Fire Emblem Heroes

Camilla Ruins Everything

Are we still acting surprised that FE is (has been) a Waifu/Husbando series?

Post your lead unit.

She's adorable. Is she like the 2d version of Gwendoline Christie?

I get that people don't want a blowout poll, but how else could they have done a bracket like this? There are only six Wyvern Riders in the game, and two of them are GHB units. What, should they have waited until there was a fifth Wyvern Rider in the game just to not include Camilla or what? At least with the last one they could argue that it should have been Lissa instead of Lucina.

>She's adorable.
Well I mean it's in her title.

It's not fucking fair!

I'm literally crying, Minerva bros...

This was our big chance to show Camillafags their disgusting titty monster waifu was shit


Daily reminder that fire emblem was better off dead than having awakening exist.

I also got a despiration 3 Linde, Ninian and Julia.

It's just whiny "old guards" who's first game in the series was 7 thinking their opinion matters more than those who started with Awakening. None of these cucks would complain if Lyn was blowing away the gauntlet


But then you'd just be complaining about the fact that the series was dead instead.

>tfw we could have had Cordelia vs Minerva if they didn't set the bracket up in such a dumb way

I don't really know. Effie is probably my strongest unit, and Nino the one that kills the most, but Eirika is consistently there for me.

Nothing is "better off dead" you jaded faggot. Instead of crying about newcomers being introduced to the series via Awakening, you could be using that energy to introduce said newcomers to your "precious" older games. But no, most people would rather be smug elitist cunts about everything, which is how fans of any series get divided.
Newer games existing, regardless of quality, doesn't erase what was already made.

Please stop appearing in my rolls, shitty ninja.

>Matthew talks about there being a possibility to reunite with his wife using the Summoner's magic

The only voting gauntlet I can see working perfectly is all of the Jagen-clones, and even then I think that it would come down to Jagen himself and Titania.
>Jagen himself
>Marcus (preferably the FE 6 version)

>Spend 40 orbs trying to get him in his banners
>He's the first summon I get once I tried to get Ninian.
>Get Ninian while trying to get Bunny-Lucina
My luck is weird.

I use them both, so mains really.

I don't even play this game, but tits always win.

>yfw flat chest loving pedophiles were BTFO

>Whiny babies who legitimately think Lyn and Lucian are going to beat Camilla

Lyn is my favourite FE character and even I know she's not going to be able to compete against a fucking succubus of that caliber.

FE Echoes banner


Lyn is the most popular female, though. If anyone had a chance, it'd be her

>Assuming this hard

Come back when lyn beats memedons and you'll see the same shit, take your boogeyman and gtfo

They technically did.

>I don't really know.
Your lead unit is the one on your throne, kind of hard not to know who it is.

Camilla doesn't have a chance against Lyn, look at the Choose Your Legend poll. No one but Ike and Lucina are a match for her.

Denial. Not just a river in Egypt!

Lyn was actually the most popular character of all, even over Ike

>It's a "Popularity poll between THE fan-favourite character and an assorted jumble of borderline 'literally WHO lmao??' tier characters" episode.

Man these re-runs suck ass, desu. It's purely a waste of time for everybody that isn't a fan of the normalfag fan favourite.

Tank Bunny here

I voted for Minerva, so now I'm gonna be stuck against 12mil points vs 2mil points Minerva.

When it releases, numbnuts.

How to improve this?

if you have Robin F, give him Blue Tomebreaker.

>My jailbait can't be this versatile
Probably gonna switch the moonbow out with a bonfire

Quick Riposte or Blue Tomebreaker

When the game comes out to capitalize on that sweet cross-promotion.
I honestly would not be surprised if they do a thing where if you buy Echoes and tie it to your Nintendo account you'd get a bunch of free orbs (around 30) and four or five star Alm (standard red lord) and Celica (red or green mage).

Either they will do an Echoes banner when the game launches on the 20th in Japan or when it launches in North America and Europe a month later.

I can also see them adding regular Ike rather soon as people would pay top dollar to summon him and it would be best to do while the game is still popular.

>YFW they eventually do a banner with Hector, Ephraim, Ike and Takumi

It would literally be the same. If anything, Bonfire would be worst because of the cooldown

30% of 51 = 15.3 rounded down = 15
50% of 30 = 15

Nowi gives more trouble than Hector/Takumi desu

Disregard that, I was confusing Moonbow with Draconic Aura

>Can't get more than 2 successful defense before Nowi
>Slap Nowi into the team, give ryouma and takumi vantage 3s and throw in a mid level olivia to lower that BST
>10+ Wins this season
I became a demon but for a good cause.

Why would you not choose the obvious winner?

Do you hate feathers?

More popular character means it's harder get feathers from rankings, apparently.

I'll probably regret saying this, but vantage Nowi is one of the most annoying things in the game, just a suggestion.

