What are some games where I can get everything without deserving it?

What are some games where I can get everything without deserving it?


every game you play you worthless sack of shit

are you ok

Any modern bioware game

>oops, guess you're the most important person in the world now

Pretty much all of them.

I'm not a worthless sack of shit
you wouldn't know about it :^)


>game lets you become the most important person in the world through tough challenges
>nothing really changes

Any waifu sim


This. Every fucking Bioware game ever starts with some form of "You are The Special Snowflake".

Only exception is Neverwinter Nights 1. In that game you're basically just a pretty good mercenary.

What did the wank pheasant do this time?

retired undertaker in the worst mania main event this decade

>Roman of all fucking people retired undertaker
Are you fucking kidding me?

I don't know what Roman Reigns did to piss wrestling fans off but I like him just because of how much he makes numales and manchildrn cry

no sir


Anything else happen?

If only

shane tried to kill himself again
jeff hardy and matt hardy are back and jeff tried to kill himself again
triple h's match sucked again
not really


Numales are roman supporters though

Did they let Matt keep the broken gimmick?

and dragon age: origins.

we are not sure yet

I don't remember you beeing "the chosen one" in
KOTOR1 (wasn' Bastila the "chosen one" in this game?)
Same thing about NWN2 were you basically get thrown into the action without wanting to.

It would be fun to have a game were you basically just play as the sidecick or random crewman. Imagine playing as Joker ins Mass Effect and it's your job to get Shepard out of trouble or escape enemies - as a space simulator.

Watch the backstage video after they won. He kept emphasizing DELIGHTFUL and WONDERFUL and claimed they rendered the Club's title reign OBSOLETE.

That and I dont think he'd still have the 101 Dalmatians villain streak in his hair if he weren't Broken.

you were darth revan

thats pretty important

>I don't remember you beeing "the chosen one" in KOTOR1

You are Darth Revan in KOTOR1.

Granted, you don't know it in the start, they slowroll it, but you're still the single most important person in the universe.

In NWN2 you're also some type of Special One, though I forget which type it was.

It's not entirely Roman's fault. It's that he is good at best and Vince and WWE is booking him to be the next John Cena.

During their entrance Cole said "something will be BROKEN".

That match could have been redeemed if Roman turned heel

Fuck this shit company

And Matt lead DELETE chants.

If anything Jeff is himself to push merch and Matt is Broken still. Nero was hardly a gimmick anyway it was just him with contacts in.

Is /asp/ always this fucking terrible? Like half the board is a bunch of dudes saying the exact same thing about "based big dog"

You're just not on their level of irony

Yeah, the whole reason everybody hates Roman has got nothing to do with Roman himself and everything to do with the way he's being booked.

I kind of feel bad for him actually. He'd probably be popular by now if Vince didn't try so fucking hard to force him to be popular.

>i dont understand when people pretend to like bad things!!!!!

Why does he have so many belts.

He's a final fantasy character.

FFXIV was sponsoring

>based /asp/ working user into a shoot

More like 'why does he wear body armour?'

Yeah but it's the whole fucking board and isn't very funny when everyone just says the same thing, it's not like they're posting OC

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>main event mania 3 years in a row
is this a joke?

You cheeky bastard.

>CM Punk vs Undertaker doesn't main event
>Brock vs Undertaker doesn't main event
>Bray vs Undertaker doesn't main event
>Roman vs Undertaker does because muh big dog

They had their chance at the 2014 Royal Rumble. Roman could have won, everyone would be happy, and he's be top babyface. Instead Batista won and nobody gave a fuck about Roman. Sad actually.
>we want Daniel Bryan
>have him lose at the Rumble
>lose at Fastlane and forced to put over Roman
>eventually just retire
>Roman put into feuds with former SHIELD members forever until Seth and Dean are just dead and buried
>fans express outrage
>silence them every show, manipulated footage, rewrite history
>still mad
>bury Roman for a while so you'll feel bad for him
>doesn't work
>make him go over everyone the fans like so they'll have no one else to cheer for
>doesn't work
>have him be suspended
>spend the next month pushing that he's a changed man and very sorry hoping for the return pop
>doesn't happen
>the biggest mania of all time
>heels clean house (you weren't supposed to cheer for Ryder) then 100k people are silenced for Roman's entrance as he has a boring match with Trips
>next RAW try and push his new slogan
>doesn't work
>force AJ to do the job a million times over for him
>doesn't work
>split the brands and make Fin beat him on the first night
>Fin gets injured
>force Seth to do the job
>then begin the Strowman vs Roman push for mania
>Taker decides he's done after the Shane match went bad
>put him in the Rumble and have Roman eliminate him
>Taker comes out a few nights later and points at the Mania sign
>this is somehow buildup enough
>they have a long boring match at 33 of just kickouts and finisher spam
>Taker leaves all his gear in the ring, kisses his wife, and leaves
>Roman has now retired the Undertaker
>next is Roman/Brock at SummerSlam for the title
>followed by Roman/Brock at Mania

>matt and jeff will drop the belts in a few weeks after realizing just how much work and effort is required to stay as an active member of wwe
jeff too old to be doing the shit he did last night, and matt too out of shape to stay with it.

also, was nice to see kurt again. he got the loudest pop of the night.

Gonna be 4 next year.

He's already earmarked to face Lesnar for the galactic championship

What? You're literally like part of the 1% of the global population that can become a grey warden


it's at minimum 3%, at most 60%.
and 1% isn't that big of a deal

Super Metroid