Do SJW's actually lack empathy?
Is that why we see so much bad writing from them?
Are they actually unable to envisage reactions to imaginary trauma?
Do SJW's actually lack empathy?
Is that why we see so much bad writing from them?
Are they actually unable to envisage reactions to imaginary trauma?
you can't lack a basic human trait
everyone has feelings and experiences, being able to empathize is something you should be able to do; but you won't be able to empathize with everyone. some people just have circumstances you have no idea about, even if they look plain as day. in the worst case scenario, the person is flatly telling you what is wrong, and you cannot empathize, you can't feel bad in a situation like that.
no, but autists do, that's why they're always right-wing
>you can't lack a basic human trait
sure you can. This is where mental illness stems from. You can easily lack empathy. Sociopaths certainly do.
>always right-wing
I guess OP pic related now.
yeah but you know what I mean.
an entire community isn't sociopathic
>Do SJW's actually lack empathy?
Sure. The bubble they live in is small. This allows for only a small amount of allowable experiences.
They don't understand what it's like to lack constant internet access...why would they be able to imagine what it's like to lack something important, like water?
>an entire community isn't sociopathic
indeed, but...many of these 'communities' seem only to speak with the voice of the loudest member, if you know what I mean
>Is that why we see so much bad writing from them?
No, the reason why they are so often bad writers is because they put "having the right message" above just telling a good story. Being concerned about what you're signaling is basically a giant wrench in the works for good writing. Suddenly you're putting yourself in this extremely limited space of what's ok to write and what's not ok to write.
It's basically why black characters are often boilerplate and boring as fuck in games, they're written as to not be offensive or stereotypical in any way whatsoever.
Empathy is a spook, as is morality.
as is consciousness. You should stop.
Confirmed for not know Chris Chan or any other crazed autist.
isn't that just a blanket phrase for New Journalism?
No capitalization nor any semblances of proper use of punctuation. I have zero credit to your claim. SJW are soulless husks.
yes you can and you surely this one
they have empathy, they just lack "soul"
Look at Mass Effect Andromeda. The reactions in-game to your father's death are...bewildering to any real person.
Because the writers either: A. Cannot imagine what it is like to have a close family member die.
B. Are trying to insert a political message about men/parenthood
C. Are just bad writers.
I'd be more willing to believe C, but these people KEEP GETTING WORK, and we see it so, so often.
>no, but autists do, that's why they're always left-wing
Fixed you
Is "soul" not required for empathy? I've got soul, and i've sat and wept reading a fucking batman comic sometimes, because I empathised with the character to such a degree.
Is this so uncommon that these people lack it?
>lack empathy
>too much money
>don't want money
>target those fuckers!
Whole society is fucked by many things, including SJW's shits, yet you fail to see the root of the problem.
>le spook may may
leftypol please leave
I'm not sure what you're trying to say, here. Elaborate?
yes, thats why they sjw in first place
Christine is extremely high functioning. She barely counts as autistic unlike the losers on Sup Forums.
Nah, that's gingers
they also lack brains
>extremely high functioning. She barely counts as autistic
Oh boy. This is probably the worst bait i've ever seen. I feel bad for falling for it, even though i'm the only one replying..
leftists lack all morality and all rules
their ideology is the absence of
they are chaos which lacks structure
all beauty derives from structure and rules
all that comes from chaos is ugliness
hope you enjoy the redpill
see: modern art vs classical art
all i know is every sjw shitter here shitting it up is also from canada
But isn't Trump the "chaos candidate"?
A good friend once told me that a good writer would use subtle movements of a character, or a gentle facial expression to denote emotions like fear or trepidation
A bad writer will have the character openly say something like "This is bad" or "this isn't good".
Every time I see those phrases now, I know what she meant.
most of Trumps policies are actually rules so only chaos in the eyes of people who want to abolish rules, also Trump is not super right wing anyway he's quite moderate and a mixed bag as far as political stuff goes
This is what you get when you try to institute a form of global consciousness before you're ready. Good luck.