I've had Overwatch since launch. I've played, on average, 2 hours a day. I have never played a character besides Mercy

I've had Overwatch since launch. I've played, on average, 2 hours a day. I have never played a character besides Mercy.

My team seems to always need a healer. I started early with her and got good with her. I am nervous to play any other character for fear of sucking, especially these high in the ranks. What do I do?

you could kill yourself

Either get an alt account or just suck it up and learn other chars in quickplay

that's what quick play is for

Learn other heroes in quick play.

Mercy is not the best for every situation.

learn zenyatta and experience true harmony

Play Ana. She does Mercy's job, but with more typical gameplay mechanics (requires aim for her healing, have to defend yourself rather than having the option to fly to others). Her healing is forgiving regarding aim too, so it's not bad if you're shit at aiming.

When you can start holding your own as Ana in 1v1s you can likely handle yourself in a basic sense with anyone else.

You can shut the fuck up and get back to working my tank magnum cock, healslut.

Same, except I play Pharah.

Never play Ana, she can't heal or fight. Useless character.

t. never ranked outside of silver

become Mercy via dress up or hormone treatment?

I cant tell if you're completely retarded or a salty pharah that's tired of your mom shooting you out of the sky.

My dick got hard reading this. Is that ok?

Mercy is beautiful!

its just a game. its designed to be played and understood by anyone as young as 10. you're an adult male so you shouldn't worry about not doing well.

tl;dr : just be confident in yourself. its a video game.

so im guessing you leave the game if someone else picks mercy before you?

your scum if you do
learn more characters, all you need to know is how to aim

i want to be mercy

Not as beautiful as this

she doesn't actually look that great in-game because you realize she actually has short hair

Short hair is nice too.

She's still beautiful

>My team seems to always need a healer.
This is because your teammates suck and think Hanzo and Bastion will be good picks even though you just lost on defense.
Learn to not give a shit about your team and stubbornly pick Soldier 76 until the Torbjorn decides winning is better than getting PotG.
>I am nervous to play any other character for fear of sucking
Soldier 76(and OW) is easy, you're not going to do bad. If somebody calls you out on not having played a DPS before, say "I want to practice in a competitive environment, QP is too easy".
Also next time your team needs a support start playing Zenyatta.

i want to rape mercy