One of the most infliential FPS games ever made

>One of the most infliential FPS games ever made
>Nintendo STILL has not put out a real sequel


We know they own the rights to the game, since it wasn't on Rare Replay.

I really think the Goldeneye IP is one of the most underutilized Nintendo franchises out there. There was so much cool world building here, it always seemed ripe for sequels that NEVER happened.

>One of the most infliential FPS games ever made
Not really, Rare style fps was pretty much a evolutionary dead end which ended with Free Radical and has no influence on modern shooters.

And that is why modern shooters suck balls. Rare games actually had real creativity and variety to them. Playing Goldeneye is still fun twenty years later while you would be hard pressed to find anyone who has even touched Bioshock Infinite since it first came out.

Perfect Dark wasn't a real sequel? It's even better now that it doesn't play like a slideshow.

TimeSplitters is the successor

Because it doesn't feature the characters or world introduced in Goldeneye.

Perfect Dark is some shitty sci fi spin off. Bond isn't even mentioned in game.

can't unsee his super long mouth

Goldeneye has aged like milk. It's really kind of shit if you go back and replay it.

I guess it still had some sequels if you want to look at it that way. The World is Not Enough wasn't complete shit.

You did, it was called Goldeneye Reloaded

>Nintendo owning any rights to it
>Thinking it wasnt on the collection because of Nintendo
>Not because it's a game based on a movie and that the licensing issues make it impossible for it to be ported
>Wanting a followup to this because muh nostalgia

Why you never see these kinds of games get ported. For the record, your nostalgiafaggotry was what got you Reloaded and you all got fucked.

>Daniel Craig
>Activision tried cashing in on nostalgia, as their ad clearly showed with how it involved their staff being like "man what made this game so great? The multiplayer!!"
>Game overall was a shallow remake

nintendo thought metroid prime would capture the same audience, they were wrong and then that audience moved on to the xbox and never looked back

It's still got interesting level design despite looking like a cardboard puppet show. All the levels are pretty distinct from one another thanks to the varied objectives.

Goldeneye is a game that has aged like milk in some ways, as claimed by literally everyone, but in a lot of ways it holds up and should be used as an example by other single player FPS games.

In particular, I really enjoyed the scaling difficulty, the objectives that go beyond "make it to the end of the level," how fast the game feels compared to a lot of modern single player games (movement feels fast when the game isn't dropping frames like mad), the music is perfect, the levels are extremely different from each other...the multiplayer is ass except for nostalgia and the aiming/shooting, which is the most important part, is ass. But there's a ton here to still like.

i miss the nintendo that could give you a mario AND a perfect dark

We actually don't know they own the rights because of its abscence on RR. They would have had to update the face models of characters based on real actors and in all likelihood that would have meant having to get the rights to the faces again and on top of that acquiring the rights to Daniel Craig's face which would have been unbelievably expensive.

>Not because it's a game based on a movie and that the licensing issues make it impossible for it to be ported

Fucking this. You're a dumbass, OP.

They already have Splatoon. They probably won't touch the FPS genre any time soon.

The rights are a complete clusterfuck between Activision, Nintendo and Microsoft. It won't happen

>There was amovie called Goldeneye released two years before the N64 game

Really sick of this meme.

GoldenEye was sort of an accidental miracle, anyway. Appreciate it for what it was, but you're never getting something like it again, OP.

It was a licensed James Bond game, fagazoid. You honestly don't think there might be rights issues later on?

You motherfucker. I'd almost forgotten about that.

Perfect Dark and Timesplitters are basically Goldeneye but better and on steroids.

>no sequel
What is nightfire

they made Perfect dark

That wasn't an accident. Perfect Dark was a calculated masterpiece a generation too soon for itself.

>A game follows the story, locations, characters and plot of the film.


>>Nintendo STILL has not put out a real sequel

1. Because Nintendo didn't make the game, they published it.
2. Nintendo doesn't own the liscene for James Bond
3. It did have a "real" "sequel" called Perfect Dark
4. Nintendo doesn't seem to like violent games or first person shooters

>We know they own the rights to the game, since it wasn't on Rare Replay.
There was a Goldeneye remake that was produced entirely by activision and published on multiple platforms, though

kek, you're welcome user

>Playing Goldeneye is still fun twenty years later
Look, I played the fuck out of Goldeneye when I was a kid. But it's a steaming pile of shit now.

It looked like a shitpile even when I was a kid, but it still plays well.

Wow that literally looks no better, maybe even worse, than the WiiU one

Perfect Dark was the sequel you stupid shitposter

>FPS with a controller
Nothing of value was lost.

The sad thing is there is a remake that seemed to be very tasteful, but it got cancelled because of the rights clusterfuck.. Most of it is on YouTube it seemed like it was almost complete. Look up goldeneye xboxlive

Mate I loved Goldeneye to death, me and my friends have played the multiplayer mode for years and years, but it's shit now. I wanted to play this like last year, for muh nostalgia, it looks like shit now, plays clunky af with that weird ass N64 controller, it was shit overall.

I had hope for the Source mod they were making but they're only doing the multiplayer I think, so fuck that.