ITT:Buyer's Regret

ITT:Buyer's Regret

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Double suck, cause it came out for free a few years later.

Anyway, to win this thread

No Man's Sky

(thankfully, I didn't buy it)

>played it for free
>loved it
>sad it died

Unironically one of my favorite vidya games. I miss styling on monsters with a max jetpack Slim.

>to win this thread

Not so fast.



Goddamn it.

Ironic shitposting back at it again.

Never believe the hype.


The anti-buyers remorse.

No matter who the fuck you are, there's something in there to like.

>spore not buyers remorse

Are you out of your mind?

Yeah but the fact I paid $60 for a 2 hour game that I "like" is unacceptable.


Console cucks can leave.

Bought it day fucking 1 from a future shop after going to 4 different stores.
I have never felt more disappointed. 2 of my favorite franchises ruined outright.

the game that had me stop buying anything ubisoft

I got this game when it was free.

>That rhythm with Griffin
>Dome goes down
>Forward dash while reloading after the break
>Another harpoon
>Rinse and repeat
>Dome him literally as it comes off cooldown
>He just fucking quits
I feel like I got my money's worth for a multiplayer game if I put as much time into it as I would for a long open RPG. And boy did I play the fuck out of Evolve for the first few months it was out.

I paid full price.

2 weeks later it went on sale for 2.50 or some shit.

>Dino D-Day
>All Points Bulletin

First was an atrocious early-access scam that died, really died, within weeks of release

Second was a $60 MMO *with* subscription fee that was shut down a few days after release with no refunds


>full price.

At least you got solid 43 seconds of intense gameplay. Good for you!

Artstyle is fucking rad. Imagine normal game like that.

It wasn't even 60 bucks for consoles either. he's just lying

honestly despite being disappointing i still managed to get quite a lot of playtime from it, me my dad and my brother had fun seeing what weird creatures we could make.

>Can't find my ancient webm of my lvl 3 full HP Goliath chilling over a downed Daisy while all 4 hunters take potshots at me because they ALL have 2 strikes
Goddam if you were one of the assholes that liked to rub it in, Evolve was top tier.

It was one of those impulsive buys you get after browsing Sup Forums

there is a normal game like that, it's called quake.

devil daggers is fucking great. and i always dip back into it now and then to how if i can get a few more seconds on my score. plus seeing the replays of the guy who is the best and top of the leaderboard never gets old.

FFXV, I can't even force myself to finish that piece of shit


honestly it looked fucking shitty when the videos started coming out and from what i played of the demos the combat was fucking lame

sword of the stars 2 is a great lan game

the UI was made by a blind programmer who consorted with the forces of hell, and they still haven't fixed governments

that and the whole fleet mission thing is obtuse as fuck

>43 seconds

more like over 400

Im in the top 150

this game was LITERALLY A DRY RUN for developers to see how much microtransactions gamers are willing to put up with

I bought Evolve, No Mans Sky, and Dragon Age Inquisition. Thank fuck I am smarter now and didn't buy into Andromeda.

The ONLY thing I'll ever pre-order now is a new elder scrolls. That's it.

>bought evolve complete for $24 on PS4
>I had a good time and was not cheated

how fucking new are you

I think I know what you mean by dry run but can you elaborate on this.

>Thank fuck I am smarter now
>The ONLY thing I'll ever pre-order now is a new elder scrolls

You may be the slowest man I have ever encountered on the internet.

They couldn't possbily fuck up a new elder scrolls to the point I won't get my moneys worth. It's literally not even within the realm of a snowballs chance in the 7th layer or hell.

Nice try Todd, but nobodies gonna buy your game on release, not after FO4

the witcher 3

One of my problems with the game, aside from the balance issue after the first patch and the DLC, was the Wraith.
My absolute favorite monster to play. It was so fun to just hide and sneak around the map while four idiots wandered around aimlessly.

But I know it must not have been very fun for those guys. I always felt bad playing it.

Isn't that a different team though?

they do away with modding, reduce the number of voice actors, and revisit Skyrim

>elite dangerous
bought it before they backed out on their promise of DRM-free, offline singleplayer (and thanks to that modding) and started jewing everything from bobbleheads to shipskins. Fuck I'm still salty.

the game had massive amounts of microtransactions (I think the first game to go balls out) and I think 2K just wanted to see if it was going to be a thing that gamers would accept so they could release games chopped into pieces and have us pay full price for nothing and then release the rest as dlc

no evidence but it felt like it and a lot of people called them out on it even though all the review places gave the game almost perfect reviews. no one plays this shit on steam

same team lol

im gonna trade it in for bf4.

forgot image


Rainbow Six Siege the starter edition

For Honor.

>Buyer's Regret
I didn't even pay for the game and I still regret wasting time and bandwidth I spent playing it.

The game might not have died a second time if they had bothered to properly balance the game. All the tryhards who paid for the game before it went f2p and had hundreds of hours of playtime abused the broken balance. Effectively chasing off all the tender noobs as well as any hope of reviving their dead game.

Still tho, cant complain. As bad as the game was it did give us wraith, and all the porn that came with her.

