Choose where BotW DLC should be placed

Choose where BotW DLC should be placed
I vote for Northern Hyrule

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not canon


expand the map northward unlock Termina

or expand eastward and unlock the Spirit Tracks continent

or expand westward and unlock Labrynna and Holodrum

Those continents in the distance you can barely see at the edge of the map.

Is the DLC in a new area?

not canon YET

Probably not
People are setting themselves up for disappointment

It's 20$. It can't be just a shirt and a bunch of shrines

There's no confirmation is isn't, but it obviously won't be. BOTW's map is fucking huge, it'd be stupid to assume they're going to make another one for some pointless DLC.

Maybe a sequel in the same manner as MM, but not a DLC.



There were hints.
It shall come in time.

Hard mode, new story and new dungeon

heh watch kid

Wherever Link's Awakening took place.

Link'll fall asleep right as the wind fish passes by, and enter its dream again.

>the wind fish


I've heard some anons mention that there are references to the continents of Labrynna and Holondra. Is there any truth to that?

That's not the wind fish though.

The wind fish is actually a whale
That isn't a whale skull


It's Nintendo.

Mario Kart DLC is awesome.

You should look at the smash and hyrule warriors DLC pricing model. They're completely fine with minimal content for high prices.

HW is tecmo shit.
you have a point with smash.

>The Smash DLC anything other than completely fair
It's 100% in line with what other fighting games charge for a character (And those ones are all made with the main game and then just cut out for money). Stages are less than half of a character. And Mii costumes are entirely optional cosmetics.

Nintendo didn't handle ANYTHING about Hyrule Warriors.

You're retarded. Especially when Nintendo has actual examples of shitty DLC like Mario Golf 3DS and the Fire Emblem Fates games.

>fighting games

I'm talking in terms of content volume. The base game has over 40 characters and stages. The DLC costs $35 for 7 characters and 3 stages.

You can pretend it's because they were matching fighting games if you want but nintendo are still completely fine with releasing a fraction of the base game for a stupidly high price as DLC.

And Nintendo published HW in the west, if they didn't want to charge out the dick for DLC they could have chosen not to.

As long as it's got spooky labyrinths and more enemies I'll be happy. I was crossing ,y fingers for at least one ancient deadly temple full of traps with a melancholy piano version of Zelda 1
or 2's dungeon theme. In hindsight, that was a very specific and unrealistic expectation.

Underworld from the Oracle games

Seems like a whale skull to me

Still mad there was no "Ska Dala Shrine"

This. The game needs a connected underground map/system, like Megaman legends, or the zertinian caverns in ff12. There's entrances everywhere and the underworld is full of old crypts, temples, forgotten shrines to Ganon and ultimately, the resting place of vaati

I say no DLC

Why should we pay for something that was supposed to be in the game originally?

The underworld in the Oracle games was more like hell/The nether from Minecraft than an underground cavern.


I just mean it's a big area that is parallel to the overworld map with multiple entrance points. Literally a world under the above one, rather than the classical world of the dead. I remember subrosia though, aside from there being lava it never really gave off a hell vibe.

They did a lot of work to make those 7 characters and 8 stages. And yes giving a slightly better value on fighting game DLC than than the average fighting game who rips it out of the main game to sell separate when everything was made post launch is a good value all on its own.

But the 8 stages are all ranging from great to amazing. Miiverse is the worst but it was a lot of fun and battlefield isn't a bad stage it just wasn't new, plus it was free so still pretty great. Duck Hunt was also free if you used the 3DS version long after the WiiU one came out. Mario Maker was 2.50 for each game and that's 1/2 of a 5 dollar new character. The 3 returning 64 stages (That had to be built from the ground up besides maybe pirate ship) are 1/2 of a 4 dollar returning character (Also built from the ground up besides maybe Lucas). They did a great job with the returning characters, new Roy feels amazing to play and his redid appearance is tops. Mewtwo is allowed to have fun in this game. And I don't really play Lucas

For the 3 new characters (Who are also all 3rd party, those companies likely received or are receiving money from this appearance.) with bundled stages you actually get it cheaper than if they were separate. New Stages are 2.50 dollars and new characters are 5 dollars. Bayonetta, Cloud, and Ryu are 6.00 so you save 1.50 on those 3 despite easily being the most expensive to make. On top of the price, the 4 new DLC characters put practically have more mechanical complexity than all the other new comers put together. They clearly have more work put into them than the other 40 members of the cast in a number of ways.

