BotW Writing

>cutscenes all make Zelda look like a stuck up bitch
>diaries all make her an actual character with flaws but not completely retarded and incompetent
Jesus Christ.
Did the writers even bother collaborating at all on this?
The writing in this game is a patchwork of good to terrible.

>the writers made a woman emotionally unstable
Seems realistic to me

What a simple, elegant display of autism.

dang that zelda sure is a cute

It's almost like people don't always have the courage to say what they're thinking.

>The problem is how NO one slaps her in the face to shut her up.
The King does by essentially calling her a failure.

>We all know that having a pussy is the ultimate power to avoid all consequences.
Oh I see what this is actually about. Shoo shoo /r9k/

Ah, yes, the man who has never interacted with a human being and has stuck to "in your face development" games since childhood.


Who gives a fuck about her

>The problem is how NO one slaps her in the face to shut her up.

lol seek help autismo

>Literally only one cutscene where she's mean to you
>Every other cutscene she's either admiring you, venting to you, or giving advice

Zelda is a girl now?

people dont like the game for the writing, the story, the bosses, or the dungeons.

They like it because you can lift a minecart hundreds of feet in the air with a magnet.

settle down elliot

>her mother dies before she can teach her "sealing magic"
>this is literally the exact reason why the kingdom falls
How did not happen in the 10,000 years prior?
Didn't they write something down about how to use the magic literally anywhere else, just in case?
Why does the king never bring up this fact?

The writing in this game is certifiably retarded.

>We all know that having a pussy is the ultimate power to avoid all consequences.

This is a game. Calm down.

I liked the memory where he defended her against the assassins and that piano rendition played. Probably the only cutscene in the game where I wasn't just going "uh huh."


Im trying to concentrate on zleda but I keep going to kakariko and running into her

>character is a bitch
>but from their perspective they are not a bitch
wtf I cannot comprehend this

I HONESTLY love Paya. I hope she gets re-incarnated in future entries with some role.


delet this

Respect your father kiddo

Man, I'm sorry your favorite trench coat is dirty and you katana is lost you fucking edgelord.

Well I've read his manisfesto and he says things that are pretty similar to what you are saying right now

>abloo bloo bloo women are evil because they won't touch my dick

>Girl acts like a stuck up bitch
>Doesn't actually view herself as a stuck up bitch

Totally mystifying

He shot from his car, he didn't give a fuck about who he shot. Then he shot himself.

>Being cold and pissed off toward Link in his memories
>He fulfills his roll effortlessly while Zelda struggles for years with hers
really boggles your moggle

What are you even talking about. Zelda was a colossal failure almost the entire way through. If it was a beta faggot writing it (which it isn't because JP doesn't really give a shit about liberal politics), Zelda would have been overwhelmingly competent instead. This is literally a game where the guy saves the girl in almost every rendition, what bullshit are you trying to get mad about.

The only cutscene that makes Zelda look anywhere near "stuck up" is the one you posted, and we're given reason as to why she doesn't like seeing Link.

But Zelda is a stuck up bitch.
>hurr a knight should have slapped the princess
Nigga do you even royalty.


What was this expression trying to convey?

She wanted an excuse to suck Link's dick

Do you actually have aspergers and can't recognise facial emotions?

Despair, grief, hopelessness. It's pretty fucking obvious if you watch the scene.

Although that's what it looks like, I think what he was getting at was Link almost looked he was like "ehh, are we really doing this?"

What'd I miss?

Link is not good at expressing his feelings so he probably wants to comfort her but doesn't know how.


Ummmm... because she is an actual human being with flaws who is trying to put on face? That same person also happens to be a princess and thus, must appear to not have any weakness? The fact that her diary shows her TRUE character is GOOD writing, not bad.

literally every girl is better than zelda in this shit game

But if the game doesn't tell me what kind of person she is, how am I supposed to know?

The sheikah are a cucked race, Kass's teacher did the same thing

>knife ears
