If given the option, would you rather remove Activision or EA fron the industry and any impact they have had over the years
If given the option...
That's a fucking tough question
If we can go back in time, EA 10000 times over
Tempting, EA ruined many studios but COD single handedly ruined FPS games which are my favorite
can't i just remove them both?
I geniunely think Activision is more nefarious than EA.
Reason why EA gets more shit is because Activision is way more clever about doing shitty stuff, which makes it all the more disgusting. Stuff like hiring psychologists to make Destiny addictive and then slowly drip-feeding people microtransactions is just something else.
Actually, nevermind, Activision because they raped Guitar Hero and Blizzard.
this isn't 2010 anymore you stupid dumbass
Activision is dead and EA is hardly cancer anymore despite many of their major series being complete shit
I pick Ubisoft
EA no doubt
>Activision is dead
>EA is hardly cancer anymore
>EA is hardly cancer anymore
EA is at least making fun sports games and lets their studios be creative, like Respawn with Titanfall 2. They have PC centric development and frostbite is one of the best game engines ever made.
Ubisoft hasn't published a good game in an entire decade and their samey open world designs are all 100% garbage. They can't release a game with decent performance on any platform if it fucking killed them
Activision made Transformers Devastation happen after Korra flopped, there are still people at that company who care about funding good games and giving them a chance, even if they bank on Annual Identical COD Installment no. 164 to keep the lights on and the shareholders happy.
The last time EA made a game I was actually glad to have played was Skate, I think.
EA, no question
Activision, EA have had positive influences in the past and are getting somewhat better, also I don't really care about their studios anymore so whatever they release doesn't bother me.
Activison though,
>Fucking with Blizzard
>Fucking with Bungie
>Dawn of the season pass
I'd be happy if they fucked off.
They're nothing but a blight on the industry.
ActiBlizz is just ruining their own IPs and introducing disgusting trends.
EA actively seeks out developers and franchises for hostile takeover to run into the ground to forever sit on the IP making sure we never ever have anything worthwhile made from it - WHILE also introducing disgusting anti-consumer trends as well.
Pretty clear which one should die first.
They aren't owned by EA, EA only published the game.
For now, why do you think they gimped the release of TiF2 so hard?
So Respawn goes into debt and has to sell themselves out to EA.
This, all day.
RIP Westwood and Maxis.
alright then, I was wrong on that front.
But the point still stands that EA still publishes fun games and is technically the most competent publisher in the game.
They have committed the most sins overall, but currently they're making less mistakes than almost any other major gaming publisher.
I really want Dungeon Keeper 3.
off the top of my head, EA has killed:
(and raped DS3) Dead Space
Medal of Honor
Command and Conquer
While Activision ruined FPS and retarded the development of rhythm games with shit like Guitar Hero and Rock Band
I think EA's killcount is still more devastating.
need to add bioware now
They are all in inventory I assure you they hold onto those franchises because they know will bring huge money some time in the future.
you forgot origin games and Ultima
and Crysis
its there
They are much better than they were (ever since Lucifer became CEO) but no fucking way are they "the most competent publisher in the game [industry]". If they were competent they would have had their QA fix or cancel ME:A before releasing it as a steaming pile of shit
Just realised I forgot Bioware/KOTOR
Neither. They're a necessary evil. They keep normalfags contained in cod and fifa. And gaming would not be nearly as big, your favorite game might not ever have been made even if it has nothing to do with these companies
If you're mad about them closing studios be mad at the studios for selling themselves to fucking EA
yeah no.. crytek ruined their own series and thats about it
worst overall
currently and actively causing the most damage
forgot to squeeze EA between MS and Bethesda
What is so terrible?
Out of the major western publishers they seems to be decent.
Sure they have a lot of bad games but at least they keep trying new things and pretty much every year they manage to make one decent game.
are you talking about Ubisoft? They haven't published a good game in an entire decade
>at least they keep trying new things and pretty much every year they manage to make one decent game
this better be a joke
*so terrible with Ubisoft
Seeing it from the studios perspective, you can't blame them looking for a stable source of finance. The gaming industry is a tough business.
EA just happens to the kind of company that agrees to finance their projects if they get full project management.
Those companies should definitely steer away from the clutches of EA, but at times a steady cashflow is too tempting.
Don't overlook that EA actively seeks hostile takeovers which some time leaves the studios with little control over who acquires them.
The South Park one was good.
Prince of Persia was good.
The first Ass Creeds were all god.
Rayman Origins and Legends were good.
Ass Creed 4 was fine.
Zombi U was fine too.
Rainbow six siege was good.
EA killed my favorite game. Not only favorite, but the perfect game I've found myself playing in.
Fuck EA.
How I miss Warhammer Online. God dammed.
Rainbow 6: Siege
all wrong
South Park is Obsidians worst game by far
not a single assassins creed game is above a 4/10
Rayman is the only exception
Zombie U was a shitty gimmicky piece of trash
Rainbow Six is a shitty CS:GO wannabe for console babbies
>South Park is Obsidians worst game by far
You asked bout PUBLISHED GAMES
THAT WAS PUBLISHED BY UBISOFT and hate to break it for you but it was fun enough.
Yes, Obsidians worst game was published by Ubisoft and it was bad
>fun enough
maybe but that doesn't make it good
I just started Mass Effect 3 and 90 minutes in I'm bored as shit. Is it worth going through the rest of it?
