Will the game industry ever go back to the way things were before? I'm honestly sick of it.
Will the game industry ever go back to the way things were before? I'm honestly sick of it
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Maybe if we get a new war that resets the western culture and makes people come back to their senses with their feets on the ground.
Why should it?
because you don't share the same politics as the creative people behind these games? that's it isn't it? You can't stand liberals making video games or talking about video games.
Spoiler alert gaymergay: the gaming industry has ALWAYS been dominated by liberals. Going back to "the way thigns were before" wouldn't change anything since it's always been the same. You only hate liberals now because you following what some dumb internet crusaders and thought leaders and they're telling you what to think about the liberal presence in the media. Sheep.
she's cute
At least Japanese games are getting good again
Universities are liberal brainwashing facilities, to get into game development you need to goto university.
Huh, so the upcoming 2017 GOTY will be made by a punk grill? Nice to know, OP, thanks.
Ow, the autism.
>the gaming industry has ALWAYS been dominated by liberals
Yes, just plain old liberals, not virtue signaling SJW cucklords.
Carmack isn't a liberal you pleb
there's literally no difference between the two things you just listed
the only difference between now and back then is your awareness of them through dumb Sup Forumstards spamming twitter screencaps of liberal nobodies to make you feel angry towards them.
No where did I say that all game devs are liberals.
"Vision dev"
Aka "I do nothing"
>Why should it?
Because the games have taken a sharp drop in quality all around, game devs are hired because they have vaginas and dyed hair. That's literally the only criteria you need to fit to get hired by western game companies.
>there's literally no difference between the two things you just listed
SJWs are to liberals what the Westboro Baptist Church is to Christians.
She does a lot more than NEET virgins like you do.
I'm out of the loop here. What does pink hair girl have to do with making games not the same?
>there's literally no difference between the two things you just listed
are you 12
>everyone keeps wanting things to go "back to how it was" when it was actually shit back in the day
No op
this isn't the dark ages or the crusades. We ain't going back.
What are those anyway? Idea guys?
What's wrong with the OP picture? I don't see it, it's just a girl with dyed hair.
What a despicable and retarded thing to say.
Honestly the knee jerk reactions from Sup Forums rejects when liberal minded people are brought up are some of the most ignorant and misguided things ever to be said on any board. You're turning into a worse version of Sup Forums.
Nope, and this is exactly how they want it
This is a war that gamers lost, because they assumed it was just about them getting into games to make their own games that pander to their tastes, and thus assuming somehow they could come to a compromise. This was wrong. These people only got into games so they could destroy it from within. Much like real world radfem, it was never about being equal, it's always purely been motivated by spite. It's really the grown up equivalent of a kid trashing another kid's block castle because it looks nice. You can really see this in localization work, the dominating mentality there is totally 'getting to be the gatekeeper of content and remove things that people I hate like or that I find personally questionable with no regard to the feelings of our customers or the original creators'.
It's never going to be okay again, unless another world war happens and these idiots get drafted en masse and come back either in a casket, or with the stupid slapped out of them by reality.
can you please point to the SJW shit she added to the game?
oh right no she is just a normal person doing her job, no political messages in total war-hammer
>Watches the video.
>Girl is an animator.
>Just talking about making lizardmen more realistic through mocap.
>People talking about libtards and brainwashing just because a girl with pink hair is animating a lizardman.
Fuck off.
>no political messages in total war-hammer
So why are there no black people in Total Whitehammer, huh, you fucking nazi?
Why do you think he didn't post the video?
what does anything she says have to do with any of the dumb shit you wasted time typing?
when will we gas the Sup Forumscucks?
why do all female video game devs look the same?
dyed hair, edgy ironic t shirts, tats
the OP got triggered by seeing a female working in the video game and started a campaign to remove her to keep gaming "pure".
will be in the third game actually
why do all gamers look the same?
fat, neckbeard, messy hair, pale skin.
> she
It wasn't in response to the image, but the general sentiment of the post
You can't deny there's a sickness infesting modern gamedev. This lady might not be part of it, after all, as the video points out she's just an animator, but her mien is definitely what one pictures when someone envisions the kind of person that is shitting up gamedev with identity politics and other garbage.
Literally normal cutie in the same video.
You didn't answer the question.
because gaming is the go to hobby for social outcasts and autists
now your turn
because it's fashionable
sometimes people, especially women, like to follow trends.
Tthis isn't a fucking alien concept. This is a well known among normal, everyday human beings.
Anyone who's been outside in their life time would fucking know this.
Christ you people are severely autistic and need to be forcefully removed from your computers and banned from the internet.
maybe it's not the universities, but the people that take game development or gender studies courses
>Why isn't reality conforming to my needs
OP, are you twelve? If you don't like the game industry, don't support it. It doesn't need you.
>don't support it
>it doesn't need you
>dying your hair in rainbow color is fashionable
Not that guy, but it screams of attention whoring.
I'm afraid not user. It is a shame.
You're posting on the board where the average age is about 15 my man.
>Needs a world war
No, just bad business practices being punished.
>Because the games have taken a sharp drop in quality all around
But that's not true you idiot. Games are better than they've ever been, you're either too young or just don't remember the shit games from the 80s and 90s.
