Anyone else get anxiety when playing time based games?

Anyone else get anxiety when playing time based games?

Persona 4 and the Pikmin games have been a test of endurance for me.

I get anxiety in games where I can die

no, but pikmin 3 made me really crave fruit smoothies

Yes, that's why I never got into Majora's Mask. Seemed too stressful. I like to go at my own pace.

I always get stressed with Persona games because I know I can't possibly be doing everything there is to do and I didn't want to play something for 60+ hours to be told I got the bad ending.

Pikmin definitely does. Never had a problem with Persona.

I get anxiety from every game because every game I play feels like I'm wasting my time. Every time I get a new game I'll play it for about 30 minutes which is when I start feeling like shit then I quit it forever and repeat with a different new game. I always feel like I should be using my time to be more productive and fix my life, but my life is such a mess that I don't know if I should even bother because it doesn't seem possible to fix. What's funny is that I always end up just laying in bed doing nothing, which is a bigger waste of time than playing video games.

I always failed at the timed missions in Super Mario Sunshine when I was younger so I avoided them. Never wanted to play Majora's Mask for this very reason. I played Pikmin 2 over 1 because of this too.

I suck at efficient time management and knowing how to do things as quickly as possible.

I feel anxious with trophies that can't be obtained with single player runs.

I've never understood people like you who get anxious under a time limit. do you enjoy fighting and racing games? or do the timer in fighting games and the other racers rushing you to the end freak you out?

I love games like Pikmin where there's a timer forcing you to go, it improves the immersion of playing the game when you freak out about impending nightfall. Majora's mask doesn't even really have a timer, you have like 3 hours to do anything you want to before you have to go back to the beginning of day 1 with all your new equipment and rupees intact.

I do get anxiety even though i usually manage time really well.

Racing games are different. The one goal of the game is to finish the race as fast as possible.

In this game you have your original goals, limited by time.

I dont play Fallout 1-2 because of waterchip or tribeleader in sky screaming for water

Can I please do things my own pace?

Part of the reason I waited so long to try majora's mask.
Though I eventually did get around to it on my hacked 3ds and its was a lot less "rushed" than I thought it would be.

>or do the timer in fighting games
Honestly for the longest time I would set the timer to infinite in fighting games untill I found out I would rarely come into the problem of running out of time in most fighters.

>escort missions
>timed missions
>limited attempt missions before permafail
>limite continues
>online FPS gaming

All this shit gives me anxiety.

>play game
>don't touch MP for a really long time cause your scared of getting your ass handed to you
>finally decide to take the leap and try
>pretty much dominate most players because autism

Happens more often than I'd like to admit.

You really should try Fallout 2, i don't know about 1 but the steam version of Fallout 2 gives you about 13 years iirc, which is more than enough time to do everything.

I'd say it's more tedious than rushed. I dropped it when I realized you have to refight bosses in order to explore some areas

Genuinely curious; what do you guys who are nervous about Katamari games? While they are timed, the timer usually is pretty forgiving if you know what you're doing, along with the fact the game knows it's being time and is built to help you gradually get well adjusted to the tighter and tighter times you have to make.

I can't say for ever person but there's a big difference between a level being timed and an entire game being timed.

Having to restart a level if you fuck up isn't as nearly nerve racking as having to restart most if not all of a game.

I love fighting and racing games.
It's not really comparable.

I've been playing fighting games for years and the timer has stressed me out more than pikmin and persona due to people getting life leads and you trying to open them up without giving up more of your life.

Hell I beat PIkmin 3 4 times in a month and I made the minimum for Pikmin 1 my first time playing and the caves in Pikmin 2 (which aren't timed) are more stressful than the timed overworld.

The game itself should be getting you worked up, the timer has very little bearing. Actually I may give you persona because if you managed to underlevel or get shitty personas one day before the time limit is up you've basically trapped yourself in a corner, but that's still your fault and not the timer.

This, exactly.

I bought P4G on sale recently but I kind of don't want to play it because of my completionist OCD.

I started P3 and couldn't deal with the whole calendar and timed day shit either... I really like the premise, atmosphere, and music... but the "do one activity and it's suddenly half a day later" mechanics give me anxiety about not progressing how I'd like to

Comparing this issue to things like fighters and racing games isn't the same thing. Those two types have a single set goal to win. In games like Pikmin and MM there are multiple things you need to do within a set timeframe, thus requiring the player to do all these things or risk losing progress on those things or losing the game entirely. This stresses people like me out.

>In games like Pikmin and MM there are multiple things you need to do within a set timeframe, thus requiring the player to do all these things or risk losing progress on those things or losing the game entirely.

in pikmin you have 30 times to get it right (even more in 3), in majora you have 3-6 hours to get it right, and you can reset and do it with absolutely no consequence as many times as you want until you get it right, and all the dungeons are cut in half as soon as you get the dungeon item. you are overthinking this way too hard.

I hate time limits, especially when they're arbitrary, but Majora's Mask makes good use of it, and since you can always reset, there's really no pressure. It's more about time management then simply being fast. The only thing to really worry about are completing the dungeons in a single cycle, and that's pretty doable, especially if you slow down time.

Yeah but persona games don't work in that manner.

It kinds of does, for P3 the game forces you into fights on certain days, it's recommended to climb tartarus but you don't have to until the end of the game. In P4 you just have to beat the amazingly short dungeon and then just dick around until the time comes

>but muh 100%

If I develop a game, I'm gonna make routes that lock you out from 1% just to piss you off, it's not that big a deal. If it truly bothers you, go to youtube to see what one piece of dialogue you missed that didn't change a damn thing. The entire point is that you're gonna fuck up here and there, if you got 100% and did it perfectly all the time, what's the point of calling it a game, it truly is a VN at that point.

I get queasy when I play USFIV because I know people don't play fair in that game and use blanka lag tactics, so I can never sit down and say "I'm going to have fun for the next three hours."

Git gud. Those games were design for multiple playthroughs in mind. You're not supposed to 100% complete them through first time.

>he didn't 100% pikmin his first time through