Remember when SMT had dignity?
Remember when SMT had dignity?
You call taking the piss out of F.D.R dignity?!
yes tbqh
>nocturne babby talking about dignity
Just give up, s0nygger. SMT will never be on your shitbox.
I enjoyed SMT IV: A though, IV can go suck a dick.
SMTIV with IV:A's gameplay adjustments would be my favorite SMT no doubt
Not everyone is poor
where do i start
I have a 3DS I want to get use out of, should I try 4 and 4:A after that or something else
try IV but the start is very off putting to some
I hated IV's story, if you go neutral everyone outside of L/C sucks your dick and that filling the chalice thing is dumb as fuck. Going chaos doesn't make sense (let's fight demons by inviting more demons!) and I hate to be a drone by going law.
The only good thing to come out of IV is that it saves time for the story build up in IV:A
Nocturne whenever possible
if you don't want to get a PS2, IV and IV:A are decent enough games.
This design for Satan and the fact that their ages seem to switch makes me really happy.
With the tip.
Kaneko dick suckers are the worst.
Yeah I remember SMTI.
Remember when SMT was fun instead of permanent grimdark shit?
spotted the series newbie
Remember when OP wasn't a faggot?
DDS > Persona > SMT
Raidou > DDS > SMT > Persona
Fight me.
Devil Summoner(1 and SH)>DevilSurvivor>SMT>DDS>Raidou>Persona>Last Bible>Demi Kids