Cyberpunk 2077

>Cyberpunk takes place in the USA


Other urls found in this thread:

I know right? It should take place on fucking Africa, if videogames and comics have taught us something is that africans will dominate in technology, AI and robotics.

Why not make it in Euope for a change?
CDPR need to stop pandering to burgers.
Chto vi delayete, przyjaciele

>main game they reffer from is based in USA
>they make the game in USA

Is based in the city of the pen and paper game (night city) wtf did you spect mcnugga

Where else? Japan?

fuck you and your fuckin diversity. America owns your shit, we buy more games than you, we pay for your protection, if we want the next cyberpunk game in our country, then that's where it'll be.

>America still exists in 2077

Nice dreamland.

>fuck you and your fuckin diversity
Your country is 60% white, and mine is 99.9%
What are you talking about

After all, they were kings and stuff.

Europe has too many short, old buildings to be conducive to the cyberpunk genre. It needs the concrete jungle filled with neon lights, so places like New York and Tokyo are usually used.

The USA is an actual cyberpunk dystopia though.

Sure is a lot of europoor butthurt in this thread

>Shadowrun Returns was in USA
>Shadowrun Dragonfall was in Germany
>Shadowrun Hong Kong was in uhhhhh
Clearly they're just ripping that series off.

You do realize that the #1 cyberpunk city is Detroiy right?

Isn't it like 40% these days

>not wanting to partake in wanton violence against americans
low energy

This is exactly what i was thinking.
>NSA seeing their every move
>ISPs can sell user navigation info to advertisers to make more targeted ads
>companies have far more power than the government itself
It kinda checks out

They count Arabs and North Africans as white so you might be right.

Yes, Arabs/NA's are indeed America's largest minority group.

>we live the cyberpunk
>just without all the cool shit
Might aswell grab the GEP gun

I agree, and that fact is really nothing to be proud of.
Like this retard.

Are there any Cyberpunk franchises that DON'T take place in America, other than Ghost in the Shell?

South African cyberpunk would be really cool actually.

this way having 75% nonwhite characters will be realistic

>takes place in the usa

Fuck yea

As i read somewhere some time ago, "We live in a cyberpunk future designed by Apple"

>europe is 99.9 % white


For silent takedowns, you see.

I said country, not a continent dummy.

>Cyberpunk setting that isn't in America or Japan

that is just wrong

>Any japanese cyberpunk
>Neuromancer takes place in a couple different planets.

>europe is a country
>either reading or geopolitics and geography



Perhaps there will be multiple locales such as deus ex? Besides America makes the perfect backdrop for augment manufacturers and biomedical research companies run amok


How cute.
Yuropoors demanding attention.
It is time for you to come to grips with your second class status.

>implying that aside from France, Germany, UK or Sweden, niggers aren't lynched and hung

>not wanting leotards cyber enhanced hookers with curly long blond hair
kill yourself fa m

thinking Europe is a country...

Make up your own damn genre, Euros. You were doing well with temperate climate post-apocalyptic, why not focus on that?


But cyberpunk is about having no freedom

Seeing how badly GitS is doing was cyberpunk a bad genre for CDProjekt to plant its flag?


As someone who finds nascar boring and prefers F1 people need to understand that it takes alot of skill to drive in thoses tracks properly and people who just go "lol turn left so hard" dont really understand the mechanics of racing or even driving really.

GitS is doing bad because the writing is shit and an offense to all other GitS media

I really don't understand what this image is trying to convey

but its not doing bad for being cyberpunk

Whatever you say, Cletus.

>and an offense to all other GitS media
No, it's a pretty fun movie, even when it lacks all the philosophical and political undertones.
It's pretty much a 5/10. Could've been better but it could've been way, way worse too.

It's actually a much more original setting than lmao neotokyo or some Eastern Europe shithole like Czech republic.

That is a pretty low bar.

Back in my day people put effort into baiting.

what is neuromancer

Yes, everything is baiting.

