Apparently this Sony ad is racist

Apparently this Sony ad is racist.

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Are you a nigger?

Not sure I'd call it outright racist, but it is tone-deaf as fuck.

thats awesome but yea im pretty sure alot of people wont see it that way lmao

By the street signs it's not in America so nobody will give a fuck

This. It's all about context. If this isn't an american ad then it doesn't matter.

i bet that black kid has a huge boner, i would if that smoking hot white chick touched me like that

>tfw nigga with a femdom fetish

the only way to "remove" race is to ignore it

I would say by the phone number it's not in America. When there are places like Lisbon, Maine or Paris, Texas I wouldn't be surprised if there's some really fucked up/copied names as streets either.

So are you saying the ad is white privilege? How?

It's a character dressed in white versus a character dressed in black

Why does their skin color make a difference?
Are black fictional characters no longer allowed to lose, or even fight, with anybody anymore?

yeah. no. old and forgotten.

It's not even tone deaf you faggot, there were hundreds of ads like this with different colors. Including pic related.

>Are black fictional characters no longer allowed to lose

This is correct. You know in a horror movie how the black guy dies first? In modern times that is now considered offensive so kiss that stereotype goodbye.

That's pretty hot.



Didn't see the black person at 1st. It is pretty racist though

It ain't racist, it's as said, very out of touch.

well they weren't wrong, whites are superior

If the white woman was dressed in black and dominated by a black man dressed in white, it would be praised for diversity and liberated sexuality. If it were two white people, male and female, it would be either cisgender propoganda or rape depending on the dominate party. If it were anything else it would be benign.

It's not racist, it's artistic. Using the light/dark contrast is a very popular thing in photography.

If I was a young black I would be exited instead ofended, honestly

of course
that's because black men are genetically superior

humans are finally starting to wake up

Is Sony redpilled?

You dumbshit, it's old, none of that shit applies. This is from Bush times. This is Jack Thompson era controversy.

But, user. It is, after all, the current year.

>Amy Schumer Barbie
>Glass Ceilings
nah nigga.

>everyone thinks it's racist
it's how the world works now, op. get with the program.

>tfw ps vita 3000 never
>handheld that can handle ps3 stuff and which sony will give ps2 games to never
>can't carry disaster report around in my pocket
>can't literally give sony hundreds of monetary units for reasons of nostalgia

Oh shit man a strawman argument how will white people ever recover?

what the fuck do you mean

this board is full on ad hominem

no one has made a reasonable point without attacking someone's character or personality in ages

Nah, its a white person against a black person. With the context if the ad, its perfectly fine. In the context of the world, its racially insensitive.

>that strawman comic
the idea behind "white privilege" *does* imply that life is altogether easier for whites and ignores that there is a white underclass

>implying anyone would go for black pussy

This would be racist if it was males instead.

It's not racist but it's definitely race baiting. You don't make an advertisement where you have your personification of whiteness fight your personification of blackness for superiority and not expect some kind of racial discussion to emerge.

the white woman is supposed to represent the playstation portable white, not the white race

people need to drink a glass of wine, take a chill pill, and a stiff penis/tight wet vagina and calm the fuck down

>new power rangers movie
>black kid dies

Fucking lol. Just another reason to support Sony and give them more of my money.

>In the context of the world, its racially insensitive.

Perhaps, but only if you have no imagination and take everything literally.

I assume you guys are white? You have no say if it's racist or not

Why are you assuming my race? That alone is pretty racist.

Insults do not necessarily equate to an ad hominem attack, you stupid cunt. If your argument consists of an attack on the other side, that's an ad hominem. If your argument merely includes insults, it ain't. Your propensity to take black cocks up the ass does not form the basis of my argument so it's no fallacy to bring it up.

Not those guys, but I find it funny how black people will arbitrarily deem something as racist out of sheer spite or personal convenience.

This is barely video games. Fuck off with this bullshit, nigga.

why equate the colors of a console to skin color? why does the white version sound superior while being juxtaposed to the skin color comparison? why is she going to murder that nigger?


What the fuck is this, did I travel back in time to 2004?

i wish
i was happier back then

It has good intentions, but it's really offsetting.

No it doesn't, you stupid fucking idiot.

It implies that, even with the class stratification with both races, whiteness comes with privilege, even if it isn't the whole package every single time. It can be as subtle as me not feeling completely out of place at like, a university or a country club, or me not getting bothered by cops in a nice neighbourhood.

A lot of privilege is economic that also falls along racial lines, but some of it is race-specific. It certainly doesn't imply that white life is problem free.

This place though.

Why are Sony ads always so pretentious and awful? If that didn't say PSP, I'd have no fucking clue it was about a video game system.


I don't understand how people can be so friendly about this kind of principled stuff.

t. Nigger that knows they are inferior


It's because their ads are made by marketers and there is no group of people more up their own asses than marketers, not even pop video dance choreographers.


Tamako Market

ew don't reply to me, monkey. this thread should have taught you that you are beneath me

The PSP white represents the white race, the video games represent the race war, and the memory stick duo represents Sony microaggressions against my wallet.

gib da white pusi massa

you bes gib or imma sleep wit yo asian slaves

>the jews are making white males like me look shitty and inferior

>shit like this is ok tho cuz fuck nigs xd

Sounds good to me.

You're are like 10 years late user

hypocrisy is not a good trait for the master race


What a fantastic thread that is completely not indicative of the current shitty state of this website and it's continued degradation over the past several years. I'm sure the mods will delete this in due time, roughly close to the bump limit.

What you described pertains to class, not race. White trash gets shit from society as much as hood niggers.

>my opinion = LAW

Get over yourself you self-centered prick.

> Being this deluded

Oh wow. The fact that you couldn't even apply what I said to the idea of middle class or rich black people indicates your predisposed understanding of blackness, and solidifies my point.

We are so deep in Social Justice that if you DON'T judge people by their race, you are racist. (skip to 9:20)