>we tentatively emerge from the trees like rodents, down an embankment and onto the tracks
Quote of the thread, thats some good copy pasta
Squad thread because the last one hit the limit.
>we tentatively emerge from the trees like rodents, down an embankment and onto the tracks
Quote of the thread, thats some good copy pasta
Squad thread because the last one hit the limit.
Other urls found in this thread:
No, go shill your worse ARMA somewhere else.
Is it worth the 20 dolarillos if you are not a total autist like Arma players? Looks fun
as long as you have an Intel CPU
it's a free play weekend, so you can see for yourself
Free weekend is good.
I'm having fun but I'm also having issues with spawning and the screen resolution. My mouse isn't hitting any of the buttons and i can only spawn at the main base? Having to run for 15 minutes to get to the front is getting boring.
First work free weekend since weeks and f2p faggots ruin it.
Try playing a game that's more complex and well designed than a fucking source mod.
are you mixing this up with Insurgency
No. Insurgency is indie CoD, this is indie Battlefield. You're all a bunch of faggot hipsters trying desperately to stroke your ego with a meme game.
a squad leader has to put down a spawn point for you to spawn elsewhere
>indie Battlefield
It's the unofficial successor to a bf2 mod you retarded faggot.
complete fucking garbage
>meme game
Project reality was better than most AAA titles at the time, and that says a lot unlike now. Just not hitting pleb taste.
>take half a year to deliver 3 vehicles and a new weapon
>still no locked squads
>community is shit
Yeah no thanks, waiting for this game to release so I can get my refund.
you can't refund early access titles?
you can once they "release" it
huh, i'll keep that in mind
you can release them while theyre still EA too as long as you havent played 3 hours
yep, if you haven't put in 3 hours you can immediately refund, they give you a second chance once the game "goes live"
already put 1000+ into squad and bullshit like No locked squads/poor vehicle claim rules, pathetic faction balance etc are a deal breaker
>pathetic faction balance
It's supposed to be asymmetric. Also it's still fucking alpha.
Yeah that's the typical response, and probably the weakest of my complaints. I'd love to see some date on US vs Militia wins on Logar though
Managed at least twice last week.
i think thats a map issue, desu.
same with yehorivka, map favours US. US have faster vehicles and travel down hill, Russians have slower vehicles and have to go uphill.
Humvees are always first to east central village, plus they can rush the first flag too, but it's impossible for russians to rush US first flag because it's like 3 miles up a steep hill.
Heavy AT has definitely given a big boost to militia and taliban.
You can already temporarily ban people from a squad. It's only an issue for clan autists who end up doing nothing for the team because they are too bussy with their role play faggotry.
Supply runs and other crap are only a problem when the SL can't be bothered to communicate what he wants.
Yeah you're right it is a map issue.
Yeah you can kick and they can't rejoin within 3-5 minutes. The reason I and others want locked squads is so that you can form specialized squads, which are also hampered by the 3 person claim rule(ie need 3 for 1 VHL, 6 for 2, etc)
i think they intend to implement locked squads but i guess they have other priorities right now with the new animation/inventory shit
I know, but i newer saw people joining specialized squads after the first three were kicked. Claiming needs to be overworked though. Game also needs a better structured squad, the possibility to set up two or three firing teams would be good, takes too long to set that up on the fly right now on a pup server.
It's fun if you're willing to communicate and coordinate.
Yeah they've confirmed it a few times. I've just lost patience. I mostly played squad leader and it's become far to frustrating and unrewarding.
They rejoin sometimes to spawn on your rally and TK or you have people just joining the server and will join your squad. I also make sure to always name the squad "3 man Closed" or something similar.
>Free weekend finally gets player count above 1k
Why is this game so dead? I'm downloading now, but does it really suck that much?
sounds like you need to take a break m8
>why isnt this alpha like muh finished gayme??
haha that butthurt arma player
Game also needs adjustable sights for the rainbow guns.
>Free weekend finally gets player count above 1k
Excuse me, 1,500-2,000 tops. Wow
>Free weekend finally gets player count above 1k
mate, it's been around 1k-2k average the last months
Comments are full of that shit. But with all the f2p plebs it really sucks. Maybe playing late at night for the people who want to give it a serious try. The game really falls or stands with the teamplay.
>if you're willing to communicate and coordinate.
But is it comfy or ''look for servers, clans join my facebook page'' kinda deal? because i am only looking for a game i can just put it on and play without all the hassle
so apparently it runs like shit on AMD CPUs?
dont think im gonna bother with the 25GB download then
you don't have to be butthurt you were wrong
depends, do you have ryzen?
While I'm all for each faction playing differently, slapping on the go-to response of "its just asymmetric" when its clearly balancing issues is something whiteknights on this game say.
