Hurr I critical pathed that game

>hurr I critical pathed that game
>What does your toon look like?
>What price point is that console at

What other gaming phrases make you want to rip your hair out?

Fuck the phrase "critical path" I will fucking cause pain over it fuck whoever coined it most annoying phrase ever

Other urls found in this thread:

>critical path
only place i've ever seen this was your post. guess i'm lucky

I've never heard the term "critical path."

What the fuck does critical path even mean?

I do not know what "critical path" means and the third sentence sounds completely normal.

I've only hear the term "critical path" during construction project planning discussions. Like, you can't start digging until the surveyors did their job.

the fuck you talking bout.

They used it twice in the giant bomb podcast to say taking just the main route through an open world game and it's fucking aggravating

And don't fucking say price point just say price fuck off with your bullshit

>He listens to gaming podcasts.

Alright, you need to go back. You're one of those faggy e-celeb shills shitting up Sup Forums. I bet you're fifteen, too.

oh, well that makes sense

think i'll start using that

>"on console"

But apparently this is normal now. If we were using actual English, the game would be on consoles or on a console, but fuck grammar, I guess.

but thats weird I mean, I didn't have to so much follow a route, only one that would help me if I get lost. What's the point of having towns if there isnt one safe route.

What else am I supposed to listen to during my 6 hour shift alone in a bulding? Do you have any idea how many podcasts are only 30 fucking minutes long?

Goemon thread?

It's a shame n64 emulation isn't better

It has actually gotten better over the past year or so

>What else am I supposed to listen to during my 6 hour shift alone in a bulding?

Podcasts for shit other than video games, moron.

Video games are fine when you have absolutely nothing else to do, but whenever you have the chance you should be consuming other forms of media. Listen to audio books instead, for example.

critical path sounds hilarious
im gonna use it now

But the term has always been "main storyline."

Why the fuck do people think we need a new name for it?


because the path is critical

>You should be consistent ming other forms of media

Name one podcast other then Joe rogan's bullshit that is more then an hour and a half long and of course isn't about video games as far as audiobooks good luck finding any without buying them

And this is why it pisses me off

Which emulator?
Fucking auto correct you piece of shit what good are you if I still have to proof read?

mupen64++ with the glide video plugin handles goemon nicely

I work 12-18 hour shifts every day, audio distraction is key.

Longer podcasts:
- Dan Carlin's Hardcore History
- The Classic Tales Podcast
- NoSleep Podcast
- Clarkesworld Magazine (some of them)
- Tales to Terrify
- StarShipSofa
- Beneath Ceaseless Skies
- Uncanny Magazine

Most of those are fiction. Some are just the story, some are audiodramas like old radio shows, some are presented as an aural magazine with editorials interspersed.
Get into history podcasts, there is something for nearly any country and point in history by now. Dan Carlin is pretty good, has that classic radio host voice.

Audiobooks are easy to find on torrent sites and you can just go get old radio shows from OTRR for free - most of those have multi-part serials so they're over your arbitrary time limit that makes no sense because short episodes = just get more things to listen to.

>this game aged like milk
>it's shit by today's standards

The shorter the things I listen to the more playlists I have to make and it gets very annoying after a short time
I will check those out I know about nosleep they are nice podcasts

I ayed it last week still plays fine
>but the graphics

They are not even that good for it's release time still a good game

>implying e-celebs aren't superior to the thicc horde on Sup Forums
>implying e-celebs aren't superior to the contrarians on Sup Forums

wait! let's summarize
>implying e-celebs aren't superior to Sup Forums

>What other gaming phrases make you want to rip your hair out?
Read, nigga. I've never played this mystical ninja game.

I fucking love Goemon

I had to beat Goemon in one weekend as a kid because my family was too poor to afford a save cartridge. At least I was smart enough to tell my parents not to turn off the console and they were smart enough to know that it wouldn't damage it to stay on that long.

>referring to the main story mode as a "campaign"

Lots of games refer to their own single player mode as a campaign. Are they not allowed to be called campaigns either?


I still find rape jokes funny.

Normally when the person making the joke is the subject of it, though.

Fuck yeah.

I had the same experience. Not that my family was too poor but I had never had a game that needed the save pack until then.

I remember a friend came round and I showed him Goemon and we tried to stay up all night and get as far as we could.

"Gem" makes me want to murder people

Also my mum used to think turning the TV off would turn off the game too so whenever she was mad she'd come through and turn off the TV and I'd act like I hadn't saved yet .

Just drag and drop the folders before you go to sleep and let the transfers happen while it charges over night.

>x console has/has no killer app
>killer app

Holy fucking shit neck yourself


I critical pathed this thread, what the fuck does 'critcal path' mean?

Main story path. Like the main quest. That's it.

>'games can't age' meme
all entertainment ages
go try watch a tv show from the 50s or read a book from the 1800s


I never heard "critical path" before. Good job teaching that to me. Does it mean "main story content only" or something?

They age. They don't all necessarily "age like milk"

You're listening to giantbomb podcasts? Why don't you leave Sup Forums and never come back?

>tv show
A good tv show from the 50s will still be good now.
>book from the 1800s
There's a bit of difference between 20 years and 200 years.

that means it aged badly. milk curdles and turns sour and lumpy, hence the term. glad I could help

It's fine and has been fine for over a fucking decade, you dumb memester.

Right, when games are so old that the actual language used is incomprehensible, then we can talk about aging.

But even then, Edgar Allen Poe's works or all those spaghetti westerns are still pretty good nowadays.

its not about them being physically impossible to understand, it's about them being works of culture and works of culture depend heavily on the context they were made in. And yeah of course you can name outliers which may be still relevant, 99.99% of the rest of it is lost to time

It's more that the standard for quality has been at an all time low for years now. When someone says "it aged badly", what they usually mean is "I don't understand the control scheme" or "It's too complicated".