Well, yeah, I still think it's a good movie. I loved the visuals and even though the story was weak, I still enjoyed it.
I'm seeing it a second time, for sure.

But what I meant, like you said, was the lacking of philosophical and political undertones.
It also felt like a lot was cut out of the movie.

And then, some of the dialogue was really.. Condescending to the viewer. Some of it really sucked.

Takes place in

I don't recall Case traveling to the U.S.

Unless that's where they recovered the black box dude, can't remember where that was

Dismissing what I said by calling me a name to get a rise out of me and all Americans with no attempt to disprove my point. I just used the most current name for that. What would you prefer ad hominem? Or how about the classic the dirty word of the daytrolling

the sprawl is the east coast iirc


>OP posts something, can be ANYTHING, without backing it up with a source
>everyone just believes it and start discussing
what the actual fuck is wrong with this board? or are you all just pretending?

Here's the source of the pic.
It's concept art. And there's clearly an american flag in there.
What's there to doubt about?

He posted an image
Take a look at it

well if the USA dominates anything it's the global obesity charts

WTF is wrong with you
It's a fucking Cyberpunk game, it continues the stories from Cyberpunk 2020 that take place in Night City on the west coast of USA...

reminder to sage and hide these threads

Actually, the UK is dominating that now.

If Neill Blomkamp's films are any indication, they're not much different from cyberpunk -anywhere else.

except all the dialogue is complete gibberish

>american education

Deus Ex MD was set in Europe

Well I mean they are just trying for some realism I guess, most European countries will likely be gone by 2077

True, EU will become a federation of ~300 NUTS-2 states.

some yuropoor trying to get a rise out of Americans. doesnt work because everyone knows yuropoors only know how to crash on dirt roads.

You'll get to kill dumbass amerifats

I imagine things will go in the way dan simmions wrote it: a global Caliphate arises out of Europe that, among other things, attempts to destroy the Jewish population of Earth by releasing a virus to kill all Jews on Earth and creating killer robots to kill any remaining Jews who escaped the infection.

I'd like it set in France if we get sexy french women speaking in sexy french accents.

>African cyberpunk
>implying that doesn't sound cool as fuck

>CDPR need to stop pandering to burgers.
Quite the opposite, you filthy kacap

Not as neat as you think. Halo and Overwatch tried but in the end it doesn't matter where in the world you put cyberpunk in, its hard to make the geographic location relevant.

No tall buildings because of catacomes

>a virus that only targets jews

How would that even work

With what technology though?
Anyone with half a brain and a business sense there jumps ship to USA immediately and those with half a brain but could run a business to save themselves end up in Australia.

The Elon Musk's of the world are abandoning Africa because they know it's an unfixable shithole.

You didn't play MGSV, did you?

Is this reverse shilling? Does he want people to buy the game just out of spite?

As in most things, Americans inflate the importance of mundane, shitty activities to hysterical levels in order to make themselves feel like they're part of something great (Baseball, Football etc.). In reality the rest of the world just laughs at their naive attempts at trying to appear grown-up. I mean just look at their fuckwit of a president.

remember me did it right with Paris

Napoleon complex?

No one brags about Nascar, especially on the internet. It's something rednecks enjoy and the rest of the world makes fun of. It's literally picking on a retard who is quietly playing with his Lincoln Logs in the corner.

it's not like the kikes outside of israel even speak their dogspeak
to really rid the world of jews one should start with the english speaking ones

actually it's not that bad, kikes and burgers gone in one go

It deletes your bank account

Its either a shill paid by some kind of marketing company hired by cd project )because bad publicity is also publicity) or its a creature with a new level of autism.

we should stop partaking in these threads.


oh no.... that sucks!

Woo, I hope that poster is at least getting paid to shill like that.

Bait aside, I assume they are basing this off the Cyberpunk 2020 RPG which is set in Night City in California, a state that seceded

Manking Divided took place in Europe. Guess what, it fucking sucked dick.

That wasn't why it sucked dick though...
Prague was a pretty neat city.

It sucked because Prague was the only city.