Sup Forums says turn based games are a thing of the past and every new game should be action-based, even RPGs

Sup Forums says turn based games are a thing of the past and every new game should be action-based, even RPGs.
Could it be more wrong?
It's like saying chess is outdated and they should now play it by throwing the pieces at one another.

I think FF7 should have been turn based. I know it's a remake, but you shouldn't change genere when remaking a game. It's not faithful to its source material anymore.

What do you think.

>Sup Forums is one person

Turn based games are good when you can't put your entire attention to the game. But if you actually wanna play a video game, action based combat is better. Turn based combat should be exclusive thing to portable consoles.

Turn based is not a thing of the past but it's not a style that is going to have broad appeal and so I'm not particularly shocked when a mainstream big budget title that needs enormous sales numbers to recoup it's costs doesn't have turn based gameplay and I'm not particularly bitter about it either. It's a bit bratty to whinge about how the rest of the world doesn't like what you like.

I hope youre not implying that OP sounded bitter/whiny

of course
of course not

Complaining about big budget games not catering to niche audiences is whining. It's an utterly unrealistic expectation.

Both are good for their own reasons.

Remaking a turn based game as an action game means it's being made for people who didn't play the original and are just meeming when they say "FF7 IS TEH GREETEST"

I've never really liked turn based games.
Literally the ONLY ones I've ever liked are the pokemon games, not sure why.

I just wanna fight, if I gotta have teammates I don't wanna baby sit them either. I just wanna play my own person, not myself and a whole squad.

I agree. Final Fantasy XV is shit, it would have benefited from classic turn-based combat. FFX-2 and FFXIII had modern takes on turn-based combat that still would have worked in XV.

FFVII will probably have shit combat just like XV.

I played FFVII from start to finish 26 times. I'm glad they're changing a lot of things.

My nostalgia is for those characters and that world. I have also long dreamed of seeing that game rebuilt with great graphics. I like real-time combat system in JRPGs.

No part of this is a bad deal for me, because I'll always have the option of ignoring it.

Because only certain games have good turn based combat

The story and characters were still garbage though and would have been shitted on just like FF13

what about a hybrid of turn based and realtime action?

>Sup Forums says
Fuck off

You called?

The problem with action-based rpgs is that you can't control all your party members at the same time and i see no point in making a game with party members where the AI will play for you.

i like how tales handles it, can make the AI do specific shit or switch between anyone in battle

I don't want it to be action based because I know they're going to gimp everything. Want to beat end-game bosses in one shot by exploiting materia or summons? Fuck you, play it our way. Want to summon Bahamut to take out some low level scrub just because you think it'd be funny? Nope, you're only allowed to summon him once in the entire game. Want magic to not be completely useless? Hahahahaha!

>Sup Forums says turn based games are a thing of the past
only casuals say this

Your arguments are weak and shilly.

And turn based games never left us. It's just not mainstream

>Sup Forums is one person

This is just monotony. The battle system much like the setting will be forever frozen in time doing the same things.

I WANT it to be action based because those things are a lot more common in action RPGs.

Fuck off nostalgiafags

Turn-based games may be good or bad.
Real-time games also may be good or bad.
Play whatever you want and find more appealing. Why do you care what other people say?

>Turn base
>Can't move
>Select an action from a menu
>No skill required since it's all stats
>Grind when you can't beat a monster which is already a pre-determined stat based system

This is one of the reasons I'm not getting the remake. I can't stand this actiony shit in my Final Fantasy, and why I stopped after 10. I'm an oldfag though and back in my day yada yada blah blah... I need to take a nap. Get the fuck off my lawn.