think there's a single thing actually correct in this thread. Not even the ones that try to be objective like this Mega Map was never about game types. All of the modules have been integrated from the start, the entire point of them is to test and gather feedback of individual mechanics, but all the mechanics have always been integrated in the persistent universe. MegaMap eliminates loading times (together with Object Containers).
Can't fear the fall if you spend your whole salary on booze
It's basically Santa Monica hub from Bloodlines, but on planetary scale.
what the fuck were they thinking?
What game is this?
Freelancer aka Star Citizen before you could sell pictures of ships for money.
don't worry gameplay will be 'refactored' again and they'll have a few more ship jpg sales so the grognards will keep lining their pockets
it was worth the $35 entry fee to watch this shit show, I knew it was fucked they second they canned wingman and the austin studio
actually they were indians immune to height sickness
Those are Americans, Columbus
Mass amounts of jelly in this thread.
I still remember being hyped as fuck when I saw the trailer, at least I didn't sink any money in it.
i literally have no idea what you're talking about. all footage i've ever seen of the game made it look extremely good.
It's almost like most massive videogames take years to develop.
How much have you donated?
It's almost like most massive videogames make progress during the years of their development.
Fun Fact.
WOW started production in 99
It came out 5 years later
The budget tripled from 80mil to 260~mil
While I want this to come out sooner rather then later, i'd rather get a complete product rather then the rushed bullshit MMOs we usually get these days.
Its refreshing to see that it isn't trying to compete with WOW or any preestablished game either, its being built from the ground up with new gameplay systems never seen before in a game of its type, sans really really jank indie titles.
Play the Alpha.
There is quite a bit of progress.
>or any preestablished game either
It's competing directly with EVE online, failure to have a decent economy will result in a quick death, that is, if it ever comes out.
I played the open beta during E3 last year, 4 years work and has the content of a 3 month game/early access scam.
Shit like this is what you can always point to when arrogant pcbros start getting uppity again.
>"Did you spend 8 thousand on a digital ship in a game that will never come out?"
>>"Did you spend 8 thousand on a digital ship in a game that will never come out?"
The beauty of having options, gentlemen.
>cesspool of an echochamber
>how dare they question my scam
>MegaMap eliminates loading times
Where have I seen that shitty claim before?
Too bad you don't have any games.
Ya got me there
>Directly competing with EVE
EVE is a different beast, EVE is about big fleets, single shard, and industrial power.
Star Citizen is more about exploration and adventure, it is also instanced, and won't have player driven industry on the same scale.
If you have shit taste, sure. Enjoy your third person and platformers.
Its because from what I hear fans had an option to have a simple game made or give more money. You can tell which one they chose. The game ultimately sounds cool, but theres a reason why it never happened even with games like Freelancer, its impossible and after a while there comes a point where you cant add new features without shit breaking like with FF7
Firstly, console war faggots begone from the thread.
Secondly, this age of open alphas and selling (objectively) unfinished games has given rise to this kind of shit we see here.
Also, I'm fine with a game taking ages to develop, as long as it's done right, but SC takes the whole cash-shop-cancer to a different level completely.
But they will continue to do it as long as there are faggots who pay for it.
Tell yourself its optional if you want, and you are right, but if you think that $10k in-game purchases are reasonable, even if they are optional, then I am afraid you are part of the cancer that is killing the gaming industry.
WoW didn't sell thousand dollar virtual ships while they were developing the game.