Why aren't you playing NuQuake, Sup Forums?

Why aren't you playing NuQuake, Sup Forums?
It has actual graphics.

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If i wanted to play overwatch i would

I just started it up actually, though i enjoy quake live a lot more so far

>invite thousands of people
>have server with a capacity of 50 people
>game loads forever on an ssd
>loads straight into a queue
>has no menu
nice game

>w-w-we're beta testing the queue system guys
real fun beta





what the fuck are you even showing off with these retarded webms?


NuQuake isn't anything like it. Each character has one ability with a ~45 second cooldown. It's tiny stuff like self-heals or teleports, etc.

>tits and ass shots before any raw gameplay

i dont know what i expected

>Nyx's ability is ghost walk
woo woo?

woah is that the new widowmaker skin?

Something about this just looks unpleasing.

Do you enjoy cocks up your ass, by chance?

>highly detailed character models
>in a fast paced shooter

What's the point? You're never ever going to notice a trace of this detail in actual gameplay

It's difficult to capture gameplay given the NDA buut here you go

I should clarify, not her ass. I'm talking graphically. Maybe it's the lighting.

whats with all the overmeme false flagging?
completely different kinds of shooter


>people are saying this is having "graphics"
it looks like q3a...
the only "graphics" in this is the head model in the corner and that looks out of place

Oh, well, I don't know then, I see no issue personally.

I never played the old Quakes or anything. There is a free for all deathmatch in this new one right? I'm getting a little tired of team games.

Right now the beta only has Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch. Other modes that are guaranteed are Duel, Clan arena, Freeze Tag, and Capture the Flag.

Currently in the beta its 10 person FFA and TDM with two teams of 5.

These gameplay webms are all on low graphics, for the sake of getting 250+ FPS

For what it's worth, the lowest FPS I got on ultra graphics was ~160, and I don't have some Titan X monster PC.

Excellent. How do I get in the beta anyway?

Sign up on the official sign and pray.

What card and settings are you using to get 200fps? I have a 980 and get just over 100fps on low settings...

nah user i got warframe

Is only that first one bothering you>?

Gotta say it looks bad to me too, probably just because it's rotated

gtx 1070

No, I don't play games competitively, just single player stuff.

I dunno if setting the game's graphics any higher is going to get rid of everything looking like it's made out of boxes

old man anarki looks like such a fucking fag
is there at least a visor cosmetic like the original skin?

Paragon looks better

how active is warframe now, anyhow?

Nyx needs dicks.

what the fuck is all that text that pops up? why doesn't it just say "+1" or some shit, i can't see anything

>using the zoom with the railgun
>actually making webm's of hitting people

I don't get it, I have a 78% accuracy with the RL and RG and even newbies bottom out at 50%. Why would you make these?

Posting Ember ass is cheating and you know it.

Just got a new frame.

we're still too busy shitting on Mass Effect Lite

>anarki hasn't always looked like a fag

>another character Enji was practically born to cosplay

yes........... yes...

I all the settings on low and it still seems to run slow. Either that or I'm getting massive lag. Is there an FPS counter somewhere?

they always get a new fucking frame
every 20 fucking minutes they add something new to grind for

they release new frames/missions to get them and guns
nothing special the game is still extremely easy

Zoom gives you +20 damage, ie you do 100 damage instead of 80

You don't have 78% RL or RG, no one does.


>Quad Brappage

Stop that.

There is a visor cosmetic called strider

No I don't. My boyfriend does

Your boyfriend sounds like a fag.

Those gameplay clips actually look like fun.

>fast paced
only anarki even moves as fast as q3 movespeed

Anarki isn't even the fastest character, m8.

>Posting Ember ass is cheating and you know it.
Nyx got some ass too

Looks small; need a side view.

She's a small girl

For me

this looks pretty fun to be forthright family
sanicfasting out of the middle of the enemy team gives me flashbacks to tribes ascend

>More Enji Kasumi pics are going to show up thanks to her latest Con trip
I don't think I'm ready.

Lol what an ultimate faggot. She isn't even the best girl in her own game.

please don't insult q3a

The Nyx is from Warframe
don't talk shit about my girl fag

How will she succ with that on?
Also, why does she wear the mask?

As opposed to imaginary graphics?


Looks like you fucked up too, scalie.

Kneel, and beg for forgiveness.

how many characters are there going to be on release?

Willits confirmed at least 12 characters at launch.

You are correct.

>that armpit

whats with mobas and fps having better models than other games

Here i fixed your retarded webm for you

>shitty newbified air control
>shit hud

wew, as trash as i thought it would be

Nyx needs A dick. A big fat one stuffed into the tight rubber crotch of that bodysuit, struggling to snap its confines, pulsing and growing with every kill she gets.

>initial loading takes forever
>100% gpu and ram usage while so
>at least queue is fixed now so don't have to sit through that
>search for game, find one rather easy
>loading game takes another forever
>still 100% usages
>disconnected due to inactivity cause loading took forever
>get through game loading screen
>game already in session
>spend five minutes dying as I spawn because framerate is horrible
>it finally chills out for a bit as the last 5 minutes of the game are left
>still framedropping hard though
>lag as well
>play one game for five minutes
I've never played Quake before so I bought Quake Live for the hell of it and started playing today. This is actually some good fun.

I'm still sad that she isn't connected to the Heretic/Hexen series.

is it hold forward bhop or you actually have to mix a+d and strafejumping with w+ad

That is a very large egg.

It's meant for you to open it in a separate tab.

And unless you have a 9:16 (rather than 16:9) aspect ratio monitor, your webm won't display in full resolution.

>tfw some fucking kid who's never played quake before gets in the beta


It's still sideways in a separate tab.

With only one email too. Don't worry, I've played Quake single played just never MP. Mostly was UT.

>doombabby calling anyone kids
"i don't want anyone but ME playing these games!"
"why don't they make games like this anymore guise???"

Yes, because your monitor is 'sideways'...

I feel like I'm trying to explain 2+2 to a dog or something. I give up

>your webm won't display in full resolution.
What is the point in having it in full res if you have to turn your head to look at it

at least youre giving feedback to people who might buy it

Probably can dedicate more resources to character models since there isn't a demand for varied scenery.

Holding forward and jump won't build speed on any character except Clutch, the slow high-HP newbie hero

>Yes, because your monitor is 'sideways'...
What are you smoking?

You don't have to turn your head, just imagine Nyx is laying on her side.

What game is that?


I haven't followed this game closely so far but I assume it's going to be some Quake 3 type faggotry and there won't be a decent single player campaign?

Is she being spitroasted or what?