Would you like a Nemesis cameo in REmake 2?
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don't fuck remake2 up, capcom
No re3 was shit
Yeah man why not!
I hope they include a first person view with sprint and perks!
Having the epic ability to prestige after levelling up from killing so many zombies would be so AWESOME.
Hell they better add co op too, I tried to play RE2 PSN version and it was an absolute piece of shit that seriously needs modern mechanics that actually WORKS
But yeah man it would be hella f*!#ing epic!
I'll accept Nemesis mentioned in a file or something, but that's pretty much it. Maybe throw in Crimson Heads on the higher difficulty, but that's only a maybe. RE2 is already pretty damn good with some pretty crazy shit going on (giant alligator, plant zombies, ect.) and there doesn't really need to be additional content outside of what's already there. If it plays just like REmake then it'll be pretty much perfect.
Why? There's already a tyrant who chases you around in Scenario B.
They should just add an extra side story like they did with REmake and Lisa.
Why the fuck would I want that?
>Only ClaireA/LeonB is playable
>LeonB is DLC
>No Alyson Court
>Claire's model is shit
>Over the shoulder or first person camera
>HUNK scenario is DLC
>Tofu is DLC
>Alternate costumes are DLC
>No zombie Brad
>No Claire cucking
Why? RE2 has T-103
>Ada's kiss in first person
I can't wait for REmake 2.
It was already in first person in DSC, you dumb fag
RE2 has Mr.X
RE3 is Nemesis' bag.
No i wouldn't want one of the cheapest bosses ever designed to ruin yet another game. Thanks.
Sure, but it's not in HD with updated textures and VR
What like showing up for 2 seconds and leaving? Or actually being part of the story? Nemesis is only interested in STARS, he wouldnt do shit to Leon or Claire. He only attacks Carlos in 3 because he's in the way.
Makes no sense to have him there. RE2 happens while Jill in unconscious at the belltower. Brad was already dead, so the only one he's hunting at that point is Jill. No reason to go back to the police station.
Make it a dating sim, add a route with Jill, secret route is Sherry's
So, what WOULD they actually change in the REmake? Will we have all 4 scenarios? Will they change the now nonsensical "it's up to us to take out Umbrella" ending to something more like Darkside Chronicles's ending?
At most they should add traces of where he's been chasing Jill. But I'm pretty sure timeline wise he's technically dead the whole time that RE2 takes place, since it's supposed to take place while Jill was unconscious from fighting him.
cameo is fine, but respect for the timeline is important.
>You will never be a Nemesis assigned to protect Sherry.
W-Well... It's not like i WANTED to do Sherry's route after all
Maybe they add some stuff of RE 1.5?
I'd like a Elza outfit for Claire and a Donte outfit for Leon
You'll get a RE4 Leon and a CV Claire and like it!
REmake 2 will have all the content of 3, 2, and Outbreak 1 and 2 plus some ORC and UC stuff that fits the possibly remade canon . All these will be in first person with VR support.
I never knew I wanted this so much.
I'm fine with RE4 Leon, but
>CV Claire
Ada Scenario kinda based on the Wii game that you get if you complete A Leon B Claire ( or vice versa) with rank A or something.
>hey I'm nemesis
>you guys stars? no?
>alright bye
Wasn't Nemesis already in RE2?
Not steve. Also no.
a very subtle one yeah, but I believe that's beyond capcom's ability
No, you're thinking of Mr. X
It could work as an easter egg text-only mention.
You're not tricking me into buying your shitty game's remaster, Steve. Capcom will never bring your faggy ass back. Fuck off.
I mean, if you look at REmake 1, everything was kept from the original, and they added to it without making it feel like a completely different game, it was a very difficult balancing act, and not one I think many are capable of in this day and age.
>everything was kept from the original
So, who's voicing them?
Reuben Langdon and Kari Wahlgren
funfact: Reuben Langdon is doing mocap for Chris in Vendetta
I still can't believe Alyson Court got dumped from the character after 15+ years. At that point nothing but death or a blown voice box should stop that kind of continuity.
Milo Ventimiglia and Emma Stone
Mark Meer and Jennifer Hale
David Hayter and Jen Taylor
What went wrong, Sup Forums?
Hikaru Midorikawa and Kana Hanazawa.
