This is catwoman. Say something nice about her,Sup Forums
This is catwoman. Say something nice about her,Sup Forums
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she could be even more ugly
nice jaw
More chin that the average korean woman
I don't judge you for the sex change, Catbro. Batman being gay for the Joker must have been a rough one.
I wanna thank SJWs for being the best bankers and letting me save money.
This is just NRS incompetence, not SJWs.
Which game?
Is this injust2?
What the fuck happened to her face? Is this from a recent Batman game? The last one I played was arkham city.
Nice jaw, I bet she can crush rocks with it
NRS is just gay, they made Aquaman handsome while leaving Selina like she is
Finally a good looking girl by NRS? Well holy fuck
Ed pls
>Comic book sales are at an all time low.
>Jews are now realizing that pandering to diversity and social justice warriors is not fucking profitable at all and is instead making them lose money.
So guys, now that these faggots go kicked in the head by reason, can we expect good capeshit games or good capeshit models from here on out?
Why do western game's women have stronger jaws than most bodybuilders that I've met?
Like a fucking anvil.
think this is the new injustice
the other banham game she was in she looked like pic related
I like girls with dicks.
>tfw took my sweet time playing through catwoman's scenario's in arkham city just so I could stare at her walking animation
Good times.
She looks like that one brunette girl from Game of Thrones with short hair and nice tits who seduces that one likeable guy from the show who sings and is friend of the dude with one hand.
Why are western games so bad at making women's jaws?
I want them to finish I2 already so MK11 can come faster, I donĀ“t care about Superman and Batman superheroes crossover anymore
Don't you Ed me! This is already better than anything from MKX
inb4 mad bimbo-poster appears
The trailer for anyone interested
Seriously, now...
nice trip faggot
Playing as her just feels good. At least until you have to start autistically backtracking through the areas to get her trophies, that got a little old
thanks dad
not THICC enough...
Arkahm knight Catwoman is GOAT
>that mountain arab nose
>can we expect good capeshit games or good capeshit models from here on out?
It's just a convenient scapegoat to avoid taking a long hard at themselves. Typical Marvel, really.
>A bloo bloo bloo, those white nerds don't like our diversity and feminism!
>It's not like the quality of our writing and art have been dropping for years due to choosing diversity hires over actual talent, and editors rarely actually doing their job!
>Or that we've been fucking over popular franchises like the X-Men and Fantastic Four because of muh movie synergy!
>Or even that we've been relying on garbage crossover events, variant covers and relaunches to disguise the fact that our sales have been dropping lower and lower!
>It's all the fault of people who can't deal with how liberal and progressive we are!
That was the exact problem though. Marvel was forcing so much bullshit into their comics that nobody wanted to read them anymore. They were pandering to the vocal tumblr fanbase despite the fact that said fanbase don't actually buy these comics. DC is doing the same thing but to a lesser extent.
Nice man-jaw.
Why would a lithe acrobat be thick, dumb frogposter?
>no Catwoman game doing heists around the globe.
Feels bad, man.
Where is her ass?
Hi mark hamill
>trying to pander instead of maintaining the integrity of the original artistic vision
that's what you get, faggots
Not even the comics do that. Too much fun, I guess.
>what's the appeal?
Says the leather-clad catgirl. Gotta love Morrison.