CWC was discovered a decade ago

>CWC was discovered a decade ago

Other urls found in this thread:

Characters that have aged like milk general?

>CWC is having more fun than you

If that girl he is dancing with doesn't have a dick I may kill myself.

Good God.


He most definiely is, however his interpretation of the situation is that he's gonna get laid with her while the girl is most definitely thinking "wow dancing with a tranny, now i can say how progressive i am on twitter"

It's a tranny bar he's at

>5 replies
>5 posters
>page 5
Only one thing is missing...

What a time to be alive

He's autistic. He doesn't enjoy dancing at bars. He just does it because he thinks it's going to get him laid, but he'd much rather be at home.

holy shit i would pay a decent amount of money to see what he acts like when he is drunk

>tranny bar
Why would someone make a business for such a niche group? Like I guess normal humans can go there, but the vast majority wouldn't want to. Trannies only make up .3% of the population so unless you live in a gay stronghold like SanFran, I can't see there being enough business.

Or she found who she really was, a supportive group of friends, and is having the time of her life while you sit on a computer judging people you don't know.


From what I read online, it's a gay bar but mostly inhabited by lesbians.

tranny bars usually double as gay bars. most likely its a gay bar with tranny nights.

virginia is basically the san fran of trannies though so it actually worked out well in this case


...user I...


user please no

Chris doesn't actually have gender dysphoria, he was just told by some troll he could get some china if he got in touch with his "feminine side", so now he wants to believe he is a female lesbian only to have sex.

You don't understand. He has Autism.


check this 3 fag


He's the DSP of autism


user if it were anyone else I too would do as you are now, however, this is Chris-cham we're speaking of. This is just another one of his schemes to get some pussy because no straight woman would. Perhaps in a year, assuming he doesn't die, he'll take it all back while spouting some dumb shit excuse.

he's openly been a tranny for like three years and has always shown and embraced his feminine side. Maybe you should put down the hater aid and just accept her.

>just accept her.
We already accepted him for who he is.

It aint a decade until october bucko.


look, I don't want to start a shitshow about the sex change buissenes but he is genuinly sick, blieving watching trippy youtube videos and that a festering open wound was a vagina bing formed is not a healthy way of doing it
plus, even if he is a girl inside, he still just wants pussy

Was this the height of CWC trolling?

Do we even know which troll this was?

Its still funny to me that chris thought that this guy was her father, the guy sounds 25 at most.

People in the internet trolled him hard enough that he turned into a tranny because they said it's easier to get pussy or he discovered tumblr.

Either or both. He used to be homophohic. Newfags don't know this.

>used to be

You're are naiveand a newfag if you dont realize he became a tranny due to a girl telling him to be more close to his feminine side.

He did that in hope of getting a sweetheart from the ground up.

Why do you think HE calls HIMself a "female lesbian soul stuck in a male body".

Most of the bad things that happened to him are his fault too.

I heard it was Liquid still.

I doubt it though.


he gets tons of free money for nothing, he'd just continue to rent women if this was all a ploy

You think cutting your taint open isn't the best way to become a True and Honest woman?
Yeah he's mentally deranged that's a given, but that doesn't rule out a comorbid tranny condition.

And he still hates niggos and homos regardless.

Everyone knows he used to be homophobic. But everyone also knows that he's a hypocrite who will backpedal from any of his beliefs the moment it's beneficial to him. I think he genuinely thinks he's in touch with his feminine side, even if his feminine side appears to be an embarrassing collection of stereotypes that he learned from cartoons and don't apply to real life.

Troll/girl. No difference.

ehh he used to parrot his father's beliefs because his parents are the only relevant human contact he knows
he is just a very broken person

Chris said that he would rather be a women than gay, so I guess the gay thoughts got out of hand or something. It makes more sense

I don't think Chris is actually gay, but he defiantly had some Homesexual OCD

He outright said he's only a tranny because he wants to date lesbians

Compare this photo with the one over a decade ago where he's wearing the red a blue sweater. What is it to blame? Shitty genes?

>Chris actually types like a comprehensible human being during post-coitus

Is there anything worse than females pretending to be traps/trannies?

>has always shown and embraced his feminine side
I'm pretty sure he came out as a tranny after being told to embrace his feminine side.

Chris is too autistic to actually understand transgenderism or gender dysphoria.

Shitty upbringing
complacent life style
autism scapegoat
leftists for brainwashing him

Wait a few more years. He will backpedal this too. Remember, this is a guy that has been known to wander locations trying to pick-up girls with a sign for years.

"I fought in Desert...Storm!" is the best line, it's so badly acted that it's great.