By 500-1,000? You act like I was off by 5k. Sorry your game is dead.
you certainly don't have to join a clan or any of that shit
as for whether the experience is gonna be great every time, it depends obviously, sometimes you get squads who communicate really well, sometimes you get shitters
>1000 hours in a game you don't like
Plays better than the last free weekend so that's nice, still won't buy it because no 50v50.
I've noticed almost no servers play insurgency now too. Not a terrible thing but AAS is very downputting when a team gets it's shit wrecked for two maps in a row.
The numbers are low because this style of game just isn't as popular as it used to be, plus it's still in EA
so what does this game have over PR exactly?
graphics look smudgy and dated as hell
runs like garbage on anything but latest hardware
has less content than PR
in endless alpha stage
actually costs money
>game has a high learning curve with all its mechanics that are highly important to winning
>need to adjust to the firefight distances similar to Arma, initial few hours is basically dying to shit you can't see
>teamwork within your squad makes or breaks the experience as well as teamwork between the squads
>downtime between defending shit, fights can be sporadic and sudden followed by quick deaths
Not to say it's shit or good, but there's a lot of stuff in it that's very outputting to casuals and for very understandable reasons if you can't get behind those things. Niche game for a niche audience and all.
Depends on what you consider comfy. Hell, I find the occasional squad full of randoms that you can have a good laugh with while playing defense on an area comfy but it can get hectic and even stressful when shit hits the fan. The whole appeal of Squad is that you can just join a random squad and get people who are willing to talk. Though probably not as much since it's the free weekend and all.
insurgency is broken as of the last major patch which is why barely any servers have it on currently
It's not like they are not working on it, the new heavy anti tank fucks up most vehicles, especially hmmwvs.
I've got friends who play and was involved in some of the clan matches(not as a clan member) You got a better dig than that?
>not even hitting 50 fps with dual 1080 and ryzen 1800
I feel bad for amd users
Sup Forums doesn't like video games.
>i am only looking for a game i can just put it on and play without all the hassle
there are good servers (active admins and everyone talking) and bad servers, i can say that.
once you find a couple of nice servers you'll be good. though the good servers are always full during peak times so you need to queue.
Nothing. The whole promise is that it would hopefully surpass PR in a few years, but at the moment, there's no reason to play unless PR's gunplay and old ass engine is just that bad for you.
yeah and this is a AAA game
Never knew that. Shame.
Not keen on the optics choices either, I'm either forced to use irons or a red dot of some kind for the most part. Even PR dropped this over 5 years ago since nobody liked it. Needs a feature to settle weapons on objects for that matter also. Might just be coddled by RO2 with that.
>buy the game
>have amd CPU
>its broken
>refund shortly after
Pretty stupid sis.
>buy shit
>shit results
Locked squads are fucking cancer.
>some fag makes a squad of 3 people
>locks it
>they just run around the map doing nothing to help the team the entire game
>almost always the same people who grab the sniper kit
>Intel i7-4790K
>radeon r9 290 sapphire
I'm right around 55 fps, often over 60 though on full setting with native resolution.
> this style of game
>Arma 3 has 35k daily
And this is some indie kickstarter crap? What is your point? The game is kinda low
next major update is adding a new inventory system that will enable choosing what optics and shit you want
plus the weapon resting is coming "eventually"
Arma is a role playing game now. They shouldn't even call it military in any sense.
Other than being "military" arma 3 and squad are not comparable
Also I bet the majority of people playing arma 3 are playing battle royale, zombies or some RP server shit
Weapon resting is announced , it would be nice if the russians would get some red dots also.
>SL makes Rocket Arty Squad
>Only need 3 to claim(still a waste)
>9 people run around doing jack shit all game
Regular arma is dead, shitty mods keep it alive, sad.
I wonder what's bottlenecking this game.
I don't have ram.
The game is still seriously fucking lacking in the features department in my opinion, I'm going to wait until it gets at least half the features of PR before buying it.
I get it's early access but it is very barebones.
well PR was released in 2005 to be fair so they had more than enough time to work on it
hopefully squad won't take that long though...
Windows icon scaling take it down to 100%
judging by the length of release for meaningful content, it will take even longer than PR.
Are enemies more visible than in Arma?
I can't see enemies before I die.
Also, is it newbie friendly? I don't know much mil lingo.
>more visible than in Arma
>newbie friendly
People are trying to accommodate. Mil lingo is only for fags who are trying hard to fit in, all you need to know is how to spot someone out and give the proper compass directions and map coordinates which are conveniently labeled.
Nigga, it took tripwire interactive a "professional" dev team 2 years to add 2 fucking vehicles to ro2. 6 months? You need to be more patient bish