Pirated it by the way.
>Dungeon Siege III isn't a thing
Thats only your own opinion.
I'm convinced that while Activision got extremely greedy, EA is simply comprised of pieces of shit.
kill yourself
no of course not. it's really bad, just like every Bioware game post ME 1
very mature
If i choose EA would DICE be removed to ?
I don't have to be mature, I'm arguing with somebody defending assassins creed and half assed south park RPGs
EA single-handedly killed many up-and-coming devs with interesting ideas by buying them and squeezing out all artistic talent from them until there was nothing but a shell of their former self. Theirs was the most damaging, most longstanding influence between a large and varied number of genres. No questions asked.
>not really bad
I can only respect this opinion if you feel the same way about the entire series
I say Activision because I miss old Blizzard.
But let's be real guys. If you kill Activision, EA still exists.
To quote WotLK, "There must always be a Lich King."
Activision has killed everything they've touched, literally their best release was guitar hero 3. The things they've done to blizzard since late Wrath/Cataclysm are unforgivable. If I could personally murder whoever thought MoP and WoD was a good idea, nothing in life would bring me greater joy.
Activision at least maintains a level of quality as they drive their franchises into the ground.
EA systematically rushes their games, and at one point, re-released one sports game by simply slapping a new year on the title.
EA by far--it doesn't help they publish Bioware games either.
>I'm arguing
>kill yourself
Activision is no doing anything anymore only call of duty
it's not so obvious; lots of children adore ME 2 but don't like ME1 because it wasn't as streamlined, despite ME 2 just being a lame sci fi gears of war and changing from an RPG to "if you invest in your friendships with NPCs then they won't die from space debris later"
in my opinion Bioware was never good but only became exceptionally bad post ME 1
>Activision at least maintains a level of quality
Yes. Absolute garbage at all points in time.
>MoP and WoD
>not WoD and Legion
>no defense for ass creed
Hey, at least most of Activision's games are playable.
Let that sink in.
once you started going
>muh opinions
I stopped arguing and started insulting you because you don't deserve anything more than that
EA any company that's destroyed as many devs and IPs as they have deserve to go
>Implying legion even matters
game has been dead since MoP announcement, hello??
>sci fi gears of war
>EA CEO comes on stage
>stares at crowd for a while with disgust on his face
>"give me your money"
at least EA is open and honest about being greedy and evil.
Whups. Hey you're wrong, the only one I saw in their list that I would play is guitar hero 3, and they just barely got their fingers in that as it released.
guitair hero 2 was better
by guitair hero 3 rockband had come out and was superior in every fashion, even for guitar alone
>Hello, I'm the CEO of video games, inc
>I fucking hate video games and all of you are degenerates
>give me your money and submit to my will
Seems like a movie or something but it's actually happening
>, hello??
What did he mean by this?
EA is a butcher, it kills what it gets a hold of.
Activision-Blizzard is cancer, once it takes root nothing its touched will ever return.
>Stuff like hiring psychologists to make Destiny addictive
KEK what. Do you have a single source for this shit?
It was better, sure, but 2 was before Activison. Technically though, the detection on GH2 was ass compared to 3. Jordan wasn't even that hard compared to the solo version of the devil went down to georgia.
Killing Activision also kills Blizzard and Blizzard killed MMOs, Shooter and RTS so getting rid of them is the best for everyone
waking someone who is defending legion, as if it's still a live game.
Thats like the oldest shit in the book, blizz did it was WoW back in the day and people gave them some shit about it and then went on to be part of the BIG GAYMING PHENOMENON.
Almost everything EA killed has revived itself in some way or shape.
Everything Activision-Blizzard has taken over has been destroyed, genre wide.
Activision killed blizzard, so if anything it would just undo that damage. Blizzard could have been so much more than a dailies app.
This is just plain false.
agreed, all my friends that used to play random shit with me just for fun are now addicted to blizzard games, anything they touch isn't good enough because it's not "insert blizzard product here" fuck all of it
I'm not sure what's worse: EAs taking over franchises and churning out garbage versions of it perpetually or Activisions systematic genre destruction
EA, definitely.
EA, no question
The consumers eating their shit, thats the worst thing here.
The fact that these two giants can coast entirely on marketing and brand recognition because people are literally this fucking stupid.
the fact that anybody is surprised that ME:A was shit is proof of this
>most of activision's games are playable
Here's a list of most of the new releases. Tell me the ones you'd play and why your taste is garbage.
Valve did same with Dota, apparently.
Wouldn't be shocking if other companies go with similiar practices. Games aren't about developing interesting and new concept these days, its devolved into how to make you addicted to a game.
Chivalry is actually pretty good not even meme'in
Besides that none of it.
Chivalry and BO3
I think activision only brought it to consoles, like how EA brought the Orange Box to the PS3
Not really made by activision, same goes with the crash remake thing.
>unironically liking black ops
Fucking Activision. Fuck them. Fuck Kotick. Fuck whatever happened to Blizzard. Fuck $60 games. Fuck.
>I pick Ubisoft
Motherfucker, Ubisoft have been awful in the recent years, but if you remove them from history, you destroy dozens of great games.
ea is gay
At this point in time, Activision is more of a nuisance than anything really malicious.