Mass Effect Andromeda Doesn't have great com........ :/


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I know this might not be the place but...what's his name again?

no name im a cuck i believe in socialism joe ?

Except that everyone has said the combat was the only good thing about the game.

Also, Livid Laurence

Didn't they streamline everything and bastardize any sort of class options? I fucking hate jack-of-all-trades gameplay, why replay a game if you can do everything in one shot anyways?

I just found some belly button lint that was pink and I don't remember wearing any pink recently, though

how so what do you mean ?

kek be honest how many of you got your crack copies : ?

I have no first hand experience with the game but I was under the assumption you could swap class abilities at will and essentially use any sort of weapon, whereas previous games limited your weapons and abilities depending on your class.

Never played it.

Going by the general comments here. All the criticisms are about literally everything except combat, and the worst I've seen a mention of combat is "It's alright".

Perturbed Pedro

Wait it's cracked?

yea but good luck finding a good torrent too many leechers a direct download is the better option of an iso file

Could somebody post a Vanquish or Max Payne 3 webm please?

>enemies just standing there while you blast them into dust

Wow, what visceral and engaging combat.

how is it not class abilities are better. the combat feels real and dynamic, The heat of the battles real what's not to like ?

Holy shit

>this entire post

Great is a bit of an overstatement, user.

>those animations

>that dialogue

im gona need a rundown on this guy :)

Irate Ian

Annoyed Antonio