>full price multiplayer only game
>single player is just bot games
>devs say there's a "campaign" which consists entirely of a cutscene that plays before each map, play the game in the official rotation on a server to watch all the cutscenes in order
>one of maps had a bug where you couldn't hear anything
>weapon balance was awful
>"class" balance was terrible, there was no reason to be the heavier classes when the lighter ones could use the best weapons anyway and be mobile
>all of the maps were designed with chokepoints and no way to get around the chokepoints no matter how much parkour you used so every fucking map was a 2fort style stalematefest

I haven't played BB but I can assure you that Battlebornfags got off lucky compared to getting Brinked

Obligatory post. This and TPS were the biggest wastes of money I have ever bought. Even worse is that I bought it from GMG, so I couldn't even get my shekels back

>$60 birthday present at launch
>48 minutes played as of 2017

Was just about to post this.

Fuck my coworker for hyping this shit up to massive levels. At least he somewhat redeemed himself when he hyped Dishonored. After that I stopped listening to him.
Seriously fuck Brink. Bought it at full price on launch.

Whoever gave you that birthday present is a questionable gamer

>friends hype this game up for months and convince me to buy it on release
>they didnt even get it themselves
im still mad

>friends hype up every fotm game that comes out and some
>for honor, r6s, division, swbf, titanfall2, bf1, ect
>constantly get harped at to buy (fotm game title her) and come play with them
>never EVER fucking listen to them
>because they have the attention span of goldfish and only play the game for a week and a half or so before going back to playing the same 3 fucking games they always play, lol, wow, and ow

Listening to friends is a mistake.

it's surprisingly repetitive in comparison to bf3 and bf4

Only game I ever preordered. I learned that day. I learned.

It was free on X1 in ultimate edition and I can't be bothered to play it. Apart from too dark environments I don't think they fucked up as much as the concept itself is a complete failure. It isn't fun, it has no depth, everything always play the same and it's just a fucking retarded mess of a confrontation. To think its budget could have been used on L4D 3.

Post more wraith.


Cube World.

Especially since I bought 2 copies. Never have fell for the Early Access/Beta/Alpha meme since.

>not universally accepted as one of the best deals in gaming, at least before the era of steep Christmas discounts.
>The Orange Box

Pick one.

I liked this game. Fuck trying to get the human champion armor though.

>Paying for tf2

>tfw just bought for honor to play with a friend
>literally all my other friends play is overwatch
Why even bother man

Played mkx for about 15 minutes and never touched that shit again

For me, games are always free :^)

i had my 100+ hours out of this game, but i still expected more
i mean, they could at least fix gamebreaking bugs and glitches that are STILL in the game after 2 months since release

I'm glad I got into the beta for this
Would have bought it otherwise


I bought this meme of a game hoping people will want to hang out at my place more to play vidya and have a beer or two

They're not touching that shit at all

Its already abandoned

i know
according to steamspy 300k out of 470k players dropped the game in the past 2 weeks.

imagine what the game could have been like with competent balancing, dedicated servers and no cash shop shit.

i don't care about cash shop, which obviously is stupid and inexcusable thing in B2P game
but their approach to supporting the game after release is just revolting.

its extreme lack of content, progression, balance and customization killed it

git gud and play to unlock stuff

but why? most of Sup Forums agree this game is shit

Same for me. Why isn't The Glitcher 3 posted more often here? It was just another overhyped piece of garbage.

>Uncharted 2 & 3
>Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
>Max Payne 3
>Assassin's Creed: Rogue
>Monster Hunter: Generations
>Nintendo Wii U


Dude, I used to invite friends over to my house, and just have them play through Journey while we talked and stuff. It was maximum comfy.

>and just have them play through Journey while we talked and stuff
>while we talked and stuff
There, you underpinned why it's a non-game.

The one and only

Why did it turn to shit so fucking hard?

>ass Creed Rogue
That was a great game though. I loved the icy atmosphere and the story was good.

It was way glitchier than Black Flag and the collision detection for climbing was worse too, plus the framerate had constant dips below 30. And the story was utter garbage - it couldn't get more cliché with its stereotypical characters and their ambitions.

I'm sorry user, but you can still make up for it by buying the operators you want with r6 credits (not all of them ofc)

>I bought Evolve, No Mans Sky, and Dragon Age Inquisition. Thank fuck I am smarter now and didn't buy into Andromeda.
user what the fuck

Yeah, it's a walking simulator for sure, but it still gave me some great memories.

> Max Payne 3

Nigga that was a fantastic game




As soon as I saw all the cash-shop bullshit, I knew this game wasn't for. In fact I learned my lesson from Ubisoft games after Siege.

I just can't justify getting games where characters are locked off unless you A. Pay money to Ubisoft. Or B. Grind for ridiculous amounts of hours.

The best thing to do is just wait out these games for like 3 or 4 months after release. Don't fall for the pre-order meme or Initial Sup Forums shillposting. A good game should never have such a slump in playerbase as for honor.

Go back to it user. They patched it to become playable and even gave the DLC away for free.

But that game was awesome


This honestly. The only game worth a fuck ended up being the 5-hour experience that was Portal.

Don't blame the game for your rigs fault.

Excellent bait my friend.

characters is not locked tho, you can play them
but you need to pay small amount of gold (1 day of dailies) to start farming cosmetic items