I have like 35 thousand feathers and I don't care to promote anyone right now just to pass on their skills to units I actually use, I'm just voting for characters I prefer.

they made all the dragon lolis too fucking cute

This right here. Saved all my flags up last season and blew my entire load on Team Ephraim in the final battle. The last round's ranking feathers are HUGE compared to the previous rounds so picking a character that will steamroll their side of the bracket but lose in round 3 is a viable strat.

>THE fan-favorite character
Lyn and Ike weren't in it. Camilla is doing so well because she's running against a bunch of literal who's and Cordelia. On her own she's a popular but also highly controversial character.

Wrong. Ike had to split his votes between his PoR and RD appearances. With both those votes tallied together, he edges out Lyn.

Big sister strong!

I don't like Camilla because she's creepy X(

Just got this, he's shit, isnt he? Any hope?

Advance Wars fag here. I'm glad the series is dead so it doesn't turn into waifu wars.

My Nowi would be +def -spd.
Yay nay?

Are you using an OG iPod Touch or something?

yay. she's meant to tank and punish

kinda, its the only thing I could grab to play the game man, dont judge me

Kill yourself, idiot.


Well, the Ephraim isn't very good with -Atk, but you can use him as Eirika-lite until you roll a better one of those two. Or just use him as skill fodder.

Why are people this assmad that the more popular character is winning? Where were all these fuckers when Lucina was, for no good reason, in the family bonds event where she had no place with everyone was siblings except for Chrom and Lucina?

Anyone who unironically chooses Camilla over Minerva shouldn't be playing the game in the first place.

Your nostalgia character is going to be raped soon.

thanks for the tip

What's the best B skill for Eldigan if I want him to lead my cavalry meme team?

I think at this point, people have mostly grudgingly accepted Lucina being ISIS's Lucario. Even then there was a lot of shitposting.
Camilla is more divisive, and people don't like how she's so popular despite being significantly less attractive in design and character compared to the others, with her only good point being tits.

>le tits lol

I'm sorry you can't handle badass stoic women.

It's because Camilla is sexy and that clashes with Americans' puritanical views, so they try to shame anyone that sides with her

You right now.

>puritanical views
I didn't realize it was still the 1700s

>Badass stoic women
Translation: boring

You must be living under a rock then

And what exactly is, say, Minerva's character that it's so much better? She's a stoic dutiful princess that loves her brother and sister. I never had an issue with her but she's not exactly complex either.

I picked Palla on the first round. Fuck you, Minerva. Fuck YOU. Gonna stick with big sisters.

I have three 4 star level 40 Effie's what should I do with them

>that loves her brother and sister
Well she didn't love him enough to support his kingdom.

nowi is so fucking underrated, she can delete a whole team by herself

nay, simply because speed is too important of a stat and it helps you both tank and punish.
Having a speed boon prevents you from ORKO from numerous green axes

what about this bad boy? is he any good?

>numerous green axes
(lol you mean literally Hector?


>quads check'em: the unit
Guest starring Brave Axe+ Cherche

Not too bad actually. Pretty fast with good offense/defense.

I Choose her just because i know she was going to win everything... i Swear

Well Minerva is a big sister, just that she isn't the oldest. Neither is Camilla actually. Still, I started with Palla too and honestly I think Camilla > Minerva.

>lot of shitposting.
Sure here there was, but there wasn't a witch hunt level twitter campaign against her. And I feel like I need to add that Lucina had some 45K votes in the pre-launch contest, where in comparison Chrom was the next highest had less than half of that. Meanwhile at least for this one both Camilla and the runner up, Cherche, had an extremely small difference between them. There could definitely be a fair fight, given that the difference is close to Chrom v. Ephiram, and Ephiram won despite the disadvantage.

Fucking this! A vote for Camilla is a bote for Beruka and Palla.

Having +Speed instead of - prevents you from being embarrassed by a Beruka ORKO

I have a friend who I always get paired up with in the gauntlet. She's an absolute monster. can one shot anyone regardless of weapon trianlgle

I meant Cordellia.

Who the fuck uses Beruka?

how about this fag then?

Anyone know the rewards for being on Camilla's team in the final round? Is it a 500 victory bonus or more?

>get a minerva and a frail fuccboi
>my unit takes prior damage
>Takumi effortlessly 1v3s because it had vantage

Takumi is shit now my ass. I really don't want to use robin on every goddamn team.

Camilla is significantly more attractive than Lucina, and has at least as much character.

Only idiots think Takumi is bad
Yeah I'm sure you have the 10 5 star units you need to murder to make her as good as regular Tacomeme.

I might be slightly biased since I played SD first, but I particularly enjoyed her personality in that game. Her supports with the other Whitewings, especially Catria, show her strength, gentle nature, and dedication to Macedon. And the whole spiel she gives to Marth about having to be the one to kill Michalis was really nice. Also how she doesn't want to be queen at all, and even cedes the throne to Marth in Mystery of the Emblem alongside the other royals. She also has a really great design, and she's fun to use in Heroes.