Sup Forums says game is shit

>Sup Forums says game is shit
>it's actually great

What's her name, Sup Forums?

Oblivion and FO3 are on the "do I fit in yet" hate list and get unnecessary hate.

>I like it therefore it's good

Your preference isn't a universal decree. You can like bad things for reasons specific to you, but when you start preaching it's great you sound retarded.

Doesn't it work the same way?

The game isn't bad because you say it is.

Not a game, but people here actually tried to convince me that traps were shit.


How big is her dick?

Dragon Age: Inquisition

Sera is the most irritating character of any game that's ever existed, and I asked her to leave the Inquisition, but apart from that its a solid game

I don't see why anyone liked any of the other mass effect games except for the setting.

The combat/gameplay was boring, the dialog options often weren't intuitive, or the choices you picked didn't really reflect what the character actually said, and it was incredibly easy.

Mass Effect is like the pop music of video games. And MEA is the worst in the series. The only reason people buy it and think they like it, is because it's cool to. Just like it's cool to like Beyonce, but that doesn't mean everyone who listens to her actually likes her shit. They just believe they do because they're suppose to.

ME3 was far worse.
ME:A, if they fix all the glitches, it's functional and has an entertaining combat system.
ME3 has none of that, plus it has one of the worst written videogames in history, up there with MGS4.