Literally impossible

Literally impossible

git gud

I had more problems with Toejam and Earl.

2nd phase is facking boolsheet, 3rd phase just don't get greedy

if you can't do either of these just summon phantoms and hide in a corner.

Literally an endurance fight.
Just pussy out and summon Gael, if you even live past the first phase for him to show up.

Reposting some stuff for phase 3:
Beat her like I did on SL1:
After her initial animation where she jump and you have to dodge the fire you can attack her twice.
Always dodge backwards, sometimes you need to dodge 3 times in a row and have time for 1 attack.
Best Scenario is her doing the invisible shit, just follow her and when she winds up her attack hit her with a full R2 and 1 swing.
Play defensive like 70% of the time.
Good luck.

Phase one also just dodge backwards and in phase 2 focus on damaging big guy when he stops charging.

Is the DS3 dlc worth it?

1 is probably one of my most played games, I played 2 through once and got bored and I stopped playing 3 at what I assume was the final boss, the flame dude who uses all the different weapons and spells / sorceries. I'm not sure why I stopped desu I just kind of stopped being interested.

>2nd phase is facking boolsheet
I just focus on the big dude for 2nd phase. He takes more damage, and they share the health pool.

First one: shit no, short as fuck and only one real bossfight
Second DLC: pretty great

Wait for the complete edition.

Did you slap Nameless King? Guy that shoots lightning, Soul of Cinder (flame guy) is the final boss.
DLC is worth it when you can get it for like 20 bucks.

Am I the only one who enjoyed AoA?

It's not awful, it's just underwhelming and the shortest DLC in the series.

Yes. The whole word got together and had a bit vote and you are the only one who liked it! Congratulations. You are a unique little snowflake afterall!

Passive-aggressiveness from 0 to 100 awfully quick there

Kill yourself


summon the NPC, game is meant to be play that way

The only way I could do it was by forsaking my slow, favourite weapons and just forging up an Exile Greatsword to max.

Focus Professor X on second phase, she doesn't even bother you at all if you're right up slashing at him.

anri's straight sword
spam r1 3-4 times
rolled away

that's how did it...

Pretty sure this fight is designed for you to summon Gael as its the only 3 phase boss fight in the game if I recall, and he only shows up for the 2v2.

Also summoning Gael makes the final boss of the ringed city dlc more poignant for obvious reasons.

Friede encapsulates everything wrong with Dark Souls 3
>Retarded anime moveset
>Multiple phases
>Cutscenes mid-fight
>Turns into sanic and spams attacks because she isn't limited by Stamina like the player is

Champion Gundyr >>>> Every one of the DLC bosses.

My little Sup Forums can't be this bad at videogames

>skipping essential part of the game
>being good
yea right...

I'm tried changing from the Guts sword to a straight sword but got bored by how much longer it took.

>>Retarded anime moveset
holy shit this, I am so sick of the overdone anime shit in DS3 with giant swords being ballerina'd around like they're styrofoam models

This bossfight would've been so damn good with only two phases. The third one just felt unnecessary and didn't offer much. Still, easily one of the more memorable bosses in the Souls franchise history. The rest of the DLC is just straight up dogshit though.

And so far so is the other DLC. Hurrr durrr garbage mob enemy spawns and angels firing at you nonstop. Some DS2 tier shit design. I thought to myself this is such a shitshow the first boss I fight will either have additions or have a healthbar that has to be fully depleted more than once. Sure enough it's a generic demon with one addition AND two phases. Just trash, sasuga B team.