Nier is already 17% off two weeks after release

Nier is already 17% off two weeks after release

Literally an economic failure if I ever seen one

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope your mom dies soon :)

Really? Should I pick it up on PC? Heard it was optimized like shit.

>tfw enjoying the game with 2B ass
>suddenly now have to be grouped with some faggy shota that follows you everywhere

can... can I deselect this kid anywhere? I don't want him following toobie

Protip: The game is about the faggy shota

The game was on sale from day 1.

Bait thread, but it'll get people to buy the game, anyway.

Carry on.

>Nier is already 17% off
Fucking where, you faggot.

amazon nigger

crack when ;_;

Worth getting if I've only got an outdated 670?
Don't really want to update to a new card for one game or buy a PS4.

>ITT poorfags, thieves, and fat whiny PCbabbys

9S is /ourlad/ and if you don't like him you may as well stop playing
Nice meme OP, now fuck off.

Who auto-mode here?

Buy it for PS4.

WHERE DA FUQ IS THE CRACK??????????????????????????????

Runs just fine on my 760, if that tells you anything.

Then don't

Just ask mommy to buy the game for you. If you cry and scream enough she's bound to buy it for you.

Is there any incentive to 100%ing the fishing and enemy archives?

I reached 95% of the latter to complete the quest offered by that Scanner unit in the forest castle, but there's some fucking atrocious RNG spawns for the remaining 5% and I just want to finish the story and get ending E already.
I'm very tempted to just buy the fishing trophy as well.

Jokes on you, that ass belongs to the faggy shota

A2 is so badass!

It was 15% off since release.

2B belongs to 9S




respecting another's man right to his woman is not cuckoldry

>two weeks after release
It was released 23.02.2017, 'lead' platform release date was dead last.

Someone made a fix.
Chek the steam forums.
Apparently it now runs perfectly.


>I don't want my waifu for myself
>it's fine if another man has her
100% ultimate cuckoldry. Your Grandpa would be ashamed of you.

I bought all those Grindy cheevos except for the all weapons fully upgraded one cause you need it to fight super-Emil

>having a waifu

>waifufagging in a Taro game

What did A2 mean by this though?

>This kid's pretty cute when he isn't trying to kill me



>implying 9S isn't the player
>implying his reactions wouldn't be literally the same if some fucknut killed you're waifu

The only achievement that needs grinding is the pods, and that's literally a "fuck yourself, completionists" achievement.

>check steam
>not true

Really? I got enough materials to fully upgrade everything just from finishing all sidequests

>I got 20 pure waters doing sidequests.
Okay faggot.

2B's memories too strong

Sorry piratefag, Andromeda used v2, which was busted wide open a year ago

Nier uses v4, which might as well be an entirely new protection scheme. Scene groups already said 'don't hold your breath' in regards to it.

Have fun with the wait.

I've been getting my ass kicked on hard mode so far, a lot of enemies can 1-shot me

Any tips? I don't know anything about this game other than what's really obvious

>Literally an economic failure if I ever seen one
Were you born stupid or dropped on your head as a child

Depends on your PC and what res you play
For the most part there's no problem if you play 1080p and have a decent PC

You get 5 from Devola's sidequest. Also I was gathering every material I ran past. Sorry for your bad luck m8

I can't remember exact details, but can't you buy just about every rare material from Emil's shop on Resistance camp route?

define decent.

CPY has said they're waiting for Squeenix to patch the issues in the game before they give it free publicity. Same reason why they didn't release the Dishonored 2 crack - the PC port just sucks, and they didn't want to help the sales.

Do you need to have played the first nier or not

You need to have played the first Nier and Drakengard (1 and 3 preferably, 2 is optional but helps) to understand the story at all.

some things will ring familiar if you play NieR first but it's not necessary.

