Why not just make Saints Row V?

Why not just make Saints Row V?


Because they fucked up 3, 4 and GOOH

>Hey guys, this is a NEW IP, it's nothing like Saints Row but it's set in the same universe and even features the Saints and Ultor :^)

Fuck if anything I want them to go away from Saints Row

Ultor was in Red Faction, too. It's not a franchise specific corporation

Yes but this game is just milking off the Saints. Even fucking Pierce is in the game

they have no idea what they're doing anymore

Saints row was shitty after the second game. And they pretty much made 5 if you include gat out of hell

They need to just do something completely different. For some reason they think the "Saints" have a lot of fans and recognition when there is none

What the fuck is this game about anyway? Is it a TPS? A MOBA? Why am I getting Battleborne vibes from this?

>Still no proper Saints Row 2 sequel

>Why am I getting Battleborne vibes from this?
Because it's going to flop just as hard

>remember the times where me and my buddy spent countless hours fucking around in 2
>going from the beginning to the end of the game just having a great time
>3 and 4 are shit and we barely play them
>everyone and their mom can't get enough of HURR DURR WACKY DILDO WEAPON

It will flop, the times of cheeky games full of references with "WHOOOOOOOOOO INTERNET HUMOR!!!!" are gone. It looks like trash. Plus it's purple, fuck purple, I'm sick of it Violition

saints row 3 was the best thing to happen to the series


Upon release of SR4 they had already said they wouldn't make a sequel. They wouldn't "be able to top Saint's Row 4" in what they did and felt like they wouldn't be able to bring much new to it whilst still going on with the Saints.
I'm hopeful for it on a later date, but right after SR4 they had made their intentions known that, if they made something, it wouldn't be Saint's Row. And that's how we're getting Agents of Mayhem

nah, they're most likely not doing a sequel because they killed the series and 4 sold like shit

4 sold well and they even made the Gat expansion which let people choose the fate they want for the series.

>Why not just make Saints Row V?
Because DEEP SILVER is a garbage publisher and thinks Volition needs to make an Overmeme clone.

4 sold like shit? I thought the reception was better than 3.

Agents of Mayhem seems like a flop in the making. All the wackiness of SR3 and nothing else to back it up.

>fuck purple

oh no you didn't

I like grapes, I just hate the Volition specific purple

>Why am I getting Battleborne vibes from this?

Because everything about this game screams giant flop.

They announced it and literally nobody cared, then people forgot about it.

The reason why 2 did so well was it was a stark contrast to GTAIV's more serious tone. Both had satire, both had the freeform rampages but SR2 played on GTA Pre-HD era audience of lots of fun shit to do vs GTAIV and V's NO FUN ALLOWED EVEN ON GTA:SHARK CARD EDITION!.

But 3 thought the best part was the self referential humor and upbeat tone and kept that to this day. It's like MDCU vs MSCU

I don't want this shit. I want my gang urban warfare back. I miss the mercy killings, the revenge killings, the preemptive killings, beating the shit out of Donny everywhere he goes. Rockstar prioritizes realism over fun, Sleeping Dogs is one and done, and I was hoping that all the SR1 callbacks in SR4 and GOOH was a sign that Voilition wanted to go back to their roots. I just want to be a degenerate gangbanger fighting for street supremacy.

It's single player, you take on generic objectives in generic maps and can switch between which "agent" you play as. You do things like
>Clear all the enemies
>Disarm the bomb
I saw a gameplay video up somewhere and it was so fucking dull. The battleborne vibes are because it's shitty :^) humor at every fucking turn and will flop hard enough to make the entire studio shutter.

Never again, enjoy your shark cards

They're trying way to hard to be funny. I fucking hate Volition. SR2 was the last good game they made.

>How do you want your artstyle?
>I need something that's outlandish and stylized, yet somehow also generic and forgettable; something that just screams "My game is gonna flop."
>I got you my man.

Because deep silver has no money to fund it

>Go on Playstations twitter
>Wipeout collection tweet has 249 retweets and 897 likes
>Agents of Mayhem tweet has 120 retweets and 427 likes
>Jak and Daxter PS4 ports tweet has over 1000 retweets and 2000 likes

Fucking remasters of dead games are more interesting than this shit

Unfortunately no matter how good the game is, it's doomed because publisher is deep silver. They have no idea how to promote games outside their core audience of krauts who purchase farming simulator.

>this is the closest we'll get to a crackdown-like in the current year

Reminder that microshit will probably cancel crackdown

>>I need something that's outlandish and stylized, yet somehow also generic and forgettable
>blizzard lawyers feel a sudden heat in their ears

A big reason why SR2 was fantastic was because your character was 100% business all the time. He fucked around, had some fun here and there, but he never lost his character or was the WOW WACKY SMUG MAN that he was in 3 and 4.

He could be black with an australian accent wearing a hornet mask and a stalagmite on his head and a female with a man's voice in a hot dog costume and that wouldn't make him any more or less pissed off that you fucked up the coke deal.

And that's what made it great. It gave the player the freedom to be wacky, rather than MAKE the player be wacky. It wasn't LOL LOOK AT ME I HAVE A DILDO BAT, ISN'T THIS CRAZY, PLAYER????? like 3 and 4 were.

>kimbo slice in the game


Nigga did you even play the games?
shit got too retarded for it's own good.

it's okay bro you can go hug the dead rising fans in the corner they've already been there

>we want the overwatch audience

>we want the battleborn audience


i dont know why devs insist on using this godawful artstyle

>never heard about that game
>check gameplay vid
>see pic related

What in god's name is this steaming pile of turd ? Do game devs even care about making a visually coherent, not cluttered game ? Did someone get into our "make a modern game UI" threads and steal all of our MS paint pictures to use them as a framework ? What the hell.

they want to pander to insecure anti-weebs

>that HUD


Nothing wrong with HUD though

Take Saints Row, now add that GTA5 character switching. Thats Agents of Mayhem.

Is boring.

The third person shooter part of saints row was fine, but I'm not sure about the whole character swapping with overwatch style abilities. They all seem kind of annoying, too.

>can't make your own MC

The best part of a Saints Row game is making your Boss

I can't even get Laura Bailey as the MC anymore and that pisses me off

game probably has 1/3 budget of saints row titles

Dead on release

I would spend like an hour trying to make a badass character then eventually just give up and copy/paste a celebrity sheet from a video

I liked it better when it was a San Andreas clone (Saints row 2)

I guess there is some kind of money laundering scheme behind Deep Silver similar to Uwe Boll one. They simply make one bomb after another and would normally bankrupt years ago.

why is Sup Forums always wrong?

Because everyone remotely nonretarded left this cesspool years ago. After Sup Forums crowd started sprawling over Sup Forums.

You mean Reddit.

I mean pre-gobbergate Sup Forums which used to be interesting place

The problem is that redditors and other cancerous retards alike think of Sup Forums as their personal shitposting ground, after all discussion on this site shouldn't be taken seriously since there isn't usernames or karma and people are posting le epin meme frog I just saw on Facebook right ?
Also doesn't help that Sup Forums is the underage board.



>reddit is Sup Forums

might want to reread that post again bud, the only person ranting about le ebin Sup Forums boogeyman is the first post

fuck off leaf

The problem is when this place started to get swarmed by grim idiots who felt urge to make everyone discuss their neurosis, more animated crowd simply departed to greener pastures.