ITT: games LITERALLY only you played

ITT: games LITERALLY only you played


I've been playing the first one, got to the last boss. Didn't really work up the nerve to try and beat him.
Is it worth it?

100% the first one. Forgot this one existed. Is it as hellish as the first?

nope i played that, try again


One of the best games ever desu

I'm going to keep shilling this to the end of time because I really like the game

Is that MagiNation?

All I remember about it is that it had a card game, a cartoon and that the artist for it was a huge furry.


Yeah the GBC one, the played the GBA one too (jp only reeeeeeee) but I never played the card game or watched the show




I played that at a friends house
never made it past the second level

Backyard baseball from a general mills cereal box

Shit was my jam. Like as in 400+ hours at the ages of 7-10.

The first game is better.


Everyone had the backyard games...

Is this the one that was just full of advertising for Chupa Chups?

Also known as "sticky weapon" : the game

Yeah, it took me this thread to remember the name of that game. Ahah I remember I used to think the hero was "cool" with his mask, his angry eyes,and his dual yellow glowsticks

Do I win?


My nigga

What is it, though?