My name's Lou, it's short for... Lou!
My name's Lou, it's short for... Lou!
How fresh is she?
After I'm done with her, so not that fresh anymore
10 more free packs when?
But you just got 10
Can I use her after you're done?
We got like at least 20 packs from memory on second expansion
squid fresh
Give it a while then.
Anyone else playing pepesword by the way?
>Get a Great Opening Hand or Lose: The Game
Is Heartstone any better?
50% winrate, win I win hard, lose I lose hard. Is okay.
That´s bs. Depends entirely on how your deck looks. Forest can heal from 1-20 again. So shitty start doesn´t mean death. Good decks have 60-70 win rate.
I messed with it a bit while I was figuring out what else to make. Now i run aggro shadow and aegis haven.
>That´s bs.
That's exactly how it is though.
How's HS in that regard.
I could say the exact same thing about how hearthstone's shitty meta is somehow not ruined by pirate aggro because reno can heal to 30 and jade druid has a 60% win rate.
>retarded dubcucks
Hearthstone is getting worse with every patch/expansion and the playerbase is slowly dying.
Sybil is broken, Grimnir is broken, Israfil is broken, Aegis is broken, Eachtar is broken, Orthrus and Catacomb are broken, blood moon is broken.
Everybody got great stuff except forest. Jungle Ward is just ok.
Stay in denial, many cards sound better in English with TOTG
TES Legends or Gwent are way better than HS or weebstone.
Excellent rebuttal, weeaboo.
>the game is bad because it has some anime cards
Tell me the truth; is this a good game or do you play it because of waifus? I've never played a card game game like this or Hearthstone before.
It's free to play so you can try it.
It's too much of a coin toss, and unless you have a meme deck and/or a great opening hand, you'll get wrecked most of the time.
But that´s just druid.
HS can do 1% flip overs for epic tales to tell your friends.
Pretty much all the cardgames are free to play, so you lose nothing but a bit of time by checking them all out for a bit and see which one, if any, you enjoy. They all have their own mechanics and quirks.
But yes I enjoy Shadowverse beyond it having some fapbait cards, it's fun to play as game.
Or it's because it's largely similar to HS just slightly more F2P friendly, while Gwent and TESL are largely just better games.
Keep being deluded into thinking your game is anything but mediocre just because it has animu tiddies.
>Giant dragon airship ready to lay waste to the land
The waifus aren't even good, they are all from other Cygame games where they cuck you with other male characters (to appeal to the female demographic).
You need to see the text on it, too.
>Fanfare: Put a random follower that costs 2 play points or less from your deck into play. Repeat once if Vengeance is active for you.
That's the only problem with the game when it comes to posting about it on Sup Forums, all the cool things the cards do are not shown on the card image itself so to say