>Nintendo of America ever being able to severely lower the price compared to europes and japans versions

delet this

All the previous lands of Hyrule(plus whatever lands that weren't Hyrule) and you can travel there by boat

Stop this right now.

Different species? Whats the third one look llike

got it


Hints? In-game or?

It wasn't supposed to be in the game. You have no clue about game development

Holy shit where is this

God I have a ton of hours in this game and there's still so much I haven't seen or done

Link's CDI shield is in the game and so is this exact giant carcass from gamelon (on the upper right.)
There's a quest called "What's for dinner?" but that might just be localisation.

how about beyond the beyond

There's a mission about finding them you get it on an inn
Dont remember where

I wonder what that is. Labrynna or Holondra perhaps?

Third leviathan in the hebra region.

I think its the stable near the giant canyon closest to hebra but not in the snow yet

A masterpiece.

The CDI shield is there? Which one is it?

Knight's Shield.

Seriously "establo" is stable in english
I said inn because I didn't knew that I feel stupid

DLC should be placed to the west of the current map, accessible though the desert

It's implied that the Gerudo city and oasis are trading posts but why the fuck would they be if theyre in the corner

Also unlike all the other directions which have oceans or cliffs, going too far in the desert simply stops you. So don't stop me let me just keep trucking into a new area

>No Nintendo employee will ever go the extra mile that was Iwata putting Kanto in Gold/Silver

Wind fish had an underbite

You're not kidding. This game recognizes more than the Hyrule Historia was willing to.


Somehow someone burried the pillars and the guardians.

how about over there?

Is that the Island Palace? Where is this?

lol wtf who invited this dumbas?

Wow! What are all those heads?

Yeah he does, just like a blue whale

looks almost like a dodongo without horns, OR
it really is this No clue what this could have been

My 2 cents for this DLC

Pack 1
>Cave of Trials will be place at pic related, it's the one mountain that you can't climb that has a name on the map.
>Hardmode will just be weapons having less durability and deal less damage, and enemies will attack with double damage while the entire game map is mirror horizontally.
>Map feature will allow you track something you couldn't track before. Korok seeds maybe

Pack 2
>Original story will be PRE-Ganon fight and will not effect the main story at all
>New dungeon will be a fifth divine beast that will be place in the south east in the ocean, so that you have a purpose to visit the jungle and beach. There is currently nothing to do at Lurelin village
>Additional challenges will just be more fetch quests and mini games.

Snapshot this, for I know that while ignoring they my "specific" guess will be wrong, the overall DLC being optional and will not impact the vanilla game is a given. Nobody in Nintendo is going to do what Gamefreak did when they added the Kanto region in Pokemon Gold and Silver.

map bounderies suck

Westward would fit better for Termina as the east border of Termina is Ikana, where there is a giant, arid, desert like area, and the west coast of Hyrule is where the Gerudo desert, a dry, massive, arid area, is. Further, Snowhead would be close to Hebra which would make sense as well.

Labyrnna and Holodrum could be in the north and north west

If you want to fuck around with a new continent that would be for a sequel

You can't go any further

Hard mode will probably change the food system too. I like the idea for the locations of the DLC. Cave of trials up there would be perfect, and the beast being down there makes sense to me because thats in necluda which is the same region as kakariko village. That is perfect for me since I think the last dungeon will be shiekah themed, 5th race and the 5th color for waypoints is purple, and well finally get the rest of impas story which would be nice to know.