The problem is you. You got old. Games no longer make you happy. Either change a hobby or start playing different games.
>Not that guy, but it screams of attention whoring.
in your warped little chauvinistic mind maybe
maybe all women should just wear burqas and not speak about male dominated hobbies? would that appease you?
There's a reason we call colored hair "the whore flag"
>those drone replies in almost every thread
I'm starting to suspect these people are robots, nobodys that much of a sheeplet
>got old
dude he's probably twelve.
you literally don't have a single fact to back that up.
>this person has done literally nothing wrong but it reminds me of my insecurities so I'm gonna shitpost on Sup Forums
>ugly dyed hair and ironic Hot Topic t-shirts are fashionable
Lol looks like you're the one who needs to go outside m8, this shit is not fashionable or trendy at all. Only edgy hipsters wear that kind of garbage.
Pink hair is signalling to the world that you are an SJW. An SJW working on a Warhammer game is not a good idea because Warhammer is brutal and un-PC.
How about not making yourself look like a fucking clown, that would be enough.
It really doesn't. Games are bigger than they've ever been. The "tru gaymr" audience is an irrelevant minority.
>a girl who animates lizardmen for a living has sub-par fashion choices
>every girl dev looks the same
>it's not popular!
which is it
Detected the triggered SJW. This is not the website for you, maybe try Tumblr
As soon as you go back to tumblr,reddit or neogaf whatever shithole you came from.
If you're willing to judge a woman based on one picture of them and absolutely nothing else, are you willing to do the same for yourself?
Go ahead, put yourself under the same level of scrutiny
There's also a reason we call it danger hair. These women are venomous and should be avoided.
>Games are better than they've ever been
They all run like shit no matter what you run them on. They've all got clunky movement. They all have shit netcode. They all have bad mouse input. They all steal control from the player while an animation plays out, over and over. They're all third person shooters that are hailed as the second coming.
>Games are better than they've ever been
Stopped reading there nothing you have to say has any value.
This is the result of Sup Forums's popularity with the general net. Back when Sup Forums was thought as a giant Sup Forums and just a place for edgy faggots we didn't have to worry about being flooded by by anything other than GET and dubs threads
I'm so glad gaming has evolved and they're now catering to more progressive people (like myself) by removing white people and shoehorning more DIVERSE characters with dialogues about how trans people are super oppressed white people are like super uncool and stuff
you know?
fuck drumpf
nostalgiafags are the ultimate degeneracy
What about it?
Affirmative action positions: so everything checks out on the diversity audit
Funny thing is that women devs--people who wrote actual code--were common enough in the 80s. My mother studied computer science in university because at the time it was considered a more womanly field, like being a secretary on steroids. So it's not that women can't code. Something cultural shifted in the 90s and bullshit like this is the result.
>games are better than they've ever been
Stopped reading, post is instantly worthless fake news
not much expectation from britbong desu
>game dev
not an argument
just because you love playing TW3 and Dota 2 doesn't mean they're fantastic
Like I said, the problem is you. Stop playing games you don't like.
>They all run like shit no matter what you run them on
Buy new hardware.
>Back when Sup Forums was thought as a giant Sup Forums and just a place for edgy faggots
it still is, faggot
Liberal men color their hair blue and pink too.
God forbid developers write their ugly as fuck and not-at-all-groundbrekaing games in a performance-conscious way
It's the opposite for men. Dyed hair on a man signifies a weak spineless beta male who can just be dismissed out of hand.
take any series ever and compare a later entry with an earlier entry, post it in this thread. you'll be hard-pressed to find a single one where the later entry wasn't significantly worse gameplay wise (usually because more emphasis is placed on graphical fidelity)
>look at this ugly, pointless dungeon and how HE PLEY FAST, truly the game of the forever
being a quakefag in addition to being a nostalgiafag just seals your status as a decadent
She just has dyed hair my man.
There is no difference between you and an used condom, for caring about your opinion is not a thing.
>le supreme witcher player
You don't realize how shit the games truly were in the 90s you mouth breathing nostalgia losers.
Fcuk off, poorfag. Stick to cucksoles, if you cannot afford a high-end PC.
I don't hate nostalgiafags, but there is LITERALLY nothing worse than a quakefag. Quake was NEVER a good game, it just attracts hyper-autismos because of MUH FAST gameplay. Notice how FAST things like Quake and Sonic attract powerful autism.
Just buy new hardware. PCs are cheap as shit these days.
Do you miss censorship?
wtf i love getting 40 fps in an ugly shitty game on high-end hardware now
in fact i absolutely adore nonexistent prediction code
fuck i love new games
Can you call them men?
So it's straight up propaganda. You got triggered by a normal girl just talking about animating because she has dyed hair and now you have come back to your safe space to talk about the downfall of western vidya development completely unrelated to this dev or what she was actually talking about?
Gotcha snowflake.
If you are reading this, remember that every pissed off nerd above this post is angry because a girl with pink hair talked about animating a lizardman in a video for five seconds, and then feel lucky you aren't as autistic as them to get triggered so hard by a fucking girl.
There has yet to be made a game better than Ocarina of Time, this just isn't up for debate and anyone saying otherwise gets immediately dismissed for false opinions.