How was she still young after 100 years?

how was she still young after 100 years?

Did you want it to be like Jack and the Lava Monster where she hyperages and dies right after Link kills Ganon?

Bathing in champion's blood

"we hate old people so we just left almost everyone young"

no, i'd like an in game explanation of why she didn't age

Cum baths

It's sealing magic, she ain't gotta explain shit

She is an elf.

I got you senpai

so she got stuck in time or something?

It was due to magic.

She's asian

>Blonde hair
>Green/blue eyes
>White skin


The flow of time is convoluted in Lordr...

wait wrong game.

A few weeks ago I worked out that 100 Hyrule years is only 1.6 real life earth years

But I fucking suck at maths, somebody else calculate it

It was something like

>5 real life seconds = 10 minutes in Hyrule

bitch turned into a crystal again.

based on what? in-game time? that's a flawed argument for obvious reasons

Nintendo was too scared of too many actual consequences. Same goes for why they probably pussied out in Majora's Mask and made said mask sentient at the last possible second.

go away matt

Hylia is the Goddess of Time.
Maybe she uses her time magic or some shit to seal Ganon.
That's my best explication.