>picks some of the most well-regarded examples from their respective time periods
look, man, art just advances over time. If you critically analyze cinematography from movies or music made in the sixties, they will feel very different, and, in the cases of things that aren't considered "classic" and "ahead of their time," they'll usually feel pretty dated because of how far the mediums have come. Artists today in those fields are standing on the shoulders of giants, so to speak. Is it so hard to believe game design is so different?

Culture doesn't change that quickly.

And besides, when people talk about games aging, they're talking about them being ugly as sin because Atari games and early 3d origami was ugly as fucking sin.

>Culture doesn't change that quickly.
are you joking? one of Sup Forumss favourite passtimes is to get mad at people 5-10 years younger than them for liking different games than they do

The Twilight Zone called. It says you're a bitch with shit opinions. I've also got a letter here from Cevantes saying you should jump off a windmill.

>Ummm sorry, I play games for fun

Bitching about young people is a time-honoured tradition.

>I can name literally two things in the entire history of creativity and that somehow a generalization wrong
how does it feel being a brainlet
and no, don't go on to list more

>hey where's the paddle?

>Apparently has a job
>Can't afford Audible
Sign up today for a free audio book!

Seriously Audible is the only thing that gets me through my 12 hour shifts. Its a good deal. You get a free book every month and good deals if you need to buy more than that.

I use the "free" monthly book to get all the really long stuff thats like $50+.

Right now I'm listening to The Way of Kings by Brandon Sanderson and it is really great.

>go try watch a tv show from the 50s
The Twilight Zone is still good
>or read a book from the 1800s
A Tale of Two Cities is still good

It's like arguing with someone who says that there's no female protagonists, if you look at the other replies. They're not interested in examples, they're arguing in imaginary generalities and ratios.

>listening to giant bomb

you can site a few standout examples (as fedoras who think they're cultured are so eager to do), and you might not be wrong, the generalization still applies to 99.99% of anything ever made. do you even understand what a generalization is? there are hundreds of thousands of books from hundreds of years ago which were probably great in their time which are completely irrelevant now

Same reson people call things that aren't Rogue-likes rogue-likes when the genre already existed, how quantum computer doesn't mean quantum computing any more, and say mobas instead of ASSFAGGOTS, because the general populace is fucking retarded.

50% of people are below average, just let that shit sink in for a while.

Right, but it's still imaginary. Unless someone sits down and lists every instance of watchable media to not, we're arguing in hypotheticals.

None of which addresses the secondary implied argument to "games don't age" - that if something old has "aged like milk", that's because it was always shit and people were just making do.

What is Aeon of Strife anyway? Just something that the original Defense of the Ancients nicked and modded into Warcraft?

>the generalization still applies to 99.99% of anything ever made

Most TV shows from the 50s aren't great, there are just a few standouts.

Most TV shows from 2017 aren't great, there are just a few standouts.

Most TV shows aren't great, there are just a few standouts.

Congratulations, you just discovered that not every piece of media in a given format is worth consuming.

Yeah, was a starcraft thing. so not even that far removed.

The one place I will say "games can age" is in control schemes; with early 3D there was a lot of experimentation with tank controls and I think in a post-dual-stick/mouselook age those games can be frustrating IF they don't support key rebinding (which, in fairness, many of them do).

I do think that tank controls is one of those things where nobody really liked them, but we weren't yet ready to conceive of other options so we gave them a pass, which isn't necessary today.

Other than that, to say a game "aged badly" is mostly a way of saying "I replayed a game and it turns out nostalgia colored my perception of it!"

>None of which addresses the secondary implied argument to "games don't age" - that if something old has "aged like milk", that's because it was always shit and people were just making do.
culturally it's completely subjective. mascot games like sonic and mario aren't super popular like they were in the platformer era. That doesn't mean they're better or worse, it's just changing tastes.
If you want to judge it by something technical like it's gameplay or interface, like something like C&C which plays like crap if you compare it to RTS games that came afterwards, well I guess you could say that it was shit and people were making do, but often something that's good for the time it was made is good enough, so I dont really consider it bad

If you want to go by that rule, 90% of everything made isn't great, and 99.99% of everything ever made won't be relevant in 100 years. Age is a factor

99.9% of everything made now isn't relevant now.

There's over 12000 games on Steam. Over, that's just at the last count. I think it's closer to 14000 now. Probably higher than that with that dump truck of VR games, just hundreds of the fuckers.

literally just means "speed run"

Grammar was never a real thing anyway, its always changing. There are no hard rules when it comes to language

mfw watching a speedrunning marathon and EVERY. FUCKING. TIME the speedrunner starts explaining something he prefaces it with "FOR WHATEVER REASON" to the point where that phrase just makes my blood boil every time I hear it said. I think the worst part is that they even say "for whatever reason" when explaining tricks or exploits that make perfect fucking sense and have a very clear and defined reason that they happen.

>book from the 1800s

People regularly read old as fuck books what the hell are you on about?

tfw you're not sure if he's serious to use that phrase, or if he's 4d chessing me to birth a meme phrase

>critical path

>paid online

There's just something so juvenile about saying it this way. You should be saying "subscription based networking" or some shit. Saying "paid online" makes you sound like a caveman.




CumTown, The Dick Show and Sleepycast are some pretty good ones. They all rarely talk about vidya

Shorter podcasts wise CrimeTown is pretty good

>calling different character saves "accounts"

Literally, ironically, and unironically. Basically, the entire millenial vocabulary. I doubt unironically is really a word.

Music today is complete trash. If you can't play classics you aren't a gamer

3 stoogies, twilight zone easily. Spehgetti westerns