Persona 5 S-Links

What happens if I max romance more than one girl? Something obviously goes bad on Valentine's Day but anything that would negatively impact my gameplay? Like will Ann be passive aggressive from that point on? No idea why but I chose her but I just did the teacher now too. Wondering if I should go back on my saves since I did this while waiting for Kaneshiro.

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Same shit that happens if you romance multiple girls in real life and they find out

Okay so bad shit on Valentine's Day, so from 2/14 on I wouldn't be able to do dates with any of them? On top of that all in game dialogue will be angry and passive aggressive?
Or will I have tamed them with the D so they don't care?
Or can I lie to all of them saying I broke up with the others and continue as normal?

user, the game ends in December.
Valentines day has no effect on gameplay.

No user I'm sorry, this isn't a harem anime. Shit will go down...

I regret choosing Ann so quickly only cause I thought her why not since I was rushing through her social link to craft my persona with regeant.
I wanted Makoto or Futaba, then the teacher showed up. I guess I'll have to go back or just give up and wait for ng+



It has gameplay consequences on NG+ retards like SMT4 Apocalypse.
All the women you cheated on break their SLink with you and you dont get their bonuses on NG+ and have to start them from scratch again.

That's really gay, but understandable. It's an extremely cosmetic thing to this game but I guess I'll hope I have my save before choosing Ann and Rush back to this point without romancing her. I just don't know which one would feel most rewarding to go along with the story.

better yet; can you max their s-link without romancing them?

The game ends in dec?
Damn, was wishing it would do a p4g and give me 2 more months

You can, but I wanted to see what options were available after asking her out. You can just go on dates and stuff. I was also hoping for slight dialogue changes in the main story which is why I chose Ann. But I honestly like the teacher better. I might dump my time maxing Makoto in my off time before the fourth dungeon. But I've heard she's disappointing.

Restart and stick with best girl alone.

Who should I pick? I was thinking either sensei or sensei(Tae).

I haven't chosen yet

Just so you know, you can SLink all of them, you just can't romance all of them. Just friendzone them at the end if you don't want to get fucked for NG+

wat no spoil me

That's not a spoiler.

why friendzone


I went back im going to grind my charm autistically before the Confession so I can try and max Makoto before the next dungeon

I can't choose between teacher, doctor,or student council president. I can't take Ann because I want my boy Ryuji to hit that

>"I'll talk to you later Joker... if you survive..."

all those screenshots from years ago makes me think they're a thing already


>Makise Kurisu

Is this real?


lol destroyed

He's negging her



What's sakura's reaction to this? I imagine it's fucking great

I really hated Sakura at first but the more I play, the more I think he's based as fuck

>'This kid is a genius at making coffee...'

you can date them?

you can date every female S.Link in the game. Meaning you can fuck your teacher and she'll let you skip class

No way fag!


Why can Atlas get away with threatening false copyright claims?

She's not a very good teacher, is she?

nigga they own the IP

>what is fair use

>streaming a movie for thousands of people and me coughing every 30 mintues is fair use

It's a big part of her internal conflict actually

This picture fills me with fear.

>You've forged a bond that can never be broken!
>Wait, no, it's broken.


But yeah this is real.

how do i fuse a shisaa with frei

Joka kakoii....

Jesus Christ Ryuji!

Whore got shut down lmao.

Damn Ryuji. Sick burn.

>teacher maid says I can slack off in class and wash my armor without using time
>Have never seen an option for either

How the fuck do I make this slut work

First just randomly happens, she'll either have a review day or call the teacher out

Second just go the activity and it'll let you call her to do it

does sujiro high five you for having ten girl friends or is he disappointed in you?

Can I romance Morgana?

Morgana is a boy user

And a cat


Male cats have barbed peni.

Yes, and...?

Sex with a cat would be painful if you were receiving (tongue is also sandpaper consistency) and giving would almost definitely cause internal rupturing and death

I'll just have morgana turn into a bus then

How can you fuck a car?

Who's the hacker chick with the headphones? She's obviously the hottest


i hate forced gay relationships in videogames

Ryuji is based as fuck I love him

Someone has to make a "No Way Fag" edit with Ryuji and Ann

I am not seeing your point here...

Kek the fact that its a gay relationship is icing on the degeneracy cake.

If my sis had an ass that fat you can bet Id grab it.

Absolutely based

> sister
They are brothers.

This, I'd fuck my sister if she'd let me

Rightmost chick is the hottest.
Is she fuckable?

He gives you some chocolate and then fixes your shit for you by covering your bases.


>Making Futaba cry
Fucking monster.

I honestly didn't expect anything from the cooperations after P4 and DAN but I have to admit Ann's ended up really nice towards the end.

It's actually more enjoyable now that they've written all the links similar to the side links rather than the forced drama in the main links from 3 and 4 that made mountains out of mole hills.

>You can't cheat like in real life


P3 MC could, he knew what was up.

You can cheat. You just get caught on Valentines day by all the girls you're cheating on.

Yeah and you can't get away with it which is the whole point of cheating. It's like NTR but better

isnt the teacher the only one who explicitly states that you wont bang not until you graduate anyway
also holy fuck i dont even know who to go with

hifumi a best

P3MC gets away with it thanks to reverse karma. Fate knew he'd martyr himself so it gave him some good fortune in advance.

He got away with it because Atlus had a budget smaller than the cost of a pair of used Nike.

When you look at the compendium and see all the shit they cut, or had to give up on before even trying to develop it, you'll realize that Persona 3 got butchered worse than Dragons Dogma.

Even the ending is a rush cap on the story. Then they made a shit load of money and hobbled together FES with some of the stuff they cut.

>Makoto follows you around all nervouslike while she's investigating you
Why is she so cute lads

What's wrong with the Compendium?

Additional material Atlus released in Japan in magazines, art books, and fan books. Persona 3 is the game that kept being shrunk down from its original vision, while Persona 4 they winged it and kept adding shit that they thought would be neat.

Journey was originally part of P3s narrative with the player character instead of Aigis for instance, and there was no time travel element. Then there was the whole thing where a lot of the boys had their content scrapped because they didn't make the girl half of P3 until P3P, and by that point they had to change everything about the female side of the story because the original concept had a brother and sister with the player character being the surviving sibling and the dead one being a shadow aspect of nyx.

I meant the Answer.

>doing Sadayo's link
>apparently already didn't get enough points and couldn't rank up to 3
>just doing the spend time event also costs 5k

Jesus Christ man. Never thought it would be so stingy on points so early on in a link even with correct persona. I thought two sets of two music notes would have been enough for rank 3 but nope. I love that phony maid smile she does though. So cute I want to keep throwing money in her face.

I wish she had been included in the party like originally intended. I'm going to hope for that in the rerelease.

Too many characters as it is. There's not enough time for them. Haru already got shafted enough.

Okay, Sup Forums. Help me pick.

I accidentally fucked up my chances with got waifu so that's a no-go and I can't morally pick Ann because she's so fucking basic it hurts.

Do I go with:

Hacker grill
Autistic chess grill
Student council grill
Musketeer grill


That p3 story sounds a lot more interesting than the one we got.

Sex hair