Not thanking your healer

>not thanking your healer

just go "gl;hf;tia healer" at the start of the match

i always thanks my healer, every single time we finish a mission

>Not giving all your gold, mats, consumables and battlepets to your healer

>needing a healer in your group

sorry sweetie but im not a casual

my healer only want to suck my cock, nothing else

You want to suck your healers cock?

Thats going too far I feel

>Not thanking the DPS

>tank hold the enemies from attacking the party
>dps's kill those nasty enemies as fast as they can
>healer keeps them alive
>somehow the healer needs to be thanked instead of the whole party

Healing is the easiest role in every MMO I've ever played. It's also the easiest role in TF2 and in Overwatch as well (not that I could stomach that game for more than a couple days).

I don't know why healers always have such a superiority complex.

As someone who plays healer and DPS, DPS is far FAR easier in MMO's

>have actually had a healer leave a group because he expected thanks
>heals someone, says 'You're welcome!" without anybody else saying a single word
>leaves the group halfway through the dungeon

Unless you're willing to thank the Tank every time he taunts a target or you want to thank the DPS every time they smack a mob, then fuck off.

Healers get shitty parties and act as a crutch for idiots that can't beat story content. You'd be thanking DPS then tanks first in good teams as healing doesn't contribute much to completion times.

>not thanking your tank
>not thanking your dps
im not gonna thank anyone unless they pull off some crazy shit.

I thank people and say "good job" all the time. People tend to perform better in games if you're polite.


>dps keep thanking me for heals
>am top dps by the end of the dungeon


>pick support
>barely manage to save dps
>he whispers me
>"thanks slut"

>being dumb

post thighs and feminine dicks

>always use the thanks voice command in TF2 the moment a medic latches onto me
>faggots still expect me to congratulate them any further for doing their role
Get wrecked healsluts.

>Not thanking everyone on the team once the session is over
It's a group effort to win

>Doing raid
>healer starts acting like cunt
>Insist we always say thank you for shit job he does or he'll leave
>DPS PM's me to let mob through
>I go invisible and stand aside and watch while healer runs around for 30 minutes screaming foe help
>DPS "not until you say thank you"
>Healer goes ballisitc and rage quits
>We still manage to clear dungeon, but barely

>Now we need healer
>I start new character and take up job
>easiest shit ever, just stay out of the way and spam healing spells
>Teammates say thanks all the time specifically because i never ask or expect them to.

>When you're playing FFXI and this guy expects a tip for casting raise on you

I'm giving him a tip alright.

You better thank her right now.

>Roll resto shaman
>Riptide and chain heal

>not thanking everyone in the party

>thanking retarded sluts that are probably skinny nerd beta gayboys

fuck no. any healsluts that get uppity are immediately kicked and replaced

t. main tank

>Playing Healer.
>At boss in raid.
>Tank taking an anal pounding from the boss like a good little slut.
>Suddenly mobs spawn.
>Tank bursts into tears "its too much" he sobs pitifully "they will split me in half" as tears and snot runs down his face.
>His tears arouse me, i flip a copper into the crowd of gibbering DPS peons.
>They start to squabble and scramble to grab the copper, like a flock of pigeons fighting over breadcrumbs.
>One plucky DPS finally emerges, clutching his newfound wealth, he knows what to do.
>I unzip my huge manhood, at first i see a glimmer of fear in his eyes but he quickly gets to work, sucking as if his life depends on it (it does)
>"Enough" my majestic voice booms like thunder.
>With a single movement of my hand I push the DPS filth to the ground face first and aim my now throbbing erection towards the Tank who is hardy conscious by this point.
>"Let there be light" The sheer grandeur of my voice causes the Boss to momentarily pause.
>I shoot my Divine Healing Cum all over the face of the tank.
>"T-t-t-t-t-thank you Master" the Tank whimpers as he slurps and gobbles up my life giving jiz

>Not thanking the tank for keeping your faggot ass alive

>Needing people to suck your cock for doing the job you signed up for