Supposedly the only reason for it was because REV2 was developed by a different studio.
Leon stole her heart, her gimmick, her dignity, her will to live and her bike.
who can say
That's Elza though
Well, he can improvise
I believe you, but how can you tell?
I don't want to see Nemesis. I imagine it's long gone from the station by the time Leon and Claire arrive. What I do want to see though is the destruction left behind by it and Jill. Brad's blood splatter outside the main entrance, the shattered window where Nemesis jumped into the station. Small details like that.
Clearly those are 2 different bikes. Leon's is kinda some weird chopper/supersport/streetfighter hybrid bike while Claire's is just a normal sport bike. And their color is different.
I unironically enjoy that game's propensity for poking fun at itself.
I wish PxZ were more competent SRPGs. They are really well done in terms of being a cross-over and the localization is great.
>blue beaned by Leon
>cucked by Ada
>beaten by Wesker
>sidelined by Chris
>Steve is kill
>basically a sidekick in Degeneration
The big girl didn't deserve this, Capcom.
Only if it's in the background for a couple seconds as a secret, but then he should be running around the clocktower and mutated by then, so it wouldn't make any sense.
And Moira stole the skill of Claire of dealing with kids, suddenly in REV2 she is not good with kids anymore.
Hell Alex not even acknowledge her as the sister of the one who killed Wesker.
She is also cucked in Revelations 2 by Moira and Neil also tries to kill her
Maybe something like seeing the rescue helicopter being shot down by Nemesis in the distance or something.
>PxZ is good in everything except the gameplay
2 is quite a bit better compared to 1 atleast. Still far to easy though and the levels still take a long ass time (not as bad as 1 though). i really like the juggling combat system.
She's probably changed her jacket to LET ME DIE ALREADY at this point.
Full agreement from actual human consumer here :)
(Also, if Capcom really doesn't be detailed to almost autistic levels with this remake, they'll go down perhaps as biggest hoped for, failed whore AAA game since MGSV. Please don't Capcommen if any see this!)
She even gets cucked in the live action movies...seriously leave claire alone!
>reading RE6's files
>Sherry mentions something about "Ronny" being happy Claire is coming back to America soon
>"Oh shit, does Claire have a bf now or what? Is his name Ron?"
>go read the original version of the file
>it's actually "Rani" mistranslated
>it's just the good old cuntblocking pahjeet
She makes Leon her puppy in the novels though
Jesus this is just cruel
If they do the same thing that Rod Lima did at 18:23, then yeah I'll fine with a cameo.
wow actually that´s a pretty clever idea, Capcom not putting a Jill/Nemesis cameo would be a waste, also they could use that to hype a REmake 3
s.d.perry is dare to say/ourgal/?
>Claire gets cucked even in the blooper universe
I'm excited for the Vendetta bloopers, Damnation also had some quite good ones
The only Nemesis cameo I want is for that window that it bursts through in the Police Station to be visibly broken, considering that the first half of Resident Evil 3 takes place before Resident Evil 2.
Of course she is
fuck Nemesis, just make some references of RE3 events in the environments
Coon City was supposed to be in strict full quarantine, I want to see how Leon and Claire and that unfortunate trucker got into the city.
Yeah, i think this is a kinda big plothole tbqh
The quarantine wasn't instantaneous, RE3 and RE2 happen some hours apart.
The current canonical timeline tells us that martial law was enacted and a full quarantine was in effect around a couple of weeks before the events of 3 and 2
We might not get a RE3 Remake to be honest. Took them long enough for RE2
Last time we had this discussion we got cucked by board fusion halfway through. Who do you pick and why?
But how? RE2's intro imply that everything went to shit insanely fast, how could they place a quarantine barricade for something that was an accident.
Assuming it's still in the classic style, do you guys think they're making new pre-rendered environments or going the CVX route?
Childhood is when you idolize Leon,being a adult is when you realize Chris makes more sense
Dozens of posts picked Chris and told you why, you wanted people to choose Leon and things didn't go your way?
>plus some ORC
Yes pls!
Leon, I like his hair more.
Yes also make it an open world game with crafting. It's 2017 ffs.
RE4 Leon voice was amazing.
Why? Mr. X exists in that game and he's basically proto-Nemesis.