the skeleton in the Gerudo desert has wing bones too

Oh shit, that happened to me to. But it was at the Southern Oasis

My 2 cents of your 2 cents

>Really good analysis, seems likely and grounded in reason
>Complete retardation, if only for the durability statement. Enemies doing more damage seems likely, mirroring of the map less so. Stands to reason it has to be more substantive than just adjusting values since it is taking months to release and is a major feature of the first pack
>seems about right

Pack 2
>not likely though I will not discount it altogether, ending of the game alluded to post-game content and there is nothing left to do functionally pre-ganon
>My OCD compels me to say no, as this would fuck the symmetry of the map up regrading two beasts on each side and the lazers coming in to the castle to make perfect cross sections. It would also serve no purpose since ganon is gone.
>Maybe, though I would say it is likely a few more interesting sidequests might be sprinkled in

Overall I think your predictions aren't too bad, but some of them don't seem likely to me

I really hope they basically do a Majora's Mask 2, not with the DLC but a full sequel.

As in keep all the mechanics, enemies but have a new world. Then they can focus on adding enemy variety and more intricate dungeons that weren't in the main game.

I have a feeling that's what the winter dlc will be, same characters and geography but different story.

I would rather an expansion pack that just expands the traversible part of the continent in one direction to include a new land with a new quest that would integrate Hyrule in certain ways as well

Fucking why?

What have they ever said to make you think that they would do an entire new game as a dlc?

But Termina and Hyrule are connected via the lost woods.

The fact they said it would have a different story in the winter dlc?

Um. It's already announced, so not having it isn't an option anymore.

The lost woods in BotW already has warp points in this game that you go through by walking into a tree. The exact same way to get to Termina. I think it would be cool to use the warp, go to a forest in MM that can lead to an underground passage to get into the clock tower or just explore Termina or whatever. Maybe a quest can be to find the Termina equivalents of the Bolson construction company to build a bridge over the giant ridge separating the two lands or something?

I prefer them to having the whole place be an island

>Stands to reason it has to be more substantive than just adjusting values since it is taking months to release and is a major feature of the first pack
I can agree with you on the durability part. I just know that they will probably not touch the enemy AI. That stuff would require too much time to developed. Watching the "How it was made documentary" where one person change one factor for the wind with pots for one puzzle, completely ruined another person's project in the game. The Mirror mode is very likely considering that's exactly what Nintendo did with OoT3D and TPHD.

>No clue what this could have been

King Helmasaur, stylized for BotW

An original story doesnt mean an entire new plot. It could just be an optional story that tells more history and lore

I see what you mean but its not gonna happen. with only 1 dungeon being added, well get another force ghost to tell us an original story, thats it.

I agree about the not touching enemy AI. I think more likely would be to either add a small food animation or to make eating heal over time instead of instantly.

Good point on the mirroring though, I'll give you that

Holy shit your probably right.

So we got the wind fish and helmasaur king as dead leviathans, whats the last one?

Termina and Hyrule aren't connected at all, they're different realities

If that's the case then it's a little misleading. At least I wouldn't have to go through the trouble of going through all the shrines again.

What if the dungeon is as big as Hyrule Castle, but requires keys and shit that you need to find in the rest of Hyrule or like to find NPCs to help solve riddles like the entrance to Moria?

[citation needed]

Don't bring up HE either, it isn't canon and includes retarded shit like the Kokiri just being evolved Hylians

Lord Jabu Jabu?

Every piece of official media since the game came out describes Termina is an alternate universe.
Link even falls through a wormhole in the prologue

Need a patch so that these two will stay off my lawn.

Lurelin Village for the monster hunter cross promotional DLC.

Why don't they take the bridge?

And just do the terry town questline and never speak to them after the wedding.

The last one is definitely not a fish, it has no bottom jaw, and jabu jabu didn't have arms.

>not putting in Moga, Loc Lac, and Yukumo
They already have the assets for two of those.
>tfw 3 Ultimate got rid of the day/night cycle and removed most of the comfy

Forgive my lack of history knowledge with carpentry, but you'd think those people would have developed a way to Marine-treat the wood at least right? At least show some maintenance where they replaced it with new planks or repainted it. The salinity in the air alone could rot that thing in months.