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Which is better for DQV, SNES or DS? Was gonna emulate either

is the PC DQH game worth it? also, should I play that before the sequel comes out later this month?

Oh, and PS2 version also exists

Why is that priest naked?

The DS version has more content and it's better translated. Play that.

If you're a fan of the series, they're pretty fun. It's a musou like Dynasty Warriors but with a higher emphasis on tower defense elements and character switching. You can play the second without the first, only difference is a handful of characters on the roster, but anyone who's not in the story of DQH2 (Yangus, Bianca, Nera) is in a freeplay mode, I'm pretty sure.

I believe the DS version is the best one, and they didn't remove party chat so no issues there.

Are you blind? She's got a tabard, gloves, and a hat on.

it's skin tight suit

The party is probably heading to a very hot dungeon, removing some clothes seems like a good tactics to succeed.
Notice how she's inviting you to the dungeon instead of being scared? She hungers for adventure.

I can't but I can spew my own hot opinions

VII > V > IV > III > VI > VIII > I > IX > II

because lewd

> IX close to last

Is it really that bad?


Having just finished it myself- why do you guys rank it so highly? I enjoyed it and it had some great moments, but most of the party wasn't terribly compelling (or Aishe was so shitty she made everyone else look worse), but I think I liked VI more overall, and have been enjoying VIII a bit more already, if only because of the relative breakneck pace.

How do I play through DQIV, V and VI?

I've had them sitting on my shelf for a while, but whenever I play IV I feel like I'm just playing a fucking RPGmaker game.

It's the overall experience in story and journey. It feels like a long book you get used to read over a long period of time, once the book is over you're left with a strong impression and makes you remember it fondly, speculum if it was a good book. DQVII is kinda the same, you get so used to start the game and play for a few hours, that when it's finally over, you miss having it in your life. It really leaves and impression. I personally enjoyed it quite a bit, even if some characters were a little too shitty for their own good.

thanks. i was planning on getting DQH2 when it launches and considered the first DQH but didn't want to bother if I could just jump in to the sequel.

can anyone point me to a place where i can get a rundown on the common elements of the games and how they tie together story/character-wise?

it's not fair
DQ 1-3 is the biggest iconic games on JRPG history

Maribel's commentary during the journey shot it up in the ranking. The worst hours of the game are the ones where she's unavailable. The class system is also ace.

The games are mostly self-contained and are generally either straight up simple fairy tales (the brave knight defeats the demon king) or slight twists on fairy tales (the brave heroes fight the demon king BUT HE WASN'T ACTUALLY!)

DQ 1-3 and 4-6 are also considered trilogies, but are only loosely tied together in easter egg kinds of ways so that you'd really appreciate if you saw them but you wouldn't really be missing anything otherwise.

In fact, here's a 30 second video that tells you everything you could ever need to know about DQ1


Also, I would recommend if you have a PS4 getting Dragon Quest Builders. It's a Minecraft clone with fun RPG elements and a surprisingly compelling story.

I wouldn't call IX bad, but unless you really get into the MMO-esque quest and class systems in postgame there's very little notable or memorable about it.

I really loved the execution of the whole episodic setup, revisiting all the towns you save in the past when you return to the present, seeing the world slowly piece together. And other than Aishe, who is blander than cardboard, the cast was really nice to me.

>tfw never played DQ games and only fapped to the doujins

The DS versions of 5 and 6 are definitive
If you have a smart phone, play the mobile version of 4 with a controller.
>but whenever I play IV I feel like I'm just playing a fucking RPGmaker game.
How do you mean? I mean, it's no secret that DQs combat before 6 is pretty bog standard because it is the godfather of the genre.

Actually scratch that, DQIV on mobile doesn't support controllers, fuck that noise.