I really, REALLY like that image

>I got enough materials to fully upgrade everything just from finishing all sidequests
>B-but I had to gather some too

Youre a moron

what you can't buy from emils or the camp you can buy from the shop robot in the carnival and from post-memory erasure pascal on route c/d

Not Small Gadgets and not Pure Waters. And you need 20 of each.
You get some from sidequests yes, but you'll probably need to grind a few out unless you were lucky (I thankfully only needed 2 of each- gears can be farmed by moving to the City Ruins:Near Factory point, running into the parking complex, climbing three flights of stairs and hugging the left wall with the auto-pickup chip equipped; waters can be farmed by just running through the first part of the flooded city, though no further than where the road breaks)

Get some defense chips so you can survive one hit, and/or get good.

idk senpai, shoestring 2 million dollar budget and made 60 million.

seems like an economic success considering PC version got like no marketing.


all that is just background lore. the story is perfectly understandable on it's own. the rest of that shit just explains the setting.


$50 for a AAA game is not exactly bargain bin, user

its not even an AAA game, SE is just milking the interest because all AAA games are shit these days and got overshadowed by a tiny AA title

Are you shitting on 9S you faggot?

>Adam and Eve will never take turns being dominance-humped by 9S

>get 1-shot by instantaneous attack from random mob
>git gud

Just play on Normal.
I couldn't hack it on Hard either. Maybe consider changing it to Hard at Route C when they do away with the retarded "pick up your corpse" mechanic.

>be shit at dodging
>blame the game for it

You just chip for defense and high hp.
Or yeah, git gud, there are no real instant attacks aside from blindly charging into energyball-shooters from the front, and the dodge is extremely generous.


see ya next year pirate when everyones already done with the game

>dodge successfully 375 times in a row
>get hit from off screen by a pathetic slap from some fodder enemy
>spend 10 minutes running to retrieve your corpse

>play on a difficulty you can't handle

Why are you retarded?

Well, i don't get it:
The Yorha units or other players i find on the battlefield wich i can revive or loot...the items i get from them don't show up in the inventory past the process.
For exsmple: Text says i got a attack chip +4 but i'm not able to find it in the skills menu..
What am i getting wrong?

Read the tutorials, brainlet
Do you really think the game would give you an endless supply of chips so early?

I can handle it I'm just saying it has been obnoxious so far and was wondering if there was some key mechanic I'm missing.

Spouting "git gud" tells no one anything. Obviously I'm trying to get hit less often, thanks for the heads up.

You don't get items, you get temporary buffs., next time bother to read the 3 sentences of tutorial.

Well yes there is as many people have already pointed out, you can use your chips to be able to take more than 1 hit.

Why ask a question if you just want to keep on complaining like a bitch?

Medium sized spear bros will one shot you from a mile away until you learn the timing but other than that it's pretty fair. Although a few times an enemy was winding up facing 9S just to suddenly pivot at the last second and one punch man me. Bullshit.

I5 from the last decade

8gb ram

760/270x or better is fine for 1080p

Yeah its not like you can raise your hp by a shitton and also reduce incoming damage.

notice that I didn't respond to any legitimate advice about chips, just mocked when people wrote "git gud"

It's not complaining to let somebody know they're retarded.

that's way better advice than git gud, good job user.

not replying to help but continually whining because someone said git gud (part of which is learning the game you are playing) is absolutely and totally complaining

git gud

Guys why is 9S so cute?

nice meme dude

I googled it instead and found out about fusing chips, looks like this is what I was missing.


Very cute.

No shit, I played the entire game on hard and it gets easier and easier as you acquire said chips. If you're paying attention and doing the sidequests you should be steamrolling everything by the second playthrough. That whiner just sucks at action games.

toobie and nines a best

figma /when/

>i had to google a very obvious part of the game system that is clearly explained in-game

Thanks for confirming what a gigantic joke you are.
git gud has never had a more apt use
do you skip cutscenes as well as tutorials?

He looks exactly like my little brother. I fucking hate him and I am mad he is the real MC and not 2b.

He just is.

I'm only a few hours in, I haven't started to "steamroll with chips" yet. I didn't even know how chips worked until just now.

I'm not gonna sit here and brag about pure platting both bayo games and MGR on revengance, but that's exactly what I'm gonna do cuz I just did. I don't suck at action games, it was an honest question.

Why is he doing here?

cause he's /ourboy/

well you shouldn't because nobody would believe you

the main quest literally leads you to the npc in the first hour of the game, maybe Easy is more your style.

why does 2B have memories of killing 9S when the entire YoRHa program starts over regularly?