What's the most Christian game that you have ever played?

What's the most Christian game that you have ever played?

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yes, CKII

Noah's Ark

Crusader Kings 2.


Dante's Inferno

any game made by scott cawthon.

also super noah's ark 3D.

This game has absolutely nothing to do with Christianity

Bible mini games for the PS2 picked it up for a dollar as a joke, me and GF played 3 times kinda fun lmao

Grezzo 2

>5,952 hours on record
Jesus Christ, this game is more addicting than crack.

There is nothing more satisfying than removing kebab from the known world and in the process earning the earthly rewards of pious service to the Holy Father and the heavenly reward of eternal life from God in Heaven.

>5952 hrs on record

I... I don't think I have that many hours put into ALL my Steam games, let alone CK2

Incidentially is Stellaris: Utopia good?

I like the mods. Elder Kings is easily my favourite mod out there and with the addition of the treasury and societies I can only imagine how they'll add to the mods out there.

The base game is alright, but I do hate how incompetent the AI can be at times, though I will admit they have improved the AI significantly over time. It just kills my immersion at times.

Devil Survivor

What are some games where I can be a violent hypocrite that justifies atrocities and human rights violations with "muh religion"?

Croixleur Sigma

Bayo depicts angels as they were originally described

It's alright, nothing I'd write home about. The problem with Stellaris is just how lackluster it is in the long run and it does get too mundane at times. Kinda hard to RP in it like in the other Paradox games.

Well, it's not like the real kings and emperors always did the smart move either.

>People roleplay in CK2
At least i hope you change the entire personality and goals each time a ruler dies, or else it's just wish fullfillment

That's quite true. But an old complaint I brought up quite often until recently was that the AI would marry away its daughters quite recklessly, often losing its lands and titles in the process because it wouldn't get any sons or similar.

I don't think there are any, killing heretics, pagans and apostates while certainly violent is not a sin. And certainly not a 'human rights violation,' whatever that is.

Unironically probably Lords of Shadow

It was infinitely refreshing to see religion approached in a mature way in a video game. It's handled with respect and subtlety but there's a little bit of criticism in there as well. That's the way it should be done. Not a great game on the whole but this was something I liked about it.

Religion is very poorly done in video games. Western games tend to portray it in a massively infantile way where it's clear that the writers don't understand real world religion at all. It's always cartoonishly evil. Bioware games are the worst at this I think, though CD Projekt Red get a special mention for actually making good games that still have this problem.

Japanese video games on the other hand portray religion as a bunch of esoteric mumbo jumbo, which is a little better, but still immature.

People keep saying they're waiting for gaming's Citizen Kane moment but personally I'm waiting for its Passion of Joan of Arc or The Seventh Seal moment

From a gameplay perspective i agree, but again, that shit did happen from time to time

As wheels?

Sure it does. You start out on the Crusades, and then you go down to Hell to fight Satan with a giant dick, meanwhile encountering people such as Pontius Pilate. Hell, one of your attacks is shooting glowing crosses.


As badass monsters who take no shit from anyone.

I have nothing against it happening (beyond it messing up my internal borders) but the problem was how frequent it was. And how nonsensical inheritance worked in general in the game. As I said, they've fixed most of it and tidied it up but they sure took their sweet time doing that.

Now I'm mostly just content with the game. It works, it does what I expect it to and I'm having fun with it.

I mostly took care of most complaints I had on my own by changing a few laws, diplomatic options and settings.

Call of juarez, half the time you play as a fire and brimstone preacher. You can equip tge bible in onehand and read quotes as you murderize sinners.

How do I get this game, google just has bayonetta and jap scribbles?


Bayonetta's on ps3, 360, and wii u. Wouldn't recommend the ps3 version though, it has some fps issues

has to be FF13...mumbo jumbo storyline with characters who are are completely full of themselves and babbling nonstop about stuff no body gives a flying fuck about.

Is there a more Christian series than DOOM? I mean you're a hardcore muscled up american marine who loves Jesus and FUCKING HATES demons and dedicates his fucking life to killing them because he just loves doing it.

Also should add it might get ported to pc soon


The games included in TempleOS.

Killing Floor 2

Bible Adventures for NES. For about 3 years, it's the only game I had... and you better fucking believe I destroyed at that game

I hate my life.

Messiah gog.com/game/messiah

Requiem: Avenging Angel gog.com/game/requiem_avenging_angel

Seraph store.steampowered.com/app/425670/

Princess Maker 2.

>Try to raise a good girl

Oblivion, but only if you change a few things mentally.
>Martin-bro who died for our sins is Jesus
>Hero of kvatch is Peter, Christ's best bro who continues his good work after he ascends
>Dagon is a metaphor for our sins, which jesus-bro died for
>Akatash is faggot-god, always elusive and does not help at all
>Mankar is literally satan, tempting is to go to Dagon's side (sin)
>Mankar even created his sorry excuse for a paradise where souls are tormented, just like hell

The only difference is that real life based-peter does not become batshit